Rise of the Headcanon Time!

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Headcanon: Rise Donnie likes when people gently rub his shell.

Y/n walked into the lair to find Raph at the entrance. "Thanks for coming, Y/n." The human nodded and placed their hands on their hips. "When you said Donnie wasn't sleeping, I had to come." Y/n was the only person who could get the mad scientist to sleep. They found out when they started dating that it wasn't too hard to get they're boyfriend to sleep. Between all the adventures, him building new things, and his night owl nature makes the soft shelled turtle tired. He was also too prideful to admit he needed sleep. "He's in his lab, I'm going to make sure the others are sleeping and then go to bed." Raph smiled as he walked away from his human friend, and said human headed to the lab. Once they stepped inside the lab, Sheldon flew over to say hi. "Hey, Y/n. Are you gonna help Donnie?" Y/n patted the robot's head and nodded. "Yeah, you go recharge and make sure to fully charge this time." Sheldon then went to his charging station and settled down for the night while Y/n approached their boyfriend. He was sitting facing away from them in his spinning chair, his battle shell was still on too. The human smiled and shook their head before rapping their arms around the genius turtle from behind. "Hey, Einstein, aren't you tired?" "If Raph called you to get me to sleep it won't work." That's what he said last time, and Y/n still got him to sleep. The human then proceeded to take off his battle shell, and put it away. "What do you think you're doing?" Y/n shrugged and came back behind him and gently touched the back of his carapace. Donnie shuddered and nervously looked back at his partner. "What are you doing?!" The human then rubbed their thumbs up and down his spine. Y/n's hands were warm from being in their hoodie, it felt nice to the soft shell. "Nothing, just thought I'd make you more comfortable, Donnie." He shuddered again, but didn't fight it as the human began moving their hands up and down at a slow pace. They were evil in thinking this would get him to sleep. Y/n smirked as their turtle leaned into their touch, they knew even if they can fight with weapons their hands haven't calloused at all. The human's hand were soft as a newborn and then some, but that made them a good thief. Y/n could steal you blind, and you wouldn't even know they were there. Donnie knew they knew his weakness. First time they did this was after Leo exposed how Splinter got him to sleep. The rat would rub the purple turtle's shell while he scratched the others. "I'm going to kill Nardo for telling you my weakness." Y/n rolled their eyes and moved to his shoulders and massaged the base of his neck, knowing he carried more tension in his neck. "We both know Maria would wreck your babies if you sicked them on your brother." Y/n was right, the jaguar girl wasn't one to be messed with by man or machine. The human then started rubbing his shell again and Donnie sighed in getting all the tension off his shoulders. "I know, but that doesn't mean you are off the hook." Donnie then spun the chair and pulled the human onto his lap, nuzzling into their cheek. Y/n giggled a bit and kissed the turtle on his snoot. "You going to sleep now, Einstein?" He rolled his eyes and picked up his partner before carrying them into his room. Donnie placed his partner on his bed before taking off his mask and climbing in to snuggle. The genius turtle was laying with his head on Y/n's chest as the used their thumb to rub his shell. "Just so you know, I didn't do this for the shell rubs." Y/n smiled and kissed the top of his head. "I know, Donnie. I know." The two soon did fall asleep, with the sounds of the sewer to lul them to sleep.

A/n: My first ×reader oneshot, this is amazing and I hope you all like it.

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