Outreached Day

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It was finally Outreached Day and according to Enid, we go and help out local businesses in town with the normies. We were all outside of the school as Weems gave her speech explaining the plan for the day. After that piece's of paper were handed out to all of us as we enter on the bus.

"What did you two get?" Enid asked me and Wednesday as we sat down

"Uriah's Heap" Wednesday said 

"Ew" Enid said with a disgusting look on her face 

"What's wrong with that place?" I asked her

"It's this weird, creepy antique store" Enid explained "What about you Ari?"

"I got Pilgrim World" I told them. Hoping Ajax got the same. As the bus came to a stop, I looked around to see people staring no more like glaring at us Nevermore students as we got off the bus. One even bumped into me and called me a freak. I was going to attack him but Enid stop me telling me 'Their not worth my breath' and she was right......for now. Wednesday took off to God knows where, I have noticed that she does that a lot. 

"If I hadn't stop you from attacking that guy, would you have killed him?" Enid asked me 

"Let's just say it wouldn't be the first time I killed" I tell her "But don't worry your little head Enid, I would never hurt any of my friends." Informing her

"Were friends?" She asked and I could hear the excitement in her voice 

"Of course" Once those words left my mouth, she let out a little squeal and pulled me into a tight hug. She let go of me as we both saw Wednesday running towards us.

"Ariella I need you to switch assignments with me" She said 

"Wednesday I really don't want to be in a creepy-" I was saying but Enid cut me off as she had a huge smile on her face.

"I found out that Ajax is working there" she tells. This is new information and I love it 

"And now that I think about it, I would love too" I say as we switched papers. After that she took off towards Pilgrim World.

"You're welcome" Enid teased 

"Shut up!" I say playfully pushing her, making us both laugh

"You know Ajax really likes you and he has-" Enid was saying but this time I cut her off 

"Enid, Ajax told me everything and I mean everything" I informed her

"Even the dreams?" she asked 

"Yes and I have had ones of him. I promise to answer all your questions later but I got to get the store before I'm late. See you later!" I say walking off. When I arrived at the shop there was Ajax waiting outside, as I approached him, a smile broke out on his face when he was me. 

"Hey, what are you doing here? I thought Wednesday was working with me" he said 

"She was but her and I switched. So, your stuck with me the whole day" teasing him 

"I'm not complaining" he said taking a step closer to me, placing his hands on my waist. "I really want to kiss you again"

"After we finish working and you don't have to tell me or ask. You can just kiss me Ajax, I would never stop you" I tell him 

"Good to know" he says moving over to open the door, as I entered the store all I saw was dead stuffed animals and jars and other things. Yeah, but Enid was right this place is creepy.

"Ajax, it smells like death in here" I whispered 

"I know" he whispered back. We walked over to a stuffed up dressed up squirrel with a green mohawk that was on the shelf. "Pretty sure it's dead" he add as he went to touch it but I grab his hand pulling it back, making him look at me.

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