[ 7 ] Donatello

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"I feel like you guys don't really like me, that was what he said!"

Donnie groaned. His counterpart seemed brain dead. His Mikey just told them all that he felt left out and such, and what did Donatello do? He consoled Mikey for a moment, of course, but then rushed to Donnie's lab after everything died down. 

Donnie thoughts on the matter were (and what he'd been spouting to Donatello for the past hour):

- "Why didn't he tell us earlier?!" (He was scared??)

- "I feel horrible that I didn't notice.." (No one noticed, that's why he told you straight up..)

- "Why'd he tell Raph and not me? Does he like Raph more?" (Probably. I do.)

He thought that another him would be more efficient at first, but but the other turtle was just distracting and annoying. Donnie just wanted to get some work done in peace. His counterpart had been bugging him since he got into this dimension, with thousands of questions. Of course, that was natural for a Donnie, but even he wanted this bitch to shut the fuck up.

He sighed (this time he actually said 'sigh', unlike his previous groan), and turned in his swivel chair to a pacing Donatello. "Don, just.. chill. He told you what he thinks, just.. respect it and move on." Casey was also in the lab, and looked tired. Not physically, but just very tired of Donnie's shit. 

Which Don found relatable.

"Yeah, babe, Mikey doesn't hate ya or anything," Casey said, shrugging. He was just listening to them on a bean bag chair that Leo occupied whenever he bothered his twin.

Oh yeah. 'Babe'.

Casey and Donatello were dating. It kinda made Donnie uncomfortable. Not 'cause they were guys, of course (Donnie's Bi after all), but just.. Donnie's always seen his Casey as a nephew of sorts. Maybe a cousin? Just some form of family, at least. And, y'know, dating your family is weird. (*KOFF KOFF* TCEST SHIPPERS *KOFF KOFF*)

Donnie scrunched his nose at the thought of dating his nephew-cousin-Casey. His counterpart noticed; "What?! Do y'know something I don't? Does Mikey HATE ME?" Donnie "sighed" again. Was this how he acted when he over thought? He hoped not. If it was, he didn't, couldn't, even, understand why Raph literally murder him. That man was sent straight from god himself. 

Speaking of Raph, that's who Donnie was worried about now. Donnie threw some headphones and his phone to Casey, and ushered his counterpart over. 

Donnie wasn't quite sure where to sit, or if he was even supposed to sit, so he just stood next to Donnie somewhat awkwardly.

"Don. Mikey doesn't hate you, no one does," Donnie said, and he noticed a small, slightly darker part of his counterparts mask, right around his eyes. He assumed they were tear stains. Must've been crying

He [Donnie] didn't really know what to do; he wasn't accustomed to comforting someone. Normally one of his brothers did it for him. Most of the time when Mikey was overly paranoid, or when Raph had a panic attack, or when Leo had a mental breakdown, he'd just make them things like gadgets or their safe/comfort foods, then sat with them as the other two brothers did the comforting. Donnie's crying made him a bit uncomfortable, if he was being completely honest. Everything  did with the other version of himself.

He did the only think he could think to do and hugged Donnie, who leaned into the touch and sobbed into his counterpart's shoulder. Donnie looked up at Casey, maybe to get him to comfort his literal boyfriend, but he was passed out on the bean bag chair. Ugh. The other universe was so unbelievable. He let Donnie cry for a bit, then led  him sit in the ground, facing one another, cross-cross-applesauce.

— xx —

"What's goin' on, you can't be this upset over Mikey's issue; that's his job." Donnie stared blankly. 

Donnie sighed, a real sigh, not like how his counterpart did so. "I wasn't that upset. Just stressed, I thought I noticed everything about him; I have a Google drive dedicated to him," He paused, "well, I have one for everyone I know, but still," he mumbled.

Donatello nodded. He had  binders filled with information about his family and friends. Donnie started again, "But then you hugged me 'nd stuff. Only Casey does that, so I got kinda sad," Donnie scrunched his nose for the second time. "Have you ever told anyone how you feel, besides Casey, of course," He asked, and Donnie shrugged, paused, saw the skepticism in the purple turtles' face, and shook his head.

"Well, you can't expect them to know. If you're anything like me, you have strong boundaries, but you have to break them for your brothers. It makes them feel safer, and it makes you feel safer." Donnie nodded solemnly. He made an 'ahem' sound, then got up, leaving a puzzled Donnie. 

"Right. I'll work on that. Let's try and get this portal working." He said. Donatello smirked,  "Exactly. You can't bury your emotions; you have to work through them," Donnie grumbled and sat with himself again. 

Donnie sighed. "Okay, how do I do this?" Donnie mimicked his sigh, by saying "Dramatic sigh," then actually started helping. "What are you frustrated about?"

"My brothers dont listen to me or value my input."

"Why do you think that?"

"I think they think I'm annoying."

"Why do they think you're annoying?"

"I don't know.."

"Do you value and take everyone seriously?"



"Most times."


"Alright, not a lot. But they don't get it— I'm smarter than them, so know know best!"

"There's your flaw. You think you're better." Donnie said, as if he just outsmarted someone. Seemingly, he did. "I am, though." Donnie crossed his arms. The purple turtle [rottmnt Don] thought about everything he knew about the currently frustrated-and-sad turtles' universe.

"How many times has Mikey saved you guys ass— butts? Lives? Doesn't he know his way around.. what was it?- Dimension Z? Dimension X! Yeah,"

Donnie grumbled. "Yeah, he knows what he's doing in Dimension X, but other  than that he's dumb as a rock."

"Leo's saved you guys' shells a lot, so I've heard, because of his ideas and plans,"

Donatello stayed quiet.

"And Raph? Hasn't he sussed out every person— or mutant —that's turned on your guys and stabbed you in the back?"

Donnie turned his head to the side and mumbled, "well, not Mona," 

His counterpart rolled his eyes, "But you didn't listen to him about anyone else, and got fucked."

Donatello scoffed at his counterparts 'vulgarity'. Fine. I get it. You're on a mission to prove I'm wrong." 

"I'm on a mission to prove you need your brothers, like how I need mine." Donnie said firmly.

Donatello sighed, mumbled something along the lines of "you're right, I know.." then when over to Casey, plopped down in the bean bag next to him, and fell asleep almost instantly.

The other turtle scrunched his nose in disgust, reminded himself that the different dimensions had different relationships, then went back to trying to figure out how to open up the portal again.

Finally. Peace.



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