I will wait for her

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       The man stood in front of the bar  hugging his big brown coat tightly. He stood there rigid, as the cold wind coming from Westmeath made his toes curl. His gloves had worn off revealing his pale fingers and the cold didnot even think twice before turning his nails blue. He was an ordinary man with ordinary shoes. But his purpose was different, his purpose was to find someone. Someone whom he met three years ago. 

     He looked up at the december sky, snow had only just started falling and it was already unbearingly cold. As he stood near the doorway of the bar he noticed that the name of the bar had worn out. 'Greasy spoon' now looked more like 'Reasy Poon'. But that didn't bother him. He rubbed his hands together and blowed on them to keep them warm before entering the bar. He could hear the clatter of drunk bearded irish men and laughs of Irish ladies who drank cheap beer. Searching for his usual spot like always everything came back to him.

      ....Well, I came home

          Like a stone

          And I fell heavy into your arms

          These days of dust

         Which we've known

         Will blow away with this new sun....

      Three years ago he came to this bar for the very first time. He remembers putting on the same brown jacket only then it wasn't worn out. Infact it was brand new. He had no beard then. His hair was proper like a gentleman. Thats when he noticed the girl. She looked like a comet so bright, she was laughing like it was the end of the world. Even the jug full of cheap beer looked like champagne in her hands. Her face looked like it was carved for her raven hair. He saw her for the first time there, in the bar on the table top playing the banjo with her couple of friends. That was also the first time that he heard her singing...

        .....But I'll kneel down,

             Wait for now

            And I'll kneel down,

            Know my ground

           And I will wait, I will wait for you.....

      He had only just put his coat on  the hanger and she had already captured him. He made his way towards her from in between the dancing crowd. That night he stole her from the company of her friends and kept her with him. She laughed and he laughed too. He bought her drinks and she kissed him. The man was baffled, he found her irresistible. He could not stop looking at her. She made a couple of irish jokes and he laughed. The night passed by. They sang and danced... 

      ....So break my step

         And relent

        Well, you forgave and I won't forget

        Know what we've seen

       And him with less

      Now in some way shake the excess

      'Cause I will wait, I will wait for you.....

        But soon the night ended and so did their parade. She had to go  they baded their goodbyes sleepily. But he didn't know anything about her they were too drunk to even exchange names. By the time he realized it she was already far gone. And so he consoled himself... 

  .....Now I'll be bold

      As well as strong

      And use my head alongside my heart

     So tame my flesh

     And fix my eyes

    A tethered mind freed from the lies...

       He told himself that she might come to the bar someday. And so he always finished his work at the local market and came straight to the bar. He went on following this routine. Months passed by , seasons passed by but his determination stayed till this very day that he sat on the same spot where he first saw her. The banjo laid on the small stage at the end of the bar. He walked towards it and picked it up. His fingers started playing it and he started singing along....

   .....And I'll kneel down,

        Wait for now

        I'll kneel down,

        Know my ground

        Raise my hands

        Paint my spirit gold

       And bow my head

       Feel my heart slow.....

        The whole bar was looking at him now some cheering applauding him and some plain drunk. As he was about to sing the next verse someone else joined him...

     .....Cause I will wait, I will wait for you

         And I will wait, I will wait for you

         And I will wait, I will wait for you

         And I will wait, I will wait for you.....

      As he looked at that someone's face. It was the face of that someone for whom he came to the bar everyday for three years, It was the face of that someone he was searching for. 



     I love Mumford and Sons ..excelent people. Babel is an amazing album. Did you like this??? *fingers crossed* tell me! 


Much love, 

Bharbi xXx

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