[ 5 ] Leonardo

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A/N: HOLY SHIT. Why are yall actually liking this?? Are you guys so starved for content that need my shitty fanfic :,) (but srsly thank you guys for all being so mf sweet🫶🏻)

Also this chapter has transfem 2k Leonardo bcz I saw someobe  on tiktok w this hc so I have to shove it into my story now 😽

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Leonardo has been wondering about himself for a while now. Well, not him personally, but, like the him from the other universe. 

So, as all intrusive turtles must due, Leo immediately barged in on his other self after he went back into— AHEM. Leo's room. 

"LEO! How ya doin'?" He walked in on the slightly shorter version of himself.

Leonardo's  eyes immediately turning from a sad-contentish look to fear— or, rather shock. He quickly snapped a journal— that Leo just noticed was there —shut. "UH! Good, good. Just wondering about your- our?- boyfriend," Leo slid the book out of the other's view very not-subtly. Leo slightly nodded, "Huh, uh, well he works at run-of-the-mill when Hueso needs help, so we can check there." He said, trying to to act too sus about Leo's journal. 

Leonardo keeps a private journal, one that's gotten pretty personal at times. Guess all the universes' have some defining traits. He respected his counterparts' wishes to keep the journal a secret (though he'd probably sneak in and take it later), and gestured for the other to follow him out of the room, then out the manhole, then through the portal to-run-of-the-mill pizza.

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"Hueso! My man!" Leo yelled as he walked in, then quickly started questions the skeleton about his boyfriend's whereabouts. Leo didn't really listen too hard.

"Aye, Pepino, your little boyfriend is here. He's working though, so you can't interrupt him!" Leo sighed, "Okay, can we getta pizza then? For two?" Hueso nodded and started gathering some menus. "Two? Who's  you friend?" Hueso looked up, not seeing anyone but the over dramatic blue slider. Leo realized he'd been standing behind his taller counterpart, and stepped out. 

"Me, uh, I'm Leo." He said, with an extended hand. Hueso gladly took it, "You seem much nicer than this Leonardo, nice to meet you," He said, then guided the two to a table while speaking about how there aren't many Kappa around these days, and the two turtles creepy  similarities. Leo engaged, but his counterpart just nodded along, not really into the conversation. He was too entranced by the mutants— Didn't Leo call them yokai on the way here? —surrounding them.

All different shapes and sizes, it was rare to see two of the same kind sitting together (or even near each other) in the restaurant. And the inside of the parlor was quite pretty, of course you could  tell the place was old, but be besides that it smelled great and was a well-designed joint.

The Leo's plopped down into his seat,  "So! What pizza do ya like, Leo?" He said happily. "Uh, anything with olives is good. I don't really mind," He shrugged, still looking around the area, mainly at the yokai. "Hm, it's weird that you, y'kno' don't care. I'm super specific but you seen so chill— CONEJITO!" Leo yelled, and Leo turned to see what caught the other attention. Clearly, the scream caught the attention of someone else. Probably "Conejito."

A white rabbit walked over to the table, a clearly fake "ugh this guy again  expression on his face. "Leo.. and someone else!" The rabbits ears  perked up, noticing the other turtle. "I've never seen you before, I'm Usagi." Leo nodded, "I'm Leo. Too. Uh, why'd he call you 'conejito'..?"  The rabbit, Usagi, sighed. "It means bunny in Spanish or something. Hueso called me it once to a spanish-speaking customer and that's the only thing Leo's been calling me since," Usagi put some sarcastic aggressive into the turtles name, making Leo giggle. His counterpart rolled his eyes, "Whateva. Can we getta olive-and-peperoni pizza, please, yookí?" Leo asked, and the rabbit shrugged, jotting down the order. "It's 'yuki', not 'yookí' or whatever you said, by the way," Usagi said jokingly before walking off, to presumably make their order or something? Leo didn't know how pizza places worked. Casey always picked the turtles up food. The blue turtle tensed at the thought of Casey; more specifically Casey and Donnie. He brushed it off.

" While we're waitin' tell me 'bout yerself!" The slider put his gaze on Leonardo, who immediately felt uncomfortable. It made him feel like he was in trouble, in a way. "Uh, I like Space Heros?  And comics, especially spider-man comics." He said a bit awkwardly. "Ooh! I like comics,  too, and my favorite show is Jupiter Jim! My favorite comics are probably Spider-Man too, until JJ gets his own." Leo said, matter-a-factly.

 "Who's yer favorite spider?"

"Spider punk!"

"Ooh! He's sick, but my favorite is def gotta be Spider Bitch!"

"I saw one of hers in Mikey's collection, should I start readin' it?"

"YES! It's real good,"

They went on for a good half-hour or so, just talking about the different spidermen, which eventually went onto a debate about the best villains, side characters, and so on. Eventually Leo brought up Mikey's Turflytle costume, and that led to the two of them debating who would be a good hero or villain out of their brothers and friends. 

Their pizza showed up halfway through their debate if Raphael would be a good guy, bad guy, or side character, but it wasn't delivered to them by Usagi so they didn't bat an eye as  it got sat down on their table (of course they said thank you, they're turtles, not pigs). 

Their conversation steered into talking about their brothers in general; something that somewhat stung to Leo. He was holding back his true thoughts, but Leo had noticed; he grew up with Donatello, he knew what subtle body movements and sudden lack of a true spark went someone was talking about interesting was gone. 

"Dude, whattya thinkin' about?" Leo finally asked, as if the question was physically weighing him down. "Ah, nothin—" "Don't give me that, why are ya all weirdo now?"

Leonardo sighed, clearly distressed, "They're all so talented and skilled, they all have their own things. But I'm just- I'm just there. Donnie's smart, Raph is, like, mad? .. And, uh, Mikey's creative & nice. But I'm just the leader." The other sighed. "I get it. But we have our own things, too. It took me a while to realize that I was skilled, too, 'nd I'm not even the leader!" He tired to add some humor, but realized it wasn't needed. "Anything different 'bout you?"

 "..." Leo paused, looking everywhere but his counterparts' face, sighing, and rambling fast— "Well, im.. Kind, uh, trans. Casey told me he was, like, male to female or whatever, and I thought about it. And uh, I think that Im.. kinda a girl? I don't know, im still figuring it out." Leo sighed, probably from lack of air. He said it all quickly, kinda hoping Leo wouldn't be able to hear him. 

Leo smiled, "Our Casey's trans too. I don't care, 'n I'm glad you told me. Ya want me ta call you somethin' different?" Leo grinned. "Leonardo 's fine, but if you're gonna call me 'Leo' I'd like 'Lea' instead, 'nd I want ya to call me 'she'," The blue turtle  smiled and agreed, asking a few more questions, before the conversation went straight back spiderman. They agreeed spideypool was cannon, and Usagi jumped into it as soon as his shift was over.

— xx —

As the climbed back into the lair, they chatted loudly, about anything. Leo noticed the vague sound of talking from the kitchen. 

Probably Mikey. Probably watchin' that weird stockboy again. You'd think after finding out he's a huge fake, you'd stop supporting his channel.

It suddenly stopped as they neared the kitchen, but he didn't really notice since he was still enveloped in the conversation. They waved some tragically "sad" and drawn-out, loud goodbye's, and heard to their rooms. 

Immediately when he entered his room, laughing erupted from the kitchen. Sewers don't have the thickest walls.

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