Goodbye Wednesday Addams

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Next thing I knew cops were surrounding the school and head straight for Xavier shed as Weems gave them directions to it. As Tyler came out with his father he whispered something in his ear and walked over to Xavier.

"Xavier Thronpe, you are under arrest for the murders-" at this point I was listening. I could see Weems following them yelling with Ajax following right behind at the sheriff my guess was to let Xavier go.

"He's not the Hyde. Tyler is." I tell the others

"You think the sheriff knows the truth about his son?" Kent asked

"He has to. There is no way he doesn't, not at this point." I say and before anyone could say anything else. Ajax comes running back over telling us that they are taking Wednesday to the station as well but Weems is going with them and as for Xavier, they are keeping him for booking.

"Now what?" Yoko asked

"There's nothing we really can't do but wait until Weems and Wednesday come back" Bianca said and I have to agree with her on this. That was weird just for me to think. After two hours later... Weems and Wednesday have returned and they walked to her office as we all waited in her dorm room. Which she never returned to until morning. Me and Enid helped her pack while Enid was crying. Enid picked up a squirrel in a electric chair.

"I can't believe I'm actually going to miss your creepy, lifeless eyes waking me up ever morning. It won't be the same without you." She said as me and Wednesday just stared at her

"I'm not" I say placing some books in a case

"So, I assume you'll be moving in with Yoko. Leaving me in the past" Wednesday said changing the subject

"Not ever." Enid said

"Maybe" I say as Enid sent me a glare and then turned back to Wednesday with a sad smile. I know Enid has a crush on Wednesday and this must kill her, seeing her leave and maybe never seeing her ever again. I know it would kill me if I never saw Ajax again.

"What about you? Will you forget about me? Ariella too?" Enid asked her

"Enid... the mark you and Ariella have left on me is indelible. Anytime I grow nauseous at the sight of a rainbow or seeing two people kiss in the hallway or just hearing a pop song that makes my ears bleed, I'll think of the two of you." She said. Awww!

"Thanks" Enid said looking down at her shoes with a frown

"Honestly, I think that's the nicest thing you have ever said to the two of us" I say

"I always believed relying on other people to be a sign of weakness. That inevitably they would lead me to disappointment. Turns out I've been the disappointment." She said placing some books in a box. Enid took a step closer with her hands behind her back as for I stood next to her.

"Are you kidding me?" Enid said

"I think she's serious" I say

"I've learned so much from you." Enid said

"Part of it is admittedly criminal behavior-" I say but Enid cut me off

"What she means is that most people spend their entire lives pretending to give zero effs, and you literally never had an eff to give. Any chance you've got some sort of sneaky plan to elude Weems?" Enid asked her

"Xavier right" Wednesday said. Wednesday told me and Enid everything that happened at the station and what Xavier told her while he was in chains, in a cell. I have to say that I don't agree with his words because Wednesday got further in the case than the police ever did and for that she probably... no most definitely saved more lives even if she doesn't want to admit to it. Wednesday unfold a piece of paper to show a drawing. It looked like the school yard and there was a man that looked like a shadow in a top hate than there was a girl, standing near the tree that looked just like Wednesday. She told me about this but never showed it to me. "This prophecy cannot come true if I'm not here. But it kills me to leave when Tyler is still walking around free."

"If he tries anything, I will do something. You have my word" I tell her and she gave me a nod. Early this morning I told her about how I believe Ms. Thornhill is the true mastermind behind all this but Wednesday still believe it to be Kinbott.

"On a good note. I got a text from Eugene's moms. He woke up last night. Maybe Weems will let you drop by on your way to the station." Enid said trying to lighten up the mood. That's when Thing snap his fingers and pointed to the door, informing us that it was time.

"I think we are all set" Wednesday said closing her last case. Enid walked over to Thing and said

"I'm going to miss our makeup tutorials. And you better keep sending me moisturizing tips. Stay in touch, okay?" Enid said as they fist bumped each other. Enid went to go hug Wednesday but of course Wednesday step back.

"You're right. Not hugging is kind of our thing." Enid said.

"That's my cue to leave. Goodbye Wednesday, it was not nice meeting you." I say

"It was not nice meeting you too Ariella" she said. I gave her and nod and gave Enid a quick hug and left the dorm room and went and found Ajax with Kent, Divina, Yoko, and Bianca. Once Ajax saw me, he kissed my cheek and laced his fingers with mine. That's when Bianca turned around in time just to see Wednesday walking down the step and met her half way.

"The plan wasn't to get you expelled. We're sorry." Bianca said and I could she meant it. I was too sorry that Wednesday was expelled from the school all because we told Weems.

"The Nightshades need to be ready for what's coming. Or a lot of people are going to die" Wednesday said but before anyone could say a word. Ms. Thornhill came running towards us with a flower in her hand. I let out a low growl pulling Ajax behind me.

"It's okay baby. Calm down" Ajax whispered in my ear getting me to stop growling

"I'm so glad I caught you. I was weeding my wolfbane and I just completely lost track of time." she was saying but I tuned her out and looked at Ajax and Yoko

"Let's go" I say as the followed me and Bianca, Kent and Divia walked the other way also not wanting to hear her talk.

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