[ 3 ] Shock

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Everyone sat at the dinner table quietly. There was barely any banter, besides the two Mikey's (Mikies?) talking loudly, not bothering to close their mouths as they ate.

"Mikey/Mikey, I SWEAR TO GOD, you are driving all of us crazy!" Donnie said, finally breaking. "Yeah, no offense, but y'all needa close yo' mouths!" Leo complained through bites of pepperoni-and-mushroom pizza. "Leo. You are literally contributing to the problem. Shut it." Donnie said, and April sighed, "Y'all seriously needa get some headphones." She said, taking an airpod out. "April. We're turtles. We can't do that." Leo responded sarcastically. Raph rolled his eyes, "How did you guys even notice the sound? There was barely a noise,"

Donnie narrowed his eyes, "Leo has misophonia, and the rest of us have autism.. Don't you guys?" Rapheal looked at Donatello, "Do we?" Donnie shrugged. "Never thought of it. I prefer chemistry. And, if autism makes you all hyper-aware, how come Raphael's not bothered?" He questioned, taking another bite of his Hawaii pizza. Donatello grimaced at his counterparts choice in pizza, "His autism causes him to not be unaware. His senses aren't as strong as ours." He said, as if it was obvious. 

Leo turned to look at himself. "Anything else, other me?" Leon looked up. "Oh. Uh, I gotta boyfriend..?" He shrugged and returned his focus on his pizza. The other turtles' faces looked surprised, even Mikey took a second from his conversation with himself, and Leonardo dropped his pizza onto his grease-stained paper plate. Donnie laughed to himself at their shock. "What, you don't have one? Lamee.." Leonardo said after noticing the silence. 

"Oh- sh(ell)it, lemme grab that," Leo leaned down under the table, recovering from that. He'd only ever loved Karai, but got over that after finding out she was his sister. He grabbed his slice of pizza, but bumped his head on the underside of the table. "Ow-" He looked up as he rubbed his head. What the fuck, He thought as he got back into his seat.

after dinner —

"Hey, Leo, you've been quiet all night. Is it because of your boy-friend?" Raph teased him, dragging out the 'd', Leo immediately went red. "N-no, Raph. Just thinkin'- about this whole thing," he said, sighing. They were on their way to their room. Leonardo had "graciously" given up his, so that's where they were sleeping. Except for Donnie, he asked to sleep in his counterparts' room. Then Casey asked to sleep in there, too. Speaking of Casey and Donnie, that's what had made Leo so quiet.

When he hit his head under the table, he looked up on instinct. Across from him, where Casey and Donnie were sitting, he saw their hands intertwined. Everyone always talked about how the two hated each other, but ever since they "started over", they'd been pretty close. Casey was always in Donnie's lab, and Donnie always had new gifts for the vigilante. They were always together; whether that was pairing up when going on patrol, or sitting next to each other as they watched crappy pixelated cartoons on the ancient TV in the lair. So, Leo asked about it.


"Uh, Don?" Leo asked, gaining the attention of everyone inside of the other Donnie's laboratory/bedroom. "Yeah, Leo?" He answered, and Leo paused for a moment, looking at Casey. He was sitting right next to Donnie, holding hands with the turtle, while Donnie and his counterpart seemed engaged in a deep conversation. "So, are you and Casey, like, going out..?" Leo asked, with uncertainty in his voice. Both purple turtles and Casey looked surprised. Donatello turned to Donnie, "This is the guy you were talking about..?" It seemed like Casey had just snapped back to reality after hearing Leonardo's question. 

"Uh-" Casey said, before being cut off.

"Would you be mad if we were?" If this was a cartoon, Donnie would be sweating a river by now. "Because, uh, yeah." He finished, looking to his fellow Donatello. He turned back when Leo started talking, "Uh, yeah, of course, it's just, you know, unexpected." Donnie nodded slowly. "I guess I can tell Mikey he doesn't hafta keep the secret any 'mo," He mumbled under his breath. 

"Huh?? Mikey knows??" Leo said, astonished. To Leonardo, Mikey was a notoriously bad secret-keeper. Maybe he was just trying to get Leo in trouble when they were younger.

"Uhm. Yeah, and Raph." Donnie said, somewhat defeated. "WHAT? How do I not know??" Leo asked, and Donnie explained; "Well, I told Mikey because I knew he'd probably be the most accepting and he can keep secrets, and Raph caught Casey sneaking in one time, and Casey," Donnie nudged the boy a bit hard, and Casey, who was seemingly in his own world once again, jolted back to consciousness. "- let it slip that we were together." Leo just walked out after that, he walked out of there and into "his" and his brothers' shared and borrowed bedroom.

— The next day —

Mikey had been woken up by the other version of himself. It was because, when Mikey was showing the other turtles around, he heard Raphael say that Mikey enjoyed cooking. And, so did this one!

They got to work making a bunch of scrambled eggs for the extra group of guests' staying in the sewer system. After that was done, they started on pancakes; Mikey's choice.

They made their own batch for themselves; it had things that were deemed weird by both Michelangelo's brothers. It was out of Mikey's comfort zone, since he normally made food that appealed to others and not himself, but was perfectly baked and made because of Mikey's skill or putting weird shit in food. 

Eventually, everyone sat down. They had recently dug up a long table, so each universes people sat on either side of the rectangular table, sitting across from themselves'. Splinter hadn't gotten up yet, since it was relatively early for anyone to be up, but Mikey's brother's wanted breakfast while it was still hot. So, when Mikey called them for breakfast, they didn't hesitate to grab the other versions of themselves and shuffle down to the kitchen.

"Why did you guys wake us up so early, Mikey doesn't even make good food," Raphael said, dark eyebags only amplified by the light Donnie had installed to every room in the sewers because it was good for the cold-blooded animals. "Yes he does! And I smelt pancakes, and that sh(ell)it is always good." Leonardo concluded after glaring at Raph for a few seconds. He didn't understand why these guys hated their Mikey so much. He seemed pretty nice and fun. Maybe he was too loud for them? Their Mikey can be too loud for the twins at time. That's was his current guess.

Eventually, both Mikeys (MIKIES) grabbed and put down some paper plates, then soon after dropped some warm pancakes (already equipped with both butter and syrup; Except for Raph. He didn't like Syrup) down on their plates. 

Mikey's brothers chowed down, as well as Mikey himself. He liked the assortment of gummy bears and other things his twin had put into the pancakes. Mikey's brothers looked at the food for a moment, thinking there was something in it, before devouring their share of food. 

Eventually, when everyone had finished their second (and even third) helpings, they got to talking.

"Karai is your sister? Karai is our grandma!"

"You guys are all different types of turtles?"

"How is your tech so advanced!?" 

"How'd you get a boyfriend?"

Were all topics that came up. Eventually, Leonardo asked asked a question to himself.

"What's it like being leader?"

None of Leo's brothers heard, and Leo just stared at himself, blank-faced, for a few moments. 

"Oh, I'm not leader. Raph is," 

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