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"Someone is late

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"Someone is late ...."

Tira said closing the book and keeping it on the side table of her bed. Jimin entered her room with a small box in his hand and started walking towards her.

"I just now , spent my whole 15 minutes searching for my phone in the car .."

The reason behind Jimin being late amazed tira , and looking at the small creases on his forehead is the evidence of him getting really pissed about it. "Did you find it?" So she ended up asking this question.

Jimin stamped his feet while walking and plopped his ass on gargi's bed beside tira's before sighing loudly "I used it as flashlight" the disappointed and 'being totally done with himself' look on jimin's face made tira to Snicker.

"What's funny?" Jimin rolled his eyes on her , before passing her the small box he bought. As soon as tira got the box in her hand , she opened it quickly and inhaled the mouthwatering smell of whatever was inside. "My favourite blueberry mochi.." tira said and fake cried , when the smell of her favourite sweet entered her nostrils.

Jimin scoffed "look how this girl is being all innocent , Like she didn't threaten me to bring her favourite sweet a while ago ..." after his little complaint , Jimin rolled his eyes when tira started chewing her 'love of her life' according to her.

Well what is happening? You guys might think. Then lemme tell you .

Due to the little incident that happened with tira a week ago, the doctor told her for total bed rest for a couple of weeks. He added with a Serious Tone that someone has to be with tira all the time , as her body is still weak and due to the deep wound on her head , she might feel heavily dizzy at times.

Also , joining high school literally in the middle of the year , three of the girls have to catch up with tons of things. So no way gargi and ivy can skip school for more than one or two times. That's why everyone decided to take care of tira each day - excluding tae-hyung who said no way he can babysit a grown ass girl - that way everyone has to just skip the school a couple of times. And Sunday and Saturday anyone can help tira , as they have off these days.

And talking about right now , it is Saturday today. So each one of them joined tira for a couple of hours . Ivy Being in her part time job right now and gargi being busy with her boxing classes, Jimin decided to accompany tira .

"Ivy will kill me if she finds out about me giving you mochi instead of some actually healthy food." Jimin sighs "but who'll tell her about her friend going berserk because of her sweet tooth..."

"Who's gonna tell her?? Not me though.." tira said and gulped down the last bite of her blueberry mochi "and i guess you don't wanna die this earlier from the hands of mama ivy soo..." Jimin got the flashback of ivy being like strict asian moms from the kdrama. Which made him gulp "... So get rid of this box as soon as you can " tira said , throwing the box on jimin's face .

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