Rise Raph x Dragon Yokai Reader

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(Y/n) Description: Is a NightLight dragon, green and blue eyes, retractable teeth, and white and black scales. Has a tendency to hoard stuffed animals.

(Y/n) was walking through the Yokai Market, buying some fish for their family. They were having guests over tonight, apparently it was an old friend of their dad's and his son's. After getting the fish, vegetables, and some rice the dragon headed home, but stopped when they saw a plushie on display at one of the stands. It was a little kitty, dark blue fur and silver stars all over, it even had a second tail and third eye. (Y/n) check their bag for any extra change or money, but it wasn't enough for the little, soft plush. Their ear nubs went back in disappointment, and they spread their wings before taking off, not knowing someone was watching them admire the stuffed animal. Once (Y/n) got home, they went inside and put the ingredients in the kitchen. (Y/n)'s mother, Lunara, helped them wash the veggies and noticing the sad look on her child's face. "What's wrong, dear? You look sadder than a Typhomerang afraid of eels." (Y/n) sighed and started to explain to their mom about the plush they saw today. "It was a cute starry cat yokai plush. It was so pretty, and it looked so soft." Lunara nodded and started to make some sushi with the rice, seaweed, and fish. "Why didn't you get it then?" (Y/n) sighed and their wings lowered. "Didn't have enough money." Lunara patted their child's head and got back to making diner. "Well, the sons of your father's friend are bringing gifts for you and your siblings. Maybe one of them will bring you a plush from up top." This gave the teenage dragon a little hope, so they left to their room to get ready for the diner. They put on a beautiful kimono with cherry blossom patterns and sunset highlights. "Kids! The guests are here!" (Y/n)'s father, Eclipse, called his children downstairs. The dragon siblings lined up from tallest to shortest in front of a line of turtles and their rat father. "Children, this is Splinter. He's an old friend and brother in arms." The dragons bowed respectfully to their guests. "Thank you for visiting." Each of the dragon siblings were paired with one of the turtles, who were dressed pretty nicely. (Y/n)'s youngest sibling, Ghost, was paired with Mikey. The third oldest, Trinket, was paired up with Donnie, and her twin brother, Raven, was paired with Leo. (Y/n) being the oldest, was paired with Raph. The two were sitting awkwardly with each other as they ate together in an empty room. "So, you have any hobbies?" Raph answered after swallowing one of the onigiris provided. "I like wrestling and collecting plushies. But I also love training and fighting." (Y/n) picked up another piece of sushi and ate it. "You collect plushies?" This actually intrigued the dragon as their ear nubs twitched. "Yeah, I have some separation anxiety, and don't like being alone. They help me sleep." (Y/n) knew the feeling, the not wanting to be alone feeling. "I collect plushies too. I love how soft they are on my scales, and sometimes I use them as pillows." Raph smiled showing his snaggle tooth. "Really?" "Yeah, I even saw this cute star yokai plush today. Sadly, I didn't have enough money for it." (Y/n) made sure their wings and ear nubs didn't move, but the snapping turtle noticed their drooping tail. He placed a hand on theirs and smiled, before reaching behind him and pulling out a wrapped box. "Here, I think it's a good time to give our gifts now." (Y/n) gently smiled and took out another box and traded with him. Raph went first and pulled out a white kitsune plush, they had a little ribbon with a bell on the bow. "Aw, so cute." (Y/n) went next but got a shock as in the box was the cat plush, they were looking at earlier. The dragon gently picked up the fluffy plush and pet its fur. "It's the plush I was looking at in the market. How?" Raph smiled and rubbed the back of his head. "We were choosing our gifts when I saw you looking at it in the market." (Y/n) smiled brightly and got up, walking over to the turtle's side. "Thank you." The NightLight licked his cheek and went to put the cat with the rest of her plushies, with Raph following. Once in the dragon's room Raph was in awe at the well-kept plushies in the dragon's room. "Wow." "Yeah, sometimes the rumors of dragons having a hoard is true." Raph and (Y/n) spent the rest of the visit cuddling with the many plushies and talking about their lives. 

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