[ 1 ] Counterparts

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A/N: Tysm for reading :)) 2012!names will be in bold!

3rd person POV

"Donnieeeee," Mikey said, walking through his brother lab. "What, 'Angelo?" The purple turtle said, not taking his focus off of the sword— or was it another bo staff? Mikey couldn't see it over his brother's shoulder. "Well, I just went to Todd's to get some—" Donnie turned around, and took his goggles off, fulling focusing on Mikey. "WORLD FAMOUS LEMONADE!" He held up the almost-flowing-over-the-edge lemonade. "Awh, thanks Mike," Don smiled. He took it with an extra arm from his battle-shell, but just as he took it, Mikey moved, knocking the lemonade out of his brother's hand.

"NO!" Donnie screamed, as his and Mikey's eyes went wide, watching the yellow liquid (that sounds like piss wtf) spill over a circular techy-lookin' thing. It sparked to life, the geometric markings turning from a black to a pink-and-purple galaxy design. Suddenly, a triangle with the same pattern appeared.

"Mikey. Get the- get the others. I haven't figured out what that thing does yet," Donnie whispered, grabbing his weapon and fading into the shadow the shrouded his lab. Mikey quickly ran off to get his other brothers.

— Michelangelo —

"RAPH! LEO!" Mikey whisper-yelled, running into the kitchen where his brothers—and he now noticed, Casey and April, were. "Hey Case' and April, uh, Donnie spilled some lemonade on this weird-lookin' think and it- like- just get to Dee's lab!" Raph look at Mikey worriedly, then quickly changed his face to be determined. "Nothin' we can't handle. Get into stealth guys, and April, Casey, you guys wait outside as backup." He got up, grabbing his tonfas' and holding them in a defensive stance, quietly going to his purple brothers lab. Soon, he was followed by the others that previously resided in the kitchen.

— Donatello —

Donatello quietly watched the triangular (portal? He thought so, but it didn't look like anything Leo had made) had just appeared in his lab. He was hidden in shadow, gripping his bo staff, kind of crouched behind one of his battle-shell holders. Suddenly, he heard talking, making him almost spring up.

"MIKEY! What did you do?!" An angry voice shouted.

Mikey. Like his brother?- Mikey's a common name, He thought.

"Nothing! I swear, dude! I wasn't even in this room!" A higher-pitched voice, probably Mikey, said. There was a short pause. "Okay, well, someone needs to go through it—" A more composed voice said, before being cut off by the angry voice. "—OR, Donnie could close the damn thing!"


"I don't even know how it opened! How should I know how to close it!?" Another voice spoke, not as high as "Mikey's" but not as low as the other two voices. The composed voice spoke again, but they seemed a bit more agitated this time, "You've worked with Kraang tech for years, how do you not know how to close portals?" Someone sighed. "This isn't kraang. The portal is blue, not purple and pink." "Donnie" said, as if it was obvious.

Donnie heard shuffling combing from his labs entry way, and snapped his head toward that. Oh. Just Mikey and the others. He let out a relived sigh, motioned for his brothers to hide, then refocused himself on the portal. Speaking of the portal, did they say theirs was blue? Like Leo's portals?

"Well, let's make Mikey go through— AHH!" A person— no, a turtle, was pushed through the portal, and crashed down to the floor. Immediately, Leo rushed out from behind a desk and held his ōdachi over the other turtles head.

"Don't. Move." Leonardo said sternly. Donnie glanced at Raph, then Mikey, who both looked surprised aswell. "S-sorry," the turtle flipped over, "You're- you're a turtle too!" The other turtle said. He was on his back, being propped up by his elbows. "Yeah, and-.. I guess you are too?" Leo said, not moving his blank stare from the outsider, who Donnie now realized was wearing a blue mask too. Suddenly, gears started turning in the purple turtles head. "LEO!" Both of the blue-masked turtles looked to Donnie, as he got up and walked to them. "Leo, I think- I think that's you. From another universe." Donnie said bluntly.

"What?" Both Leonardos said at the same time. Mikey and Raph came out of hiding, "Whaddya mean, 'Don?" Raph said. They were all standing over the outsider turtle— presumed to be Leo. "Well, based on some of my previously done research," Donnie started a rant. Mikey crouched down to talk to Leo. "Hey, so, you're from another dimension?" He asked. "Uh, yeah, I'm Leo. You're Mikey-?" Leo glanced around the room, "right?" Mikey looked from his blue brothers' counter-part to the portal he fell from. "Yeah, I am! Do you have another Mikey in your universe?" He asked cheerfully. Leo was about to speak, before- "MIKEY! UP!" Ordered Raph. Mikey shrugged, and stood up.

Michelangelo stood with his brothers. "Get out of my—" Donnie started, before several more turtles— all wearing masks that matched the brothers'— fell through the purple-and-pink portal. 

"What the fu- why are there more of you?!" Leo said, dropping his ōdachi. The red-masked turtle from the other universe yelled, "WHO ARE YOU?!" He immediately jumped up and held two twin sai's infront of his face, the rest of his brothers following suit, grabbing their weapons and and getting behind him.

Raph pushed his younger brothers behind him, shielding them from his angry counterpart. "I don't know who you think you're talking to like that, but it certainly ain't me." He said, straightening himself, almost twice the size of the outsiders. Leo's eyes widened, and Mikey put his nunchucks down. Donnie lowered his staff in awe, mentally taking notes on the taller turtles form. Raphael was the only one who still stood proudly, although he looked a bit nervous. 

Suddenly, Donnie sprinted out from behind his red brother. "WAIT! Don't hurt 'em, Raph. They're from another universe! Do you know what this means for SCIENCE?!" He said, gesturing with his hands wildly. Raph relaxed himself, "Oh. Okay, sorry, Don." He backed down, side eying his brother's new subjects. Donnie's battle-shell took notes as he pulled his goggles down and started inspecting the other turtles. 

"AHHH!" A scream came from the glowing triangle, and every turtle in the room's head snapped towards it. A young boy fell from it, along with a redheaded girl. "CASEY! And April!" Donnie yelled, rushing over to the two and helping them up. 

"That's your April? And your Casey?" Leonardo asked, confused. "Yeah?" His counterpart said, turning to him. "Well- your April looks so different from ours," he said, shrugging a bit. "Yeah, and your Casey, too," Said Mikey. He only pitched in for a second, before Mikey poked him again, "Wait, did you paint your shell or are those stickers?" Mikey giggled, "Stickers! Do you want some too?" Mikey looked at him in awe, "(S)Hell yeah!"

"Speaking of our Casey and April, where are they?" Donnie asked, looking to Raphael. "Oh, they should be outside," Leo answered for him, since he was busy with other Rapheal's pet, Chompy. "Okay, let's go grab 'em and have them meet the others," Donnie said, nodding before walking out with his counterpart. Both Leos and Mikey followed, "C'Mon, you gotta meet Case' and April!" He cheered, making Mikey follow him. Raph looked up too, causing him and the other to follow them without knowing where they were going.

A/N: Please point out any mistakes I made because I'm too lazy to reread this lol. Anyway hope you enjoyed! Next update will probably be next weekend.

> 1263 words <

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