[ 8 ] April Showers Bring May Flowers

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HIHI!! This chapter switches between all the Caseys' and Aprils'! I haven't switch povs/limited 3rd pov in one chapter before so please excuse if this is horrible :)<3 

Adding this as I'm writing: I think that April would make nicknames for people but would be absolutely disgusted if someone called her a nickname. So she has nicknames for everyone but everyone  calls her April 🫶🏻

[ Rottmnt April ]

April didn't like these new mutants, nor their human friends..

She knew that technically she was technically a "human friend", but these guys were strange.

Some obvious ones:

Casey and Donnie were dating. Not weird. Just different.

Raph seemed like he had bad emotional spikes. He randomly called others names when they'd come out the portal, but recently he'd been really mellow. According to Leo, he was always angry.

This were different. April didn't, and still doesn't, like different. Different is like when you have to move from Montana, start at a new school, and go from being a kind-popular-kid to a weirdo-nobody. It sucked. (Of course, you do make some sick new friends, two girlfriends, and mystic powers...)

Change sucked.

Different sucks.

And so do these newcomers.  April had a weird attitude; defensive, for lack of a better word. April stayed away from the other her for the most part. Unfortunately, her counterpart had other plans.

"April! Can I as you some questions?" April sighed and paused, waited for the slightly annoying redhead to catch up, then started walking again. She did so a bit faster, to hopefully loose her counterpart. But, April was a Kunoichi in training. Kunoichi aren't slow; they can't be.

"So! I was wondering-" April turned herself out. She didn't want to listen to this girl. Occasionally, she'd pitch in with a nod or a "uh-huh" so April wouldn't think she was an asshole. She sighed a small sigh or relief as she reached the table, Finally. Other fucking people. 

April sat down, and April plopped down right across from her. Thankfully, Donnie sat down on he other side, his own counterpart across from him.

April dug right into her absolutely delicious pancakes. Mikey is  Gordon Ramsey reincarnated. Wait. Is he even dead? Whatever. 

As April ate the last bit of her last pancake, she glanced across from her. The ginger girl had just barely started eating. "Dude, you gonna eat yer food?" April's head popped up quickly, clearly startled by the interruption. "Uh, yeah. Is this, like, safe to eat?" April cocked her head to the side. " 'Course!" Mikey can cook like a king, don't worry," She said, curiously. "Oh! Good, er, my Mikey cooks things that are.. pretty disgusting." April giggled awkwardly, and in return her counterpart barked out a laugh. "Yeah! He mostly does that to only his food, though. Man puts salt on everything.."

April laughed, more comfortable this time, "Yeah, he does more than salt.. he put, like, gummy worms on his pizza," April made an over-exaggerated disgusted face, and the two burst out into laughter. 

[ 2012 April ]

At first, April was convinced her counterpart hated her. Well, now she was sitting across from her, laughing and telling her life story. 

April told her many things, like how she had a crush on her best friend(s), and was now happily dating the two of them. Since she said that, April felt completely heard. Seen, even. She's had a crush on Karai for ages, but she always felt like Karai was kinda Leo's thing. Until they'd found out about her being the turtles sister, Leo (thankfully) backed off. 

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