Poe Cup

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As I woke up I saw that I had two messages from Ajax and Enid. Her telling me that she is outside and for me to meet her there. Ajax telling me that he couldn't wait to see me and telling me good luck for the race. After I freshen up for the day, I made my way outside. I saw Enid and the rest of the team and once Enid saw me; she rushes right over.

"There you are. Here is your costume and you can go change in the tent. Wednesday is on her way now." Enid said handing it over to me and pushing me inside the tent. It's a lot bigger on the inside was my first thought. After I changed, Enid started to paint whiskers on my face after she finished that's when Wednesday came out with her costume but no whiskers.

"OMG, you look purr-fect!" Enid said showing her claws "Only thing, where are your whiskers?"

"Ask again, and you'll be down to eight lives" Wednesday said

"Okay, calm down. Look the race is about to start so lets get to our canoe" I say as we got ready. I looked to my left just to see Ajax looking at me. He sent me a wink and I sent him a small smile and it looks like I'm not the only one in love. Seeing Enid making heart eyes at Wednesday but I don't think she notice Enid doing that.

"Both of you focus" Wednesday tells us

"What do we have here? Two runts of the litter" Bianca said on our right

"For the record, we don't believe we are better than everyone else" Wednesday says

"Just that we're better then you" I say finishing off her sentence. Bianca faces drops when we tell her this making her realizes that we heard her. She was going to say something but she closed her mouth and rolled her eyes and faced forward. I looked to my left again to see Ajax still looking at me, giving me a simile at what he just saw well heard. 'You are amazing' He mouth to me. 'I know' I mouth back to him

"I want to welcome you all to the Edgar Allan Poe Cup. This is one of Nevermore's proudest annual traditions. Dating back 125 years. Each team must row across to Raven Island, pull a flag from Crackstone's Crypt, and hustle back without sinking or being sunk. First team to cross the finish line with their flag wins the cup and bragging rights for a year, as well as some special privileges. Let the Poe Cup begin!" Weems says in the microphone and then she raise the gun into the air as she fired it, we were off.

"Oh, excuse us" I heard Ajax say as he bumped our canoe. I just laughed and shook my head and that's when I heard a splash, I look around to see nothing.

"Ariella, do you know any spells that could help us?" Wednesday asked

"I know a few that can be used" I say

"Good, when we give you the signal we need you to use one" Enid said

"You got it!" I say after I say that another team gets close to us and releases an axe making all of us duck. Than out of nowhere their canoe started to get pushed to the dinghy as they started to sink. As we kept rowing, Wednesday stop pulling out telescope looking out into the water.

"What do you see?" I asked

"A serin in the water" She says. So, that's how she wins

"Thing" I heard Wednesday say. As Thing pulled a little lever. After that me made it to the island but Ajax group beat us to it but we beat Bianca to it so far that's a win in my book.

"You two stay here and make sure Bianca can't sabotage our boat." Wednesday said to me and Enid as she took off.

"I'm going to go take care of the rest of the jokers and when I do I need you to do something to their boat." I say to Enid.

"Hey, boys" I say getting their attention. I touched both of their hands and muttered a few words. As Enid used her claws and but a hole in their boat.

"What did you do to them?" Enid asked as she made it back to the boat, looking at the guys as they danced around

"Just a little simple spell. They believe their ballerinas right now" I say and once I do that's when Bianca and her team show up. "Where the hell is Wednesday" as Divina and Bianca make a run. I got out the of the boat telling Enid to stay here. As I was out of site, I used my speed to see Wednesday on the floor and Bianca and Divina grabbing their flag

"Taking a cat nap" Bianca said. Both of them stop in their tracks once they saw me.

"Motus" I say throwing them in the air. They landed harshly on the ground, by the time they started groaning I grab Wednesday and used by speed to get us back to the canoe and once I got there, Ajax team got into their boat and were off. As we started rowing we passed them as they started to sink.

"LATER BOYS!" I yelled passing them.

"ARIELLA!" I heard Ajax yelled but that just made all of us girls laugh. Before we knew it Bianca team were next to us. Fuck their fast! Wednesday released another trick of hers, making metal arrows stick out on the side of our canoe, we started rowing closer to Bianca's canoe ready to sink her but that's when something pushed us away, just seeing her smirk made my blood boil. I saw Thing jump out and into the water and that's when the pushing of our canoe stop, putting us back on track. As we reached Bianca's canoe I saw her start to panic. We got her and rowed back to shore, running with the flag.

"Girls we did it. This is the greatest moment of my entire life." Enid said to us then she turned to Wednesday "Admit it, you kinda got into the whole school spirit thing."

Wednesday looked back at Bianca and her team as they pulled themselves up onto the dock "You didn't tell me it was a dark, vengeful spirit." Wednesday says. We were now changed back into our uniforms and were on stage with Weems as she gave her speech.

"The first Poe Cup took place in 1897 as a way to not only honor Nevermore's most famous alumni, but to celebrate those values that all outcasts share. Community, perseverance, and determination. And we certainly saw those values on display today." She said and then picked up the big sliver trophy and handed it over to Enid, who yelled 'Whoo!' making the crowd cheer.

"Congratulations to Ophelia Hall!" Weems tells us. After much more cheers I got down off the stage and made my way to Ajax. He pulled me in for a hug lifting me off the ground.

"Congratulations!" He said as he set me down

"I told you I would win" I say resting my hands on his chest as he rested his on my waist

"Yes you did and it seems that you have also won our bet" He said

"It appears I have. And what I want right now is to spend time with you and have that talk that you wanted" I tell him

"I can definitely make that happen" He said kissing my forehead.

"I can definitely make that happen" He said kissing my forehead

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