Blood Draws

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Brand new day, let's see if I can make it through the day. After I got ready and head for my first class of the day which was fencing class, thank God aunt Rebekah and Marcel taught me. Best they have ever seen. On the way to the class I ran into Wednesday and she was telling me about her plan of leaving Nevermore, I knew she would try to be leaving at some point because she did talk about how she wasn't staying long. Once we both enter the class room, I scan the room until my eyes landed on Ajax. As if he could feel my stare he turned around looking me right in the eye. Once his eyes met mine a huge smile came on both of our faces......well him smirking more then smiling. I walk right up to him wanting to introduce myself to the man I have been dreaming of.


"Hello Princess" He said taking my hand and giving it a kiss. Once his fingers touch my skin it sent electricity through my body

"It's nice to see you again Ajax" I say sending him a wink

"Pleasure is all mine Princess" He said biting his lip. He has got to stop doing that before I attack them. He smirk at my reaction like he knew what I wanted to do. Before one of us could say anything else a voice echo in the word with the words 'I do' I knew that voice and it was Wednesday. I looked over to see her wanting to fence with the queen B serin.

"This should be great" I muttered but loud enough for Ajax to hear which made him chuckle. I watch the girls get into position stans. Wednesday won a point but I could see that wasn't enough for her and that's when she called for the Civil act. Bianca and her kept pushing each other until a cut was drawn on Wednesday forehead. I walked over to Wednesday and pulled her up by her arm. "C'mon I'll take you to the nurse" I say and walked away with her sending another smile at Ajax, I could feel someone glaring at me before I left and I knew who it was and it was a certain ex-girlfriend of Xavier Thrope. Not hard to tell.

I stayed with Wednesday as the nurse treated her cut and bandage it up for her. There was another nurse and another student in the room with us but ignored them.

"You're Wednesday and Ariella, right?" Boy with brown shaggy hair with glasses asked us. "I'm Rowen" He said standing up "I know how you feel" He said but more towards Wednesday then me

"I guarantee you don't" She said sending him a death glare but it looked like it didn't bother him one bit, then he looked at me tilting his head as if he was trying to place me somewhere. He can't know me? Can he?

"My mother promised me I'd finally fit in somewhere. I never thought it was possible to be an outcast in school full of outcasts" He said cleaning off his glasses

"At least you still have your mother" I say rolling my eyes not caring about his sob story which I didn't believe for a second. Wednesday stood up and grab her coat walking out the room but I stayed for a minute watching him

"What are you?" He asked me

"I'm a witch" I say

"No, your something more" He said. I didn't have any more to say so I left going after Wednesday. I heard some type of scraping, I looked up where Wednesday was walking and to see a statue falling. I used my sped to move her out of the way but before it could hit me I heard someone yell my name and pushed me out of the way. We rolled around with them falling on top of me. I opened my eyes to see Ajax.

"Thank God you're okay" He says moving a piece of my hair out of my face while smiling down at me.

"How did you get to me so fast?" Wednesday asked hovering over us and running mine and Ajax moment together. Ajax got off me pulling me up with him but kept his hands on my waist, keeping me balance

"I don't know what you are talking about Wednesday. Thank you for saving me Ajax and if you both will excuse me I must be off. Bye" I say and start to sped walk all the way to Weems office.

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