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Because of the Poe Cup classes were dismissed for the whole day. On the way to my dorm room, Ajax grab my hand and held it all the way there. For the past two hours I have been telling him about my artwork and how my father and I would draw together as much as we could.

"Sit still" I say as I sketched him

"I'm sorry. You know I have seen this in movies, and it looks so easy" he said 

"And they also don't talk" I teased raising my eyebrow at him 

"Sorry" he said trying not to laugh which only made me laugh. After another 20 minutes goes by, I was finished. I signed it and dated it.

"I love it. You are truly amazing" he tells me 

"Now, can we please talk about what you wanted to last night?" I ask "You can't say no because of our little bet"

"I feel like if I tell you, you're going to think I'm crazy. And not talk to me ever again" he said taking both of my hands in his 

"On my first day here when I left you, Enid, Wednesday at the quad after meeting you. I heard Enid ask you if that was me from your dreams and you said yes, and I can't wait to call her mine." I tell him 

"You heard that?" he asked and I could tell he was shocked 

"I did. I was waiting for you to come and talk to me about it but you never did and I didn't to come up to you one day and say hey I heard you say this because at that moment you didn't know what I was." I tell him "Why did you think that I would have thought you were crazy?" 

"Because for the past two years I have been seeing you. I didn't know you not even your name but each dream there you were smiling and telling me your favorite things in the world and all I felt was love coming from you. I fell in love with you and I kept thinking to myself that I'm crazy. I'm in love with a girl that doesn't exist but when I saw you that day in the quad. I just couldn't believe it, when you made eye contact with me, everything finally made sense, that everything was right." He tells me. He loves? Love? He loves me back? "Your not saying anything which you do think I'm crazy. So, I'm going to go now" I grab his wrist and pulled him back 

"Did you ever stop and think that you weren't the only one?" I asked 

"Wait,..... you telling me-"he began to say but I cut him off

"When my parents died I started having these dreams at first all I could hear was a voice then after a month I finally started to see a face. Your face to be exact. I thought the same thing as you did, that you didn't exist, that I was just making you up in my head. I just lost my parents and now I was seeing this guy that I have never met. I didn't think I was going crazy because crazier shit has happen to me and just my life in general is crazy. But like you when I saw you in the quad, everything felt like it was going into place, that everything was going to alright. It was funny to me because how you were in my dreams, is how you are in real life and that just made me fall in love with you more" I tell. I wasn't going to hold back anymore "I was kind of scared to tell you because if I did then I would have to tell you who I was and what I am. I was scared that you would be afraid of me but that night I showed my true self and you weren't even scared"

He step closer to me and took his hands out of mine "How could I be scared of someone who I am completely in love with. I finally have you here in my life and your real, there's nothing you can say or do that would make me scared of you. Hell, you could kill someone in front of me and still wouldn't be scared" He said 

"I'm glad to hear you say that and I would never kill someone in front of you at least" I say which made him chuckle "Now, that we know the truth and most important how we feel about one another. What should we do now?" I asked him 

"Right now, I really want to kiss you" he said stepping closer and I could his breath on my lips 

"What's stopping you?" I asked 

"Absolutely nothing" he said. That's when it happened, he kissed me. The kiss was soft and gentle but I could tell he was holding back. I grab the back of his neck pulling him in deeper, his arms were already wrapped around my waist, he pulled me closer as close as we could get. His tongue licked my lip, his way of asking but I wasn't going to given in that easily. I felt one of his hands slide down my waist as he grab my ass, making me gasp giving him the change to slide his tongue in my mouth. He tasted like popcorn and I wanted more, I couldn't get enough of him and it's only our first kiss. 

"I don't think you will ever understand how much I really wanted that" he said as he pulled away 

"I think I have some idea" I say pulling him back in for another kiss. This kiss wasn't as gently but I didn't care, I needed him. As he bit my lower lip, he backed me up against the way and pinned me there, kissing me to my jaw, down my neck. I bit my lip trying to hold back a moan but it slips through my lips. I swear I felt him smirk against my skin. He pulled his face away from my neck, looking me right in my eyes. The only thing you could hear in the room was how fast both of were breathing.

"I think I just found my new favorite sound" he said pulling me back in for another kiss 


Hey guys, so tomorrow I won't be posting. The reason being is because tomorrow I'm going for my license and I'm practicing more tonight and a little bit tomorrow before the big test. I wanted to give you guys an extra chapter today for this reason. I hope you enjoy it and wish me luck tomorrow! 

My Witch- Ajax PetropolusWhere stories live. Discover now