The Letter

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"So, about my question." As I made my way back to after Wednesday leaving once again "What are you guys doing?" I asked Enid

"It's for the Poe Cup" She says

"What's the Poe Cup?" I asked her

"My entire reason for living right now. Part canoe race, part foot chase, no rules. Each dorm has to pick an Edgar Allen Poe short story for inspiration. You can help if you want, Wednesday didn't want too. Ms. Thornhill's just ordered pizza" She says

"As fun as those sounds, I actually have something to do. But I'll see you later" I say wanting to go read the letter my father wrote to me.

"Okay but you make sure to cheer us on at the race" She says clapping her hands

"Don't worry I will" I tell her and then head off to my dorm room. As I was walking I passed the quad just to see Bianca and her little gang singing. I was just going to continue on like they weren't even there but I guess they had other plans

"HEY LITTLE WITCH!" Bianca shouted I turned around to face her just to show her my middle finger and continue on my way but she didn't like that "I'm talking to you"

"News flash Bianca I don't want to talk to you or was my middle finger not clear enough for you" I say but she just rolled her eyes "Keep rolling them, maybe you'll find a brain back there"

"Listen here, I don't know who you think you are but-" I cut her off by waving my hand just for her mouth to disappear

"I think I like you better this way. As I told Yoko I don't care what you think or what you believe but try to hurt me or threaten me in anyway then you will see what I can truly do shrimpy" I say walking off to my room. As I enter my room I went straight for my desk opening up my letter.

Dear Little Wolf

It brings me great pain how I am not by your or your sister's side. I miss you so terribly, but I know your mother is doing a wonderful job with the both of you. I know that one day you and your sister will break your cruse but do not fear my little wolf because I promise to be there with you ever step of the way. I remember when you were just a baby there was this huge storm, you started to cry and everyone in the family held you close but you wouldn't stop, once you were placed in my arms, you stop and held on so tight. In that very moment I vowed to never leave your side, but I have broken that promise all due to the Hallow and I hope that one day you can forgive me. There is so much I haven't told you or your sister and that is about this school called Nevermore. It is a safe place and it's just like the Salvatore Boarding School. My wish is for one of you to go there and I want that to be you my darling. I have seen it but you are so much powerful then your sister and I know that when both of you are older that you two will be the greatest witches the world has ever seen. I love you my little wolf. Show the world what you are made of, never hold back.


Your father Niklaus

As I got done reading my letter I couldn't but break down in tears. I needed him and that old witch took him away, this isn't fair. I need my father even though he was gone for half of my life he was my best friend.

"I forgave you the moment you did it daddy" I whispered into the air. After a phone call to my Aunt Rebekha, I needed to hear stories of my father which she was more then willing to tell me and I told her all about family day and how Marcel, Kol, Freya, and Hope were coming and she agreed to come as well. On the lines of saying how much she missed me. After my phone called ended there was a knock on my door. It was Enid and she was panicking.

"What's wrong?" I asked her inviting her in

"Yoko's is in the infirmary! And Nikki got food positioning" She tells me as she starts pacing the floor going back and forth and it was starting to give me a headache. I grab her shoulders getting her to stop and look at me

"Tell me what happened" I tell her

"Garlic bread incident at dinner with Yoko, she had a major allergic reaction and Nikki just had some of her mom's homemade meatloaf and she is puking everywhere, and I mean everywhere. So, now both of them are out of the Poe Cup. I'm down two players and one of them was my co-pilot. I don't have a co-pilot Ariella." She explains to me and then I remember her saying how Bianca wins every year and that every year something is wrong with one or more team members on different teams. She has got to be behind this

"Bianca has to behind this" I say

"How do you know?" She asked me

"Doesn't matter but what does matter is that I'm joining your team" I tell and that made her let out a loud screaming making me cover my ears and that's when she pulled me into a hug.

"Thank you, Thank you, Thank you Ariella. You don't understand how much this means to me but we need another member" She says pulling herself away from me

"Then will just ask Wednesday" I tell her grabbing her hand as I drag her back to her dorm hoping Wednesday will be there and just as we enter the room, Wednesday was entering from the window, just in time.

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