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"Don-at-elloooo!" Mikey yelled, quickly walking, almost running, into his brothers' lab, noticing a large circular platform in front of his brother's desk.

"Groan. Whaddya want, Mike? I'm trying to get the portal open again," Donnie said, hunched over his computer. "Me 'nd Mikey made cookies!" He answered, and Donatello turned, noticing his brother's counterpart was present. "What kind?" He asked, skeptically. "White chocolate chip!" Mikey said cheerfully.

"Thank you, leave them on the table." Donnie had already turned and hunched over his computer once again. "I swear to god, you're gonna get scoliosis if ya keep sittin' like that," Mikey rolled his eyes, placing down the still-hot cookies. Donnie grumbled. "Actually, scoliosis hasn't been linked to posture." The other Donatello strolled out from the shadow of one of Donnie's bigger inventions. 

Both Mikey's giggled, knowing the one-sided hatred between the Donatellos. "Mm-hm. Whatever. Did ya finish the power source?" Donnie asked the other, not looking up; a sign he was annoyed. Donnie smiled, "Yes! Your tech is so advanced, it was actually quite difficult. The fine details of the circuit board were hard to rewire, so I had to "borrow" your XS pliers, and, uh, I dunno where I put them."

"It's okay. Give it to me," You could hear the eye roll in Donnie's voice. Personally, Mikey liked Donatello. He seemed fun and never really set off any red flags, at least to Mikey. But to Donnie, his counterpart was kind of obsessive, and talked a bit too much. 

Donnie gave the source to his counterpart, who attached it into his computer, hit a button on his keyboard roughly, smiling wide.

The platform lit up in a glowing purple, neither the iconic color of the Donatellos, but instead a magenta. The light flickers, and Donnie's smile falters. It becomes a secure, smug smile when a triangular portal glitches above the lit platform. The magenta illuminated the now dark room; the power needed to create an interdimensional portal was, obviously, a lot. According to Donnie's calculations, it probably caused all of new york a blackout. 

"YES! I- I DID IT!" Donnie yelled, his hands flapping wildly. "GET EVERYONE!" He ecstatically yelled to the Mikey's, and they rushed off on command. Donnie turned to his counterpart, "THANK YOU!" He almost hugged the other, who was gawking at the portal. "I've.. I've never seen someone else make a Kraang portal.. that's alien technology," Donnie murmured, starting a mumbled rant. Donnie ran over to his computer, scrolling through his servers and systems. 

— Once everyone was in Donnie's lab —

Everyone was standing in a circle-ish thing. Donnie breathed in, "Okay. So, the portal will— most likely— cause your memories to vanish once you pass through the portal. It'll get rid of the last few days, probably including the two or so days before you came to our dimension," He quickly rambled, "So, if you wanna get anything off your chest, do it now and fast, because I dunno how long the portal will stay open." Both the mutants and humans nodded, a few trying to figure out what to say. 

Leonardo pushed up to the platform by his counterpart, who was whispering something to him before rushing back to the group. "No one knows this yet, except for Leo." Leo looked proud, "I think I'm transfem. I want to be a girl, and, uh, call me Lea?" She jumped into the portal, not letting the others react.

Raphael laughed, and walked up to the portal, and turned to his family. "Ironic, cuz, uh, I'm agender, and I wish you guys would like, respect me more or something, and, like, stop pissing me off." He spat out, looking to his counterpart, who nodded, with a look that said "glad-you-said-that-but-plz-work-on-phrasing". Raph nodded back, and, not bothering to turn back around, fell through the portal.

Donnie grabbed Casey by the wrist roughly, and ran up to the portal with him. "Me and Casey are dating." He stated, and jumped into the portal, letting go of Casey, you didn't process what his boyfriend said.

Before Casey could say anything, April ran up. "I'm gay." She jumped into the portal without another word, making April, her girlfriends, and Casey burst out laughing.

Mikey jumped up to the platform, "I'm not a dumbass, I know what the fuck I'm doing!" He yelled, high-fiving Casey's shoulder, then doing a duckface and flashing a peace sign as he fell backwards into the portal.

Casey blinked, "Uh, Donnie already said my thing, so. Uh. Yeah. Y'all're cool, 'nd Raph thinks yer cool, other Raph!" He jumped into the portal mid-sentence, almost cut off as he faded into the magenta triangle, which quickly snapped shut, returning the room to its normal lighting (Don had battery-powered LED lights).

Raph barked out a laugh, "He fuckin' better, I showed that man emotions!" He yelled at the already gone Casey. Mikey giggled too, before being interrupted by Donatello, who was skimming his notes on the portal's creations. "Shit." His brothers and Casey turned to him, sense April, Sunita, and Cass were talking to loudly for them to hear the purple turtle.

"What is it? Does the portal go somewhere else? Are they dead?" Leo asked his twin, exaderating his point by using his hands. Donatello swatted away Leo's hands, "Nope. But, uh, I read one of my notes wrong." He paused for dramatic effect, "Say it, Don," Mikey remarked, an over-exaggerated annoyed look on his face.

Donnie rolled his eyes, "Well, they're a 99.3% chance that they'll not only remember their entire experience here, but they'll remember they're counterparts' memories and thoughts from when they were here, too."

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