2003 Donnie × Fox Reader

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A/n: I'm back, I'm not dead! This is going to be short, you've been warned.

Headcanon: Reader taught Donnie how to speak Russian, so he rants in it when he gets frustrated.

It's been a few months after the turtles saved (Y/n) from Stockman's lab. The brothers a little late since the once human now was a marble fox mutant. It wasn't all bad though, the fox ended up making some new friends. Especially with Donnie, the brains of the bunch. He'd teach them how to fix the Battle-Shell, hack a computer, and the two even became lab buddies. (Y/n) was really happy to have Donnie as a friend, so in return they taught him how to speak in their first language. Russian. The purple banded turtle took to the new language like a fish to water, and was a quick study. Today was a chill day at the lair and everyone was doing their own thing. Leo was meditating in his room, Mikey was busy reorganizing his Justice Force comics, and Raph was in the dojo training. Splinter took this time to catch up on his soap operas as the turtles weren't using the television. Donnie and (Y/n) were in the garage tuning up the tunneler. The fox mutant would hand Donnie tools when he asked. "Still can't believe last mission we used this the roof caved in." Donnie poked his head out of where he was working and lifted his safety goggles. "I did not think that would happen either, гениальная черепаха." Donnie slightly blushed at the nickname. The translation was, "genius turtle." (Y/n) handed him the next tool he pointed to. Mikey soon came in, his comic in hand and he leaned on one of the walls. "Hey, (Y/n), you and Donnie almost done? We're gonna have movie night soon." The fox smiled and answered as Donnie handed them back the tool. "привет (hello), Mikey, it might be good if we take a break soon. What time is it anyway?" (Y/n) handed Donnie the next tool and fixed his safety goggles. "Nearly time for dinner. We're having Chinese this time." Donnie came out and had everyone stand back as he tested the drill. Everything seemed to be good, but the drill stopped and steamed suddenly. Donnie snatched off his goggles and started to rant. "Urg! I thought that might work, what did I do wrong?!" The fox and the orange turtle watched as Donnie's English turned to Russian. (A/n: Small words I can translate, but what your about to see is me being lazy. Bold is Russian) "I just don't understand why it didn't fricking work! It should have! I don't know how I messed up, and Urg!"  Mikey looked at (Y/n) for translation but didn't get one as the fox sighed. "Mikey, could you go back and tell the others we'll be down soon?" Mikey agreed as he left, listening to his genius brother curse and yell in Russian. The fox mutant grabbed Donnie's face in their paws and made him look at them. "Donnie, it is alright. Calm down, breathe." The turtle listened and took a deep breath, (Y/n) squishing his cheeks a bit. "Better?" "Mhm." They let go of Donnie's face and held his hand. "Хороший (good), now let us go eat. Maybe you'll figure it out when you have a full stomach." The fox still held his hand as they led Donnie back to the lair.

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