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"Ok guys, she's coming in a minute!"

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"Ok guys, she's coming in a minute!"

Tae-hyung saw his friends getting excited when gargi ended her call with tira and said that she's coming in a minute.

From past one hour , tae-hyung is just judging his friends for their excitement While sitting on the couch and supporting his head with his palms.

Well if you guys are wondering about what is happening , then it is that Jimin suggested to do a sleepover in the girlz's apartment on Saturday, which is today . With the hope of , this will help to make their friendship better if they spend time together like this.

So from the past hour, they all are busy preparing for the night while tae-hyung is looking at them in boredom. Well yes he want to apologise tira for that glue incident , but according to him this sleepover idea is trash .

He suggested to them that they should throw a trip to Maldives or last Vegas to girlz instead of this stupid sleepover thingy . they can also use his private jet if they are so desperate to stick together and talk to each other to build a good friendship among them. He was positive that by this tira will definitely become their friends. I mean who don't like this much luxuries. Tae-hyung thought. But the moment he remembered jimin's long ass speech on these girlz being different from those annoying bitches , he rolled his eyes. But deep down he too believe that tira is different.


The door bell rang , indicating that their wait is over. "guys ready?" Gargi chirped. Jimin swiftly bounced towards tae-hyung and sat beside him. Jung kook in a panic look here and there ,  before plopping his ass on one out of two ottoman kept adjacent to the couch . While Tae-hyung just sat properly on his place .

When everyone nodded their heads , gargi took a deep breath in and walked towards the door . She Opened the door and smiled happily towards the girl standing in front of her . But when she noticed tira's Condition , she scrunched her eyebrows worriedly.

"What happened tira!?"

Gargi's sudden exclamation settled an unknown feeling on tae-hyung's gut. What happened? He thought.

"Nothing just .... Cold!"

Tira said and cleared her throat , not wanting to utter a single word because the girl in front of her can surely guess whether the tira is lying or not. So Before gargi could say anything further and question her condition , tira entered the apartment huridly , only to get frozen on her spot looking at the three humans infront of her .

Jimin smiled sheepishly, jung kook is waving his hand awkwardly while tae-hyung is just staring at tira blankly yet intensily. Well it is kinda funny but right now , remembering how tira showed yeri her place the other day , Jimin and jung kook are feeling scared from her at this moment.

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