[ 4 ] Raphael

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"I'm not the leader, Raph is."

Leo said casually. But this time, it caught the eye of a few other counterparts. The other universe started at Raphael, making him uncomfortable. "Raph's the leader? Does he not get angry 24/7?" Asked Mikey, who was still staring at said turtle.

"Raphael rarely gets angry at us," Donatello said blankly. "Yeah, he's a complete softie," Leonardo said nodding his head slowly for effect. Raph rolled his eyes (he totally wasn't a softie), "how could I get mad at my brothers? They're, um, my brothers?" He said questionably.

Raph got a bit frustrated. His "other self" was actin' better than him. " 'Cuz they're annoying? And dumb?" Donnie scoffed, and Mikey put on an overly shocked, sarcastic face, "Oh no! How could you say that about us.." Leo's expression changed to overly/sarcastically sad, picking up on his brothers' joke, and said, "Oh, how could my favorite brother be so rude..!" Raph rolled his eyes.

"Do ya really think that-" Leo paused in between bites of his pancakes, "We're that annoying?" Raph shrugged, "You guys never-" He was cut off by Leo who had composed himself. "Anyways, I was gonna ask if you guys could start workin' on gettin' us home," Leo nodded towards the Donatellos, who were a turtle away from him (next to the Raphael's, who were next to him). Donnie nodded. "Yeah, I was wondering about the portal you all came out of, actually." He looked to himself. Donatello answered, "Describe the portal for me, n' I'll tell you about Ty e one we saw,"

Donnie nodded, "The portal all of you guys came through was triangular and-" The two purple turtles went on about the portals, most of the other's listening, as they had nothing better to do. Eventually, they figured out that the portal /2012/ came out of was a Kraang portal. It sent shivers down Donnie, and his brothers, spine when they heard it. When their counterparts explained that Kraang were more like mutant silver fish, it calmed them down a bit. Mikey's goosebumps didn't go away, though.

The portal that /2012/ went through was described similarly to Leo's portals, and when questioned, he admitted that he was messing around with his swords, not in Donnie's lab, but in the common area; where /2012s/ portal appeared.

The two Donatellos came to the conclusion that the Kraang and Leo may have been making portals at the same time, causing them to become a fusion of some sort, or glitch in a way. Donnie didn't like the conclusion, since it meant that the only way to make the portal to get the other version of them home was for the same thing to happen; aka a highly improbable situation.

The Donnie's talked all dinner, and even when it was over,and anyone who didn't live in the sewer had gone topside, they (+ Casey because he fell asleep) stayed at the table and worked out the logistics of a plan to get everyone home. Raphael, on the other hand, stopped his counterpart to speak with him.

- xx -

"Raph." He said, putting and three-fingered hand on his own shoulder. Raph turned to him, slightly glaring. Or maybe he just had resting bitch face. A chronic case of it, if so. Never the less, Raph started talking. "I noticed you were going to say something during dinner, but Leo interrupted you," Raphael looked to Mikey, who was only a few steps in front of him, on his way to the room Leonardo was lending them. "Uh, yeah, but I don't wanna say shit in front of Mike," Raph nodded, realizing that it must be kinda serious if he didn't want Mikey hearing. But, if he didn't want Mikey hearing now, why was he going to say it at dinner? Raph shrugged and gestured his counterpart to follow him, leading him to his room.

"So, what is it?" Both Raphael's were sitting across from each other now, the larger one sitting with criss-crossed legs, and the smaller one sitting on his knees. "Uhm, well, they just.. ignore me all the time. Well, not me, I'm hard to miss, but my ideas. They just think of me as a raging excuse for a ninja," Raph was still glaring, but now his glare was softened, and his eyes were drooling. Raph nodded.

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