[ 2 ] Differences

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The group walked out of Donatello's laboratory. 

"April! You were supposed to be waitin' in case we needed a surprise attack!" Raph scolded her. "OH! Er, sorry, man," she said, putting down her Nintendo switch, "Me 'n Casey got bored waitin', and he had his switch on him..-" Raph moved his judgmental eyes to Casey, who was sitting next to April. "S-Sorry, Master Raphael," He bowed slightly, then him, along with April, got up. It took Casey a moment to realize their doppelgängers next to them. 

"Uh, guys, are there two of y-" 

"Yes, Casey, there are two of us. These turtles, and the other two humans, are forms of us and you two." Donnie interrupted, making Casey gaze the the other universe's turtles in awe. April was in shock as well, of course because of the whole "other-universe" thing, but for another reason aswell.

She walked over to her counterpart, "So.. you're me?" April looked her up and down. "Uh, I guess so. You look so- so different," She said, looking into Aprils' eyes. "Yeah, you're white." Both Leonardo's had to stifle a laugh, as they were creeping on the others' conversations. 


Everyone's heads snapped towards the voice. The current universes' turtles because of the slight fear every time they heard their father yell, and the others because they didn't know who else could be in the lair. "AH! Pops, you gotta meet our new visitors!" Raph said, as his father walked into view. "Thank you, Red, but I was not talking to you. I was speaking to Purple!" Donnie walked up to the stout man, "Sorry, Father. A portal opened up, and these," He gestured the counterparts, "popped out. They're from another universe." Splinter walked towards the outsiders. "Purple, these are not my sons. You all look different. These ones look copy-and-pasted." He looked them up and down, judging them in his thoughts, but through his eyes.

The outsiders were watching in awe. Even Casey and April. This rat looked nothing like the respectable Splinter. He was a short, lazy-looking rat. "You're Splinter? You don't look anything like ours," Leo said. Raph spoke next, "Yeah. You're short as hell." All of the native universe's beings turned to Raphael.

(You js gonna let that slide? 🤨)

"You aren't talkin' to my pops, are ya?" His counterpart threatened, his eyes now white. "Yeah. My dad taught me to be respectful, yours clearly didn't." Mikey said, looking Raph up and down, before his pupils went white, focusing on his target. Before Raphael could defend himself and his sensei, Donatello pitched in, locking eyes with the rude red turtle's, "He certainly wouldn't know respect if it hit him in the face," Donnie agreed with Mikey, then Leo bounced off his brothers argument. "Yeah, this Raph is so rude, how could he be the—"

"BOYS!" Splinter grabbed everyone's attention immediately, "I do not care what is said of me. The second you fight with lousy insults is the second you lose your honor and respect." His sons nodded, the turned to their "visitors". "Sorry, dude." Said Mikey. "Yeah. I guess" Raph responded, not bothering to look the other version of himself in the eyes, and letting his own go back to normal. Splinter looked to his twin boys, and they nodded in sync. Raphael laughed a bit, causing Donnie to glare at him. 

"Anyways, I'm sorry my boys were so rude. They can be a bit protective." Splinter apologized, turning to his other sons. Donnie "scoffed" (he literally said scoff). His family rolled their eyes, and their counterparts looked at him funny. "Let's have dinner! April and Casey brought some for us!" Splinter said, not realizing (or at least ignoring) the tension.

A/N: Sorry for a tiny update but I'm bored lol. I'll probably write another chapter after I publish this, because, again, I'm bored as hell.

> 643 words <

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