Rise Leo and Maria

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"You sure your brothers and dad are okay with me staying over?" Maria looked down to her boyfriend, Leo. She was finally going to meet his family, and she was nervous. 

Believe it or not the story of how the two met and Maria asking Leo out was pretty simple. Maria actually works part time as a bouncer for Senior Hueso, her godfather/uncle. Leo was there one night and a yokai was making him uncomfortable, so Maria swooped in and helped him. 

Leo was actually grateful to Maria, and they exchanged contact info. A few weeks of hanging out later, he tried to muster up enough courage to ask her out. But it didn't go as planned. 

Flashback Time!

Leo set up a sign and a bunch of Marigold flowers since they were Maria's favorite. He was dressed in some nice clothes and ready to enact his master plan. 

Maria came around the corner and a yokai started to flirt with her. "Hey, cutie, how about you and I go for a ride?" 

She took off her tank top revealing not only her sports bra but rock-hard muscles that flexed when she took a stance. "Not a chance, bastard." 

And the two started to fight, with Maria winning, but in the midst of it all Leo's sign and the flowers were destroyed. "No, no, no." 

"Leo? What are you doing here?" Maria came over and looked down at the wrecked sign and Marigolds. She read the sign and looked to the turtle with a soft smile. "Leo, te gustaría tener una cita?" 

Leo was stunned that even though he was supposed to ask her, she asked him. "Si." 

Flashback Time Over!

But that was a good day, even with the crazy. 

Leo held Maria's hand as they walked through the tunnels. He knew she was nervous about finally meeting his family. "It'll be okay, Hermosa. I'm sure my bros and my dad will love you." 

This put Maria at ease and Leo had her wait at the entrance while he talked to his brothers. 

Raph and Mikey were pretty excited for whatever their blue brother had planned, but Leo noticed someone was missing. "Where's Donnie?" 

"He said he'll be in his lab all night." Mikey answered as Splinter came over to greet the red eared slider. 

Splinter raised a brow on why they were all gathered at the entrance of the lair. "Why are we all here, Blue?" 

"Well, I brought someone over. Her name's Maria, and she's my girlfriend." This made the three stare in shock as they yelled. 


Leo went back to the entrance and grabbed Maria's hand before leading her into the lair and up to his brothers and dad. Mikey had stars in his eyes seeing Maria's height, she was nearly tall as Raph. Raph noticed her biceps and smiled thinking she might be his new workout buddy. 

Splinter had his mouth dropped, not believing that his son actually asked out this tank of a girl. It was just unfathomable. "How did you ask her out without her killing you?" 

Maria laughed and shook her head. "I'm strong, but not a killer. And I actually asked Leo out, not the other way around. It's really nice to meet you all, I'm Maria." 

Raph shook her hand. "I'm Raph, this is our dad, Splinter, and our youngest brother, Mikey." 

Mikey jumped onto Maria's back, and she let the box turtle climb onto her shoulders. "You're able to lift me!" 

"Yeah, I am." The spotted girl was smiling as Mikey sat on her shoulders. 

"Orange, get off Maria's shoulders. She's a guest." Splinter wanted to show some manners to the girl, but she shrugged and let Mikey swing from her shoulders to hang from her arm. 

"Nah, it's okay. I babysit my little cousin all the time, I'm used to this." Maria chuckled as Mikey got down and joined the others. "Um, Leo, I thought you said you had three brothers." 

"Donnie's held up in his lab for the night. You might meet him in the morning." Leo answered as they all made their way to the living room to watch a movie. 

Raph pulled out two DVD's. "Okay, Jupiter Jim, or Lou Jitsu?" 

Mikey raised his hand. "Jupiter Jim!" 

"No way, we are watching Lou Jitsu!" Leo disagreed with that choice. 

Maria separated them with a compromise. "How about both. We'll watch Lou Jitsu first then a Jupiter Jim movie. Sound fair?" 

Everyone agreed with that, and the movie started as everyone got some pizza. Leo was laying his head in Maria's lap as she held his hand. Mikey was on his belly as he laid on some pillows. Raph was sitting in a bean bag as he was next to a recliner. And Splinter was comfy in his recliner. 

"Your lap is so comfy, Hermosa." Leo looked up to Maria as she smirked down at him. 

She didn't believe that her lap was comfy. "I doubt it." 

"But it's true!" Mikey was now laying his lap on her lap. "It's comfy as heck!" 

"Mine." Leo wrapped his arms around Maria's torso as he glared at his little brother. And the box turtle slipped back to the pillows he was laying on. 

Maria rubbed Leo's head and calmed him down so they could watch the movie without any more interruptions. "Easy, Tortuga." 

The rest of the night went well, Raph and Maria actually had an arm-wrestling match that ended in a draw. Mikey got some new food recipes from Maria for when they couldn't get pizza. Splinter actually got along with the girl, the two talking about their experiences with fighting. 

Leo was cuddling with Maria and clung to her as much as he could. She didn't mind him clinging to her honestly, she liked the hugs. 

The next morning Maria and Leo were in the skate room, the jaguar using a free-weight Raph had lying around. She wanted to get some reps in this morning and Leo was watching her with a smile and a blush. 

Maria was in her sports bra and her leggings. Her muscles were showing as she worked out. 

Donnie was coming out of the kitchen was a mug of coffee in hand and noticed his twin was looking in a certain direction. That's when he remembered what Mikey told him. 

'Oh yeah, Leo's girlfriend stayed over last night.' 

The genius turtle looked over to where Leo was staring, and his eyes went wide. The girl Leo was staring at was nearly as tall as Raph and looked like a body builder of a teen. Donnie nearly spat out what coffee he did drink. 

'Holy truffle mac and cheese! Leo's dating that?! She looks like a pro-wrestler! How the heck did he ask her out without being killed?!' 

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⏰ Last updated: May 12 ⏰

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