The Interview

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As I left my history class, Enid ran down the hall shouting my name

"Hey Ariella" she says as she caught up to me 

"Hey Enid, what can I do you for today?" I asked her 

"As you know I have a blog. I was wondering if I could do an interview with you?" she asked me with a bright smile 

"um..." I began to say not sure if I want to but she cut my thoughts off 

"Oh please. Pretty please. It will only take 30 minutes or less. It's only a few questions is all. People at Nevermore wants to get to know the Ariella Marshell" she says

"Alright, fine. When would you like to do this?" I asked 

"We could do it now seen there is a little break, if that works for you" she said pulling out a notepad and pen

"Yeah, that works" I say

"Great. Everyone knows your from New Orleans and that you are a witch. The first ever in 60 years. So, what is it like growing up there?" She asked 

"I actually grew up there and in Virginia, Mystic Falls. That's where I went to school much like this one." I say 

"What was the name of the school?" she asked 

"The Salvatore Bording School" I tell her 

"How come your here and not there if you grew up in that school?" She asked me 

"My father wanted me to come here and in New Orleans it was loud and crazy are the two words coming to mind, growing up there" I say and she gave a simple nod 

"I can see that with the music and the party's and all. Next question, any siblings?" 

"I have an older sister name Hope" I tell her. I miss her like crazy, I should call her later tonight "And I have a 6 month old cousin name Nik"

"Any aunts or uncles?"

"I have two aunts. I have three uncles but two of them are dead. I have another uncle and two other aunts that married into the family"

"Oh, I'm sorry for your loss. What about your parents?" She asked 

"Both of them died last year. It was one of my father's wishes for me to come to school here. My aunt Freya has had custody ever since" I say and I could feel my eyes starting to water remembering my father and my mother. It is true I was closer to my father just like Hope was closer to our mother.

"Oh, Ariella, I'm so so sorry. I can't image the pain you went through. We can stop the interview if you want" She says about to close her notepad but I stop her

"No, it's alright. We can continue" I say wiping a tear away 

"What do you do for fun?" 

"I play the piano, sing, paint and just drawing. That's about it" I tell her 

"So, your an artist?" She asked 

"Um... yeah. My father was really into art. It was his passion, it became mine too. I guess you could say it's in my blood" I told her smiling at the memory of when I was 6 and Hope being 9. We were painting with my father for the first time I had ever seen him before that I remember.

"Okay, last question for now. What is your all time favorite subject in school?" 

"That would be history" I say 

"Great, thank you so much for your time. I'll see you tomorrow and I can't wait for the festival tomorrow night, it's going to be so much fun." She says jumping up and down then starts to walk away waving at me bye. She kind of reminds me of Joise a little. If they ever met they would get along. The day continue on with class after class, few hours later I was finally in my room. I pull out my phone and made my call, after a few rings, she finally answered the phone.

"Hey, little sis. How was your first day?" She asked 

"It was definitely interesting to say the least" I tell her 

"Why? What happened?" She asked and I could hear a little worry but some excitement in her voice 

That's when I told her from detail to detail about today. She was shocked by this and it finally made sense to her why aunt Freya kept pushing me to come here to Nevermore. Dad basically made this school but only the Nighshades knew. I told her all about that and reinsured her that I would tell her what I find tonight and with that we ended the call.

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