[ 6 ] Michelangelo

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Mikey had as fun eating as he did baking & cooking, so he often made little treats for himself when he got hungry. He got especially hungry when he was stressed out. And some random turtles that Donnie says are them is pretty stressful. Of course, he liked them (some of them *Mikey* more than others *Raph*), but he didn't know them like he knew his brothers. For all they knew, these turtles could be.. uh, squirrel-mutants trying to reproduce in their stomachs!

So, here he was, making some Bomb-ass cookies just for himself, sweating like he just ran a marathon because of the maybe-squirrel mutants. It was dead silent in the lair, besides himself, so he quickly noticed his counterpart was wondering aimlessly around the lair due to the pressure in his loud steps. Based on how slow he was walking, Mikey assumed he was probably just looking at all the random shit hanging up around the lair; posters, furniture. Stuff like that. 

He was kinda bored of just baking by himself, so, he decided he wanted help.

"Aye! Mikey!" Michelangelo peeked out from his kitchen as Mikey walked to his counterpart. "Hey, whaddya need, dude?" Mikey shrugged and gestured to the food he was making— some kind of cookies. "Some help, if ya wanna!" Mikey made the ^_^ face, and his counterpart walked in, grinning. " 'Course!"

They went right to work, working on what Michelangelo found out were blueberry-and-white-chocolate-chip cookies. Mixing the ingredients (Mikey decided they needed another batch), stirring, baking, waiting for them to cool (worst part tbh), frosting, and finally— Eating! As they ate, they spoke as well.

They talked about their friends, comics, food. Anything and everything they thought about. Eventually the thought of their brothers came up.

"Okay. Thoughts on Donatello?" Mikey asked, finishing a cookie and licking his fingers. "Hm.. smart, needs to learn how 'ta take a joke, though!" Michelangelo giggled, and wiped some crumbs off his face. Mikey shoved another cookie in his mouth, and the two started laughing. They went into mini-rants about things they didn't like about their Donnie's, like their music tastes' and how he's always locking himself away in his room; he really was a cool guy! Kinda a simp, but a cool guy nonetheless!

"And he always fights with Leo- OH! Speakin' of Leo, whaddya think of him?" Mikey asked. "Huh, well, he acts like he's better than us 'nd never lets anyone do 'his jobs' like makin' plans. He's a huge show off, and—" Mikey sucked in a breath, pausing harshly, and putting a finger to his lips. 

Suddenly, the blue turtles were heard' yelling as they walked down the hallway. "Guess Leo's back from visiting his boy-friend," He mumbled. Mikey stifled a giggle as the Leonardo's split up to go to their bedrooms. Immediately after the Mikey's couldn't hear the twos voices, they burst into laughter.

"HAHA- I WAS GONNA SAY HES REAL LOUD!" Mikey said through fits of laughter. Micheal was practically rolling on the ground, " 'FER REAL!" They giggled for a while more before the mini grandfather-clock that Splinter had on his "do-not-touch" shelf chimed.

"Shoot, it's, like, late. Ima head to bed, you should too, man," Mikey managed through a giggles. "Ughhh, okayyyy, can we make for food tomorrow?" Both Mikey's grinned, "Of course!" Mikey cheered. The other nodded, and yawned. Yeah. Bedtime- g'night!" He pretended to walk to Leo's bedroom, and Mikey skipped to his bedroom (actually to Raph's bedroom ..). Right after they said their goodnights once again, Mikey ran back to the kitchen and ate the last few cookies, then ran to his room.

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