𝟜- my comfort

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Chapter 4      
My comfort 
⚠️Slight Injury description⚠️
(Lines 16-18)

My eyes jolted open due to the force of landing. The world around me was spinning, everything being a blur.Voices muffled leaving me with nothing, I had zero ideas of what was going on.Even though all of this was happening being able to slightly focus on the familiar golden specks gave me comfort, they allowed me to feel safe.Until suddenly my comfort was taken away leaving me with panic and numbness. Shadows moved across my eye sight appearing and then disappearing.

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh" I sat up screaming with what little oxygen was left in my lungs.I caught a glimpse of my wounds, my blue skin was grazed practically everywhere a large wound was on my right leg.I frantically looked around me trying to pick up the pieces of my surroundings, to my left was mother and father they were both holding onto each other their expressions showing how worried they were. To my right at the entrance of the pod was the Jake guy's family, and there he was Lo'ak, he was stood next to his older brother who was desperately trying to hold him back from entering the pod until his dad took his arm and pulled him to face his direction saying something that I obviously couldn't hear. I felt it again, I was losing the ability to keep my eyes open and then unexpectedly I felt the grasp of strong arms around me just before everything faded to darkness.

I felt nothing, there was no more pain no worries they were gone, I attempted to move my body but nothing happened I was stuck. I could still hear the voices of those around me, like my mother who I could hear chanting, her voice trembled at each word being pronounced. I don't know how long she stayed by my side but one moment I heard her voice and the next it stopped being replaced with quiet sobs and whimpers. "Oh please help my daughter great mother, she does not deserve to die at the hands of the sky people, please please save her".

The sky people? This was their doing?I don't remember anything at all. Come on Räya think!!. I tried for I don't know how long wanting to remember anything, anything at all even a second of what happened to me but nothing revealed itself.

I was brought out of my trance when I heard a smooth voice say "morning Räya" I wont lie I am not too familiar with this persons voice but it does sound awfully like Lo'ak but I'm sure its not, so with my amazing logic the only other person it could be is Neteyam his brother I presume. "Its Neteyam, Lo'ak's big brother". I was right!! I am honestly a genius. "I guess I'm mainly here on the half of my brother, he did want to come see you himself but our dad has forbidden him to do so". I heard him take a deep breath and then exhale he then slightly chuckled to himself, " I don't even know if you are listening right now but if there is any chance that you can hear me please keep close attention to what I am about to say". Okayy I am listening I have nothing better to do right now anyway. "He said he is sorry". Sorry? Sorry for what he never did anything wrong. "Lo'ak wanted me to tell you that and he also told me to say that he should never have asked you to do what he suggested and that it was stupid of him to think that you would do it with a person you barely knew, so there you go I have no idea what any of that meant but I'm hoping you will". The only thing that I can think of is when he suggested showing me the forest, the last thing he said to me before I ran well, swam away.

"I have to go now but keep an ear out for my bro he has a tendency of doing things that he is specifically told not to do, so you can expect to hear from him soon" he chuckled slightly before respectfully saying "bye Räya I hope you get better " And then an all to familiar silence consumed my surroundings once again.

Being in this state is really odd I don't feel tired so therefore I have to wonder do I ever fall asleep or does time just jump ahead?, I guess only the great mother could answer that question.My inner turmoil would have to wait as I have another guest, I could feel them gently pick up my hand and grasping it within theirs."Hey little sis" oh it's Tsireya, even she sounds gloomy I don't get why everyone is so worried like I'm right here! I can hear and feel anyone interacting with me so I'm not dead! am I?.
I began to feel my hair being braided, "You should really keep those stubborn hair strands in a braid" I heard her softly say a small sniffle following. I'm presuming whatever occurred and flying on the banshee un ravelled my braids.I really wish I was able to tell her that I'm okay or at least giver her a signal to show her that I am listening."What happened to you is making mother and father really stressed, in fact the whole clan is distraught by the incident, but most of all I miss you I am so worried for you Räya please heal don't leave me here with our idiotic brothers, you are the sun to my days if you were to go I would be stuck in an eternal darkness... so please heal, oh great mother allow her to heal please..." her voice trailed off getting quieter and quieter, the grasp on my hand tightened. I refuse to just lay here! I attempt to move anything a toe a finger but judging from the lack of reaction from Tsireya I don't think it worked.

I suddenly heard Tsireya gasp and speak in a hushed tone. "What on pandora are you doing here!, you will get yourself into even more trouble"
"I just needed to see her, I'm sorry" I know that voice from anywhere
he's here.
"Lo'ak please go" Tsireya said annoyance evident within her tone.
"I am sorry Tsireya but I wont do that, allow me 5 minutes please" Lo'ak pleaded.
"5 minutes! And 5 minutes only, I will drag you out myself if you take even a minute longer, I refuse to be the one caught up in your rebellion."
"Thank you so much Tsireya you wont regret it" he said, his voice picking up more energy.
I presumed that Tsireya walked out as I could no longer hear her voice nor feel her grasp.

"Hey..... well isn't this awkward"those were his first words to me after I left him alone.Oh how I wish I could see right now, gazing into his eyes is all I wish to do, this stupid forest boy has me head over fins and he doesn't even know it. "I'm hoping that my brother gave you my messages, because right now sitting next you saying it would be wayyyy to hard for me" he said letting out a small breathy laugh. I just want to know why talking to me is so difficult for him, I always saw myself as an approachable person but he proves me wrong. "Fuck it I'm just gonna say what I want to say, I really hope that your listening right now" he breathed in and out, don't worry jungle boy you have my full attention I said internally smiling to myself. " I am really sorry Räya deeply sorry, I don't know what was going through my head when I asked you if you would like to see the forest with me, I am still a complete stranger to you and your also the daughter of the clan leaders to which means you have standards you have to meet, and trust me I know how that feels and that is exactly why I should not have been so stupid, I'm really sorry what happened to you was my fault I should have followed you, well I did try to but I have still not mastered riding the ilu yet, but when I found you I-" his voice starts to break however he continues " I- this is gonna sound so stupid but I- I felt like a piece of me died my heart dropped and I just couldn't comprehend loosing you it's so bad I know, we literally met two days ago now, this is so wrong of me I'm sorry please forget it, I should leave now anyway or your sister will probably kill me soo I will see you soon Räya...I hope" I slowly felt his presence leaving me alone and I hated the feeling.What he just loaded onto me made me feel special, wanted and I couldn't in anyway allow him to leave me like that so I started trying my best with all my soul and leftover will to move, please great mother allow me to come back please!

"Lo'ak?" I said my voice feeling so sore and dry. I looked around me and saw him stood a stride away from the exit of the pod, he turned around my gaze meeting with the eyes I adore so much he slowly walked towards me a shocked but also worried expression on his face. "Räya?, a- a- are you okay?, I should get your sister hold on" he said very fast paced however before he could leave my side I grabbed his hand hissing slightly due to feeling the pain, he faced me once again and I took my hand away from his and placed it onto his cheek.Our eyes were locked. I was finally staring into the golden eyes of the na'vi that saved me. I smiled slightly at him before saying....

"𝓘 𝓼𝓮𝓮 𝔂𝓸𝓾"
Word count :1,686

Räya is awake! And we just got a confession :D

I am sorry that this chapter is a bit longer than the others but I felt that there was more to get through.

⚠️Spoiler alert!

I wonder how Räya will react to the forest ;)

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