Welcome to Nevermore

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"It's going to okay" My aunt Freya says to me as I stood in front of the school

"I don't see how" I muttered under my breath and walked right in with my aunt by myside

We followed our guide to the principal office but let me catch you up to speed on why I'm here. I'm Ariella Mikaelson and I'm one of the Original Tribrid, my older sister Hope being the other one. My parents died a little over a year ago and my aunt Freya got custody and she believes that spending here to Nevermore will keep me safe instead of going to the Salvatore Boarding School with my sister. As we walked through the office I see a lady with white hair sitting at her desk with a smile.

"Ah, Miss Mikaelson, it is so nice to finally meet you." She says standing up to shake mine and Freya's hand "I'm principal Weems also known as the Headmistress" We shook her hand and gave a smile well mine was fake. "I have heard so much about you from your father and I'm so sorry to hear of his passing." She says which made me lost eye contact with her "Let's get started. I have seen your file and your aunt has told me everything and we can meet you with your standards. You will have your own room and you'll be going as Marshell instead of Mikaelson. Every morning you will come here to get a blood bag as requested. The only question I ask is what breed you would like to go as. Your vampire, werewolf, or witch?"

"We have talked about it and it would be better if she just showed her witch side for now" Freya told her

"Excellence. You will be the first witch in 70 years to start Nevermore and don't worry you are not going to be the only new girl. Now, that we have all of this sorted, let me show you to your dorm and then Eind Sinclair will give you a tour of the school" She said standing up as we made our way to the dormitory.  After a 10 minute walk and a few stairs we made it to my room and it was the same size as mine back home.

"I will leave you to unpack and Enid will be here in an hour to show you around and to pick up your uniform and schedule. Your classes start tomorrow" She said and left me and my aunt alone

"I still don't understand why I need to be here. It's just like Hope's school, so why can't I go there and be with her?" I asked my aunt as I set my bag on the bed

"Ari, I'm doing this for you. Your father wanted you to go here and I'm doing as he wishes. But I'll make a deal with you, family day is in a few months and I'll be coming along with your uncle Kol and if you still don't like it here then I will personally pack your things and take you to Mystic Falls. Deal?" She asked me

"Deal" I say running over to her to give her a hug "Thank you aunt Freya"

"You're welcome my love" She says "Now, I will leave you now and I have a few things to talk about with Weems. Another thing you will have your car here but you can only use it on the weekends and Weems has the keys" She said and kissed my forehead and left. I started to unpack my clothes and set up my room, putting everything into place. As I was finishing up there was a knock on my door, I opened it to see a blonde girl with pink and blue stripes in her hair and the other one looked like she was half dead and half alive.

"Hiiii, I'm Enid and this is my roommate Wednesday and I'm here to show you both around. Are you ready to go?" She asked me with a huge smile on her face

"Yeah, I am" I say closing the door behind me as Enid started to give us a history lesson on Nevermore. We past a few students from here and there. Some stared and some just glared but I just glared back which made them jump, my guess is that they were shocked that I stood my grounds.

"Welcome to the quad" Enid announce showing us a bunch of students just talking and sitting around

"It's a pentagon" Wednesday said making me and Enid give her a weird look

"Weird thing to say but okay" I muttered under my breath but I think Enid heard me because she nodded her head at me like she was agreeing

"Okay, the whole snarky goth girl thing might have worked at normie school, but here things are different. Let me give you both an overview on Nevermore's social scene" Enid said as we started walking around the quad, with me and Wednesday on both of her sides "There are many different types of flavors of outcasts here but there are four main clicks. Those are the fangs which are the vampires and some have been here for literally centuries, then we have the furs which are werewolves that's my group, over there you have the stoners those are the gorgon and then finally you the scales- Enid was saying but Wednesday cut her off

"I'm assuming scales are the sirens" She said. I guess Weems was right about the whole witch thing

"You catch on quick. That right there is Bianca Barclay is the closest thing Nevermore has to royalty" Enid said 'Bianca is now the second thing to royalty, now that I'm here' I thought to myself

'He's here' I heard a voice say behind me. I turned around to see no one 'He's here' I heard the voice say again. Since my parents death I have been having these dreams of this guy and I can never seem to get him out of my mind. Last time I had the dream a voice said 'I would be seeing him soon'

I heard the voice once more but this time it said 'Look up' when I did look up my eyes caught the eyes of hazel ones. He was looking right at me. It was him, he's here.

"Who's that?" I asked Enid, pointing right over at him

"That is Ajax. He's a gorgon and my best friend. He can be clueless sometimes but he's a sweetheart." Enid explain and the whole time, him and I held eye contact never breaking it. He sent me a wink and he was biting his lip and I will not lie that made a me a little wet down there. That's when he stood up and made is way over to us.

"Yo Enid! You're not gonna believe the dirt I heard about your new roommate and Nevermore's new mystery girl" A male voice said and that's when Enid hid me and Wednesday behind her back.

"Apparently she eats human flesh, totally chowed down on that kid she murdered, and the other girl there is nothing about her at all. The only thing I could get was that she is from New Orlean's, no one even knows her name." The boy said which made Enid say his name and step to the side showing me and Wednesday

I step up to him and put out my hand for him to shake "Hi, I'm Ariella Marshell and I'm a witch and you are right on where I'm from. Spread the word" I say looking him up and down

"I'm Ajax Petropolus. It's so nice to finally meet you" He says taking my hand but instead of shaking it, he kisses while keeping eye contact. Butterflies coming into my stomach and I believe I'm blushing. Wait... Finally? He said finally?

"Finally?" I questioned him

"Oh I meant... you see what I meant by that is that.....umm...." He said blanking out and I could hear his heartbeat picking up

"What Ajax means is that for the past 2 days almost 3. There has been word about you and Wednesday and everyone has been waiting for your arrival" Enid said

"Oh, that makes sense" I say not believing her words "Well, thank you for the tour Enid and it was nice to meet you Wednesday and Ajax but I must be off now. So, I'll see you three tomorrow in class" I say walking off.

"Is that her?" I heard Enid say

"Yeah, that's her. And I can wait to call her mine" Ajax said

'He knows me? Does he have the dreams too?" I thought to myself has I make my way back to my room

Word Count 1,550 

Note: I have been working on this for close to a month and I just could not hold it in any longer. Updates might be slow because I do have other works in the making has well. I hope you enjoy and if you have not see Wednesday than what are you doing, go and watch it. It's amazing and the guys are hot. I will also be making a Xavier story to it will be the same as this one but a little different from time to time.

My Witch- Ajax PetropolusWhere stories live. Discover now