New Day

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Maria woke up and got ready for the day in the gang's manson. Emily was up and ready to see the turtles again so she rushed out of the room with Mayhem in her sister's hoodie. Maria let her wear it since they didn't have any spare clothes at the moment. "Morning, Maria." April came in holding some clothes and handed them to the jaguar. "I made sure they're your size, and Alopex is helping Emily." The teen smiled at April and nodded. "Thanks, April." "You better hurry and get dressed, breakfast will be ready soon." April then left the room so the girl could change out of her dirty clothes. (See above.) Once dressed she brushed out her orange mohawk and left it down. To be honest she looked badass. Maria then left for the dining hall so she could get something to eat, but she bumped into a softshell turtle with a purple mask. It looked like he drew eyebrows on it with permanent marker though. "Oh, sorry, you good?" The turtle nodded and got up with Maria's help. "Yes, I'm Donatello. And you're Maria, right?" The girl nodded and they walked together to the dining hall. "Yeah, I'm guessing your the twin Leo was talking about last night." Donnie rolled his eyes and took out his phone as they walked. "I keep telling him to not call me that." They soon came into the dining hall and to Maria it looked kind of like a school cafeteria mixed with a Japanese restaurant. Emily ran over to her big sister wearing a cute bunny hoodie and pink skirt. Her hair was in cute space buns, and she was holding hands with a cat yokai her age. "Hey, Emi. Who's your new friend?" The jaguar kneeled down to meet the cat. "This is Hana, she's a ninja like her big sister." Hana was wearing a light purple jumper and had a little bracelet on her wrist that was in a burgundy red. "Nice to meet you, Hana. I'm Maria, Emily's big sister." Hana was a little shy with Maria, only giving a tiny wave and hiding behind her new friend. Maria saw how she acted; it was the same way her sister acted when meeting someone new. So, to make the little cat more comfortable, the jaguar pushed up her sleeves more and pulled down her gloves to show her spots. "I'm like you, see?" This seemed to make Hana feel better and she started to come out. A tuxedo cat yokai came over and Maria stood up to greet her. The cat was wearing a red flannel shirt and faded blue jeans, her gold eyes met the blue ones of Maria. "I'm guessing you're Hana's sister?" "Yes, I'm Chizu. Could they stay together for a while longer? Hana needs more friends her age." Maria nodded seeing the cat's point. "Same with Emily. They can stay together, and they can see each other when they want." The little girls seemed to be happy about that and ran off somewhere to play. Chizu looked on in concern after the two and Maria noticed this. The teen placed her hands together and her markings glowed a light blue, and when her hands opened a tiny bird was sitting in them. "They'll be okay, this little guy will alert us if something happens." Donnie popped in and held up his phone. "That and I put trackers on everyone." Maria let the bird fly off and looked at the turtle with a blank expression before rolling her eyes. Chizu then left to sit with her friends, a fox, a rhino, a rabbit, a tengu, and a human. The human had their hair in many braids and had chocolate skin with a sea turtle tattoo on their arm. They also seemed to be around Maria's age. But her attention was pulled away when she heard her name being called. "Maria!" She looked over to see the one who was calling her was Mikey. The jaguar smiled before heading over and sitting with them after grabbing some food and coffee. Mikey side hugged Maria and then started eating his breakfast burrito as she ate some of her eggs. Leo tried to use a portal to steal some of Raph's food but was stopped when the snapper shot him a look. Maria's thoughts then went to her dads; if they were alive or not, you know. Splinter noticed her worry as she picked at her fruit salad. "I know you're worried, Jaguar. But I have my best men and women working on this, we will get them back." Maria nodded and smiled sadly as she continued to eat. Donnie then held her wrist and placed a leather bracelet around it confusing her. "Why did you just give Maria some bling?" Leo looked a bit jealous about this and looked at his brother with a small glare. "Nearly forgot to put a tracker on her." Maria then gained wide eyes as she thought about this. "Does everyone have a tracker here?" Donnie nodded and was going on a rant now. "Yes, I put trackers on everybody that joins or enters the mansion. It's a good way to keep track of everyone even if some of them don't know about the small trackers that I've cleverly disguised and hid on everyone." This gave Maria a reason to ask something important. "Do my dads have them?" Donnie nodded and the jaguar asked one more question. "Can we use the trackers to find them?"

A/n: I will write about this oc soon and the Usagi Chronicles next after updating more

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A/n: I will write about this oc soon and the Usagi Chronicles next after updating more. 

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