Date Or Not

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My whole closet was on my dorm room floor, clothes and shoes everywhere. My date with Ajax was in 2 hours and I have nothing to wear. I wanted to look cute but not to casual and not to fancy. I pulled out a light blue blouse with jeans and threw on the floor because that's not cute enough. AHHHHHHHH! I fall down to my knees digging through my clothes once more.

"I HAVE NOTHING" I yelled than I had an idea. I pulled out my phone called the one person I know that would be able to find me the perfect first date outfit.

"Hey, I need your help. Can you come to my room, please?" I asked. They said 'sure' and that was that. 10 minutes goes by and there was a knock on my door. I opened it and pulled her in.

"What the hell happen in here? It's like a tornado came through here" Enid said looking all around my room

"My date with Ajax is in 2 hours and I have nothing to wear and I need you Enid. Please help me" I say

"Okay, let's start with a shirt and then move on to bottoms" She said for the next 15 minutes we finally found the shirt, another 15 minutes goes by and we found a skirt to go with this cute blouse, it didn't take Enid long to find matching shoes to go with my outfit. I looked at myself in the mirror and I look amazing.

"Enid, this is perfect! Thank you." I tell her

"You're welcome. Now, it's time for hair and makeup" she said and started to curl my hair and then moved on to do a little bit of light makeup. After she was finished I had 10 minutes to spare before I had to go meet Ajax. I pulled Enid into a tight hug and telling her thanks

"Tell me how it goes" she said as we walked out of my room. We said our goodbyes and I was off to the greenhouse. As I got there, I saw Ajax wasn't there. I looked at the time to see I was 5 minutes early but time passed and it had already been an hour and he still hadn't shown up. Another hour passed and nothing. I felt embarrassed and angry. Ajax Petropolus had stood me up. I let out a scream making leaves and the trees move all around along with breaking the glass of the greenhouse. I ran back to the school but I didn't go to my room but to Enid, with tears running down my face. I knocked on the door only for Wednesday to open it.

"" I asked. She opened the door more letting me in, just for me to see Enid on her bed reading

"Ariella, what's wrong?" Enid asked as she saw me. I sat down on her bed explaining everything that happen.

"That doesn't sound like Ajax" she said

"He stood me up, Enid. He didn't show, no call, no text. Nothing. Guess I was a fool to believe that he would actually love me. I don't know what happened and right now I don't care. I feel embarrassed and humiliated, maybe I don't know him like I thought I did" I snapped at her, getting up and walking out the door, I heard Enid yell my name but I ignored her and sped off back to my door. I called Hope and told her everything that happened. She asked if Ajax had tried to call or text and he hasn't. She told me next time that I see him, try to hear him out, maybe something happened. That was the first night in months that I cried myself to sleep.


I woke up and got ready for the day and I decided to stop by Enid room before class to apologize for snapping at her last night. As I got to her floor I saw her door was open and went right in to see Wednesday putting pictures on a broad, bloody pictures and other kinds as well.

"I think when Enid suggested giving your side of the room a makeover, I don't think she had Ted Bundy's Pinterest in mind." I say making my appearance known. Wednesday turned around to face and Enid put her book down on her desk, walking towards us.

"Still not as creepy as her stuffed unicorn collection." Wednesday said turning back to her broad

"Is this why you snuck out last night?" Enid asked

"You left last night? Where did you go?" I asked

"Thing and I made an unsanctioned trip to the morgue to copy the files of the monster's victims." Wednesday said

"Okay, there are so many levels of ew in that statement, I don't know where to begin" Enid said and she wasn't wrong.

"How come you didn't get me? I told you that I would help you" I tell her

"You were crying and extremely emotional last night. You would have not been useful to me" Wednesday said without even looking at me. Ouch! "I need to get inside its head. Discover any patterns or anomalies. I've already made a big discovery." she add and then pulled a few pictures off "Turns out all the monster's victims have had body parts surgically removed." she showed me and Enid and continue on "The first one a kidney, the second a finger-"

"I don't feel so well" Enid said as she started limb a little but Wednesday didn't stop and that's when Enid collapsed on the floors. I kneeled down next to her, just to see she would be alright.

"She's fine" I say moving Enid to her bed. Wednesday grab something and then came over putting it under Enid nose. She shot right up as she gasp for air than started coughing.

"I hate that!" she said. I moved over to Wednesday who was staring at her broad again

"I can get inside's it's mind. Better yet if you get me something of it's than there is a good chance I can find it and find out who he or she is" I informed her

"You can do that?" she said looking shocked

"Not so useless now" I say smirking at her as I walked out the door with Enid following right behind me.

"Listen, I wanted to apologize for snapping at you last night. You didn't deserve that and I'm sorry" I say. She placed her hand on my shoulder

"It's okay Ariella. You were upset and you had every right to be. I would be too if that happen to me. All I ask is to hear him out" she said

"That's what my sister said" I told her

"Maybe you should listen to us" she teased. Making me roll my eyes. If I was being honest I was still to upset and angry to even listen to him. I knew I needed a few days to calm down and that's what I planned on doing or at least try to do.

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