Meet The Hamatos

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Maria carried Emily inside as she followed Alopex inside, Takeshi having to go back on duty and investigate what happened in the shop. Emily was used to being around yokai and mutants but was still cautious when it came to this new environment. Both mutants and yokai stared at the girls as they passed, some humans were there too, and they were all whispering about the two. Maria paid no attention to any of them as the fox in front of them stopped in front of a large door. "Now, be polite, and kind. I'll tell them about the situation, it will be alright." Alopex opened the door and Maria could see the figures inside were waiting for them. The one that seemed to be in charge was a mutant rat in a white Japanese robe, he was sitting in the middle of four mutant turtles. The turtle's each had a different color mask and style choice, they were even different species. There was also a human girl around Maria's age. But that's not what caught her attention, the symbol that Alopex had tattooed on her arm, was on their clothes. "Splinter, I believe you heard of what happened to Grizzly and Scorpion. I have brought their daughters for their safety." Emily looked up from her sister's hoodie with teary red eyes, they were also puffy from crying so hard. The turtle with a red mask got up and came over to the girls, this caused Emily to hide back in Maria's hoodie. Since he was closer now the jaguar saw her was a snapping turtle, he was wearing a jean vest, faded tank top, and a pair of dark gloves and spiked bracelets. His mask also had black stripes. "Hey, it's ok." Maria sensed no bad intent coming from him as he coaxed her little sister out of hiding. He put his hand on her tiny shoulder as gently as possible, making her look at him. Emily cried some more, being reminded of her Dad in that moment. She wanted him to be here with their Papa, to tell her it will be okay. "I-I w-want Papa and Daddy!" Maria hugged her sister tight as the red masked turtle looked at the little girl sadly. Hearing the little one cry the rat got up and stood by the turtle. "We will find him, and your Papa. Don't worry little one." Maria could hear the kindness in his voice and nodded in thanks, Emily sniffed as she clutched Maria's hoodie. "Sir, I'd like to join the search party." The rat shook his head and place a hand on the jaguar's arm. "No, as much as I know you want to find your parents, they would want you safe." She sighed and nodded in understanding and then looked him in the eyes. "What now?" Splinter stroked his beard before answering. "You two will stay with the clan, that way we can keep you two safe." Maria nodded and put Emily down, but the little girl held onto her older sister's leg as she hid behind her. "Thank you." He nodded before motioning to the human that was with them. "April, will you show them around and to a spare room?" The girl got up and nodded before leading the two through the mansion. "I'm April, April O'Neil. What about you two?" "I'm Maria, and this is my little sister, Emily." Emily stayed behind her big sister out of shyness and April bent down to greet her. Emi stayed clutching her sister's leg as she looked at the teen in front of them. "It's ok, I'm not gonna hurt you." Then a little cat like creature appeared on April's shoulder, and this seemed to catch the little one's attention. "This is Mayhem, me and my friends rescued the little guy a while back." Emily came out of hiding and held out her hand for Mayhem to sniff, and he let her pet him. Maria smiled at this, Emily has always been shy or iffy about humans outside her family due to how she was treated in the foster system. April let Emily hold the little yokai as she showed them around. They soon arrived at a spare room; it was mostly bare besides the paintings on the walls and two futons with blankets and pillows. "My friend Mikey painted this room, and Grizzly and Scorpion said that if there was an emergency, that you'd be ok here." Maria looked to April as Emily explored the room. "Grizzly and Scorpion?" "Those were your dads' code names. They are pretty cool dudes." The turtle wearing the red mask soon came in the room holding a plush turtle. "Hey, I heard Emily had a stuffed dragon. But since it's back at you guy's place I figured she could use a friend here." He walked over and held out the stuffed animal to the little girl, who took it while Mayhem sat on her head. "Thank you, Mr. Turtle." The snapping turtle smiled, his snaggle tooth joining the rest of his teeth in his happy smile. "My names Raph." The little girl smiled and hugged him in thanks, making Maria smile. April put a hand on her shoulder and said something that was important. "Well, we should get you a weapon, Jaguar." Maria figured her dads would use her nickname instead of her real one when talking about her. So, the girl turned to follow April, but her sister stopped her before she could. "Could I stay with Raph and Mayhem?" Maria looked to Raph, and he smiled and nodded saying it was alright to leave the girl with the large turtle. "Ok but try not to break anything or go anywhere without Raph or Mayhem." Emily nodded and hugged her sister before going back over to Raph, the big turtle pulled out his phone and turned-on Jupiter Jim for them to watch. Maria followed April to a dojo where two other turtles and another human seemed to be training. One of the turtles bounced over with a big smile on his face, her had an orange mask and was a common box turtle. He had traces of paint splatters on his jeans and jacket, his shirt had a smiley face on it. "Hi, I'm Mikey." "Maria." The other turtle came over too, he was a red eared slider with a blue mask. He wore a jacket with a fur lined hood, ripped jeans and a grey top. He also had a black choker and dog tag around his neck. His mask tails were tipped with black. "Names Leo, so why are you called Jaguar? You wrestle one at the zoo?" Maria chuckled at this and answered his question. "No, it's for another reason." The other human came over and, she looked intense. Shaved black hair, tank top and purple sweatpants. "So, you are Grizzly's daughter. He is a good opponent when it came to sparring." Maria nodded, her Dad trained her and made her not only strong but fast and smart in a fight. April introduced the girl as Cassandra Jones, but also said that she could call her Casey. "We came in here to get Maria a weapon." Mikey nodded and got out his phone to order some pizza as Maria chose her weapon. Leo led the big cat over to a wall full of weapons, both regular and mystic, the girl took a hunting knife as a backup and a club with a roaring jaguar head at the end. (A/N: Think Maya's club from Maya and the Three.) The club glowed a light sky blue before it stopped. "Good choice, but can you use it?" Leo took out an Odachi sword, as Maria took off her hoodie to reveal her muscles and spots. She smirked at the blush on the turtle's face before charging and starting the fight. They both seemed to be on par with each other as when the fight ended, they were both still standing. "So, tie?" Maria nodded with a small laugh. "Yeah, let's go check on Emily and Raph." Maria strapped the club to her back and made her way back to her room with the others. "Wasn't there four of you turtles?" Mikey answered her. "Yeah, Donnie is working on the turtle tank. He might pull another all nighter." The jaguar nodded as she opened her room's door to see Emily snuggling with Mayhem on her futon. Raph was making sure the lights were dimmed so the girl could sleep, and smiled when the others came in. "Thanks for watching her, Raph." "She reminds me of when Mikey was little, but quieter." They sat down and decided to get to know each other better. "So, you all stopped that invasion by those aliens called the 'Kraang', Raph got transformed into a monster, Leo nearly died for you guys, and Casey's future kid showed up?" Maria was shocked to hear they stopped the invasion that happened a few months back. "Yep, the Kraang got portal chopped." Leo was somewhat amusing with that. Splinter soon came by to tell them it was time for bed, and they left the room, Raph gave Maria a plush nine tailed fox saying it was for the nerves. It did help a bit, so the jaguar fell asleep holding the plush and her sister's hand.  

A/n: I did draw the turtles and April in their AU outfits, they were hard to draw, but it was fun.

A/n: I did draw the turtles and April in their AU outfits, they were hard to draw, but it was fun

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