𝟙𝟚- A promise pt 1

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Chapter 12
A promise Pt 1


Thats how long it felt waiting till mine and Lo'ak's date!. Saying I'm excited is an understatement, even though we have both spent all this time together in the forest, actually putting a label on it and saying it out loud brings me so much joy.

We decided to have our date just after eclipse which gives me approximately....
8 hours to get ready or in other words FOREVER.

Getting ready at the moment is seeming more and more like an impossible mission. Usually Tsireya aids me in this field she has become pretty great at making sure my visuals are eye pleasing over the years. Nonetheless I will give it my best shot. Step one should definitely be trying to gather a change of clothes, I may be able to make something from leaves and other resources that are around.

* 𝓽𝓲𝓶𝓮 𝓼𝓴𝓲𝓹 *

Okayyy and done!. I managed to find some bright green leaves that caught my attention and using thin pieces of wood I created a two piece outfit. The top is very similar to the one I'm currently wearing however it provides a more clean and finished look. The top covers what it needs to and it has two vine like straps which will go around my neck and waist ensuring that it stays in place. I added a few pretty lilac coloured flowers to the straps to give it more character. The bottom part of the piece is just a simple green cloth-like material which will fit nicely around my lower waist.

Well I was hoping after making my outfit I would have like an hour to go until eclipse but nope. There is still 6hours to go if I'm getting the timing right, I try to keep track by looking at the sun but at this point in time it is covered by an army of clouds.

So onto step two, my appearance. First thing is first I need a wash. During one of mine and Lo'ak's hunting trips we found a small waterfall its breathtakingly stunning it cascades down the rocks leaving a trail of mist in its path. The water that pools at the bottom is a clear blue. Reminds me of home. Anyway that is where I decided to wash, it is peaceful and I hopefully wont run into Lo'ak that would be embarrassing.

*𝓪𝓷𝓸𝓽𝓱𝓮𝓻 𝓽𝓲𝓶𝓮 𝓼𝓴𝓲𝓹*

I really underestimated how long I would spend at the waterfall. I accidentally fell into a small nap and judging by the sun, that I can actually see now , I only have 30 minutes left!!!. The panic raised my heart rate, causing me to quickly spring into a fast swim to grab my clothes put them on and leave heading back to the tree to change and do any last adjustments if I have time!.

Once me and Sam ( the name of my ikran)
arrived back to our base I climbed of his back swiftly and practically ran to my little area of the tree. I couldn't hear anything so I presume that Lo'ak is still out doing something. I looked at my reflection in a small puddle and I looked messy my hair looked like a birds nest. At least I don't have mud on my face anymore thats a plus. The main thing I needed to do was put my annoying strands of hair in braids so that way I can see without my view being blocked. It took me no less than 3 minutes to do that. I left no time for error and began to change into my newly custom outfit. I was making sure my outfit was ok when I noticed my surroundings began to darken the forest being covered by shadows of the night began to show its bright beautiful self. It's time. Knowing that the date was edging closer my nerves suddenly started to go up. Suddenly my ears were filled with the all to familiar sound of Lo'ak's ikran.

My heart pounded in my ears my palms were sweating and I felt all to un confident in myself all of a sudden. Just breathe Räya. I inhaled through my mouth deeply and exhaled through my nose, I repeated this action a couple of times until I was more calmer than I was before not much but calmer. "Räya?" Lo'ak's voice reached my ears. "Coming" I replied my voice sounding less confident than I would have liked. I walked across one of the large width branch which was my part of the tree and proceeded to follow the branch path which ended meeting at the centre.

My eyes which were glued to only my feet was lifted up by a gentle, warm and soothing hand. Lo'ak. My eyes met his and I felt the nerves within me suddenly vanish like an ongoing storm within me suddenly saw the sun. I smiled at him. "Here, these are for you" Lo'ak spoke.
I was so lost in my own emotions that I completely blanked out on the clear obvious fact that Lo'ak had an array of flowers in his hands, his arms extended in my direction offering them to me. To which I gladly accepted.

The flowers were a collection of various colours the most prominent colour being....blue.

I gently set the flowers down In a small area not wanting to ruin them when we go where were going. Actually on second thought "Lo'ak where are we going?" I asked genuinely curious. Lo'ak didn't respond I turned to look at him to see him already doing so his eyes making me freeze in place. "Whats wrong?" I asked slightly nervous. "Absolutely nothing, nothing at all" is all he said a smile on his face and I swear I saw his eyes sparkle, but thats most likely a figment of my imagination. He turned to his ikran checking the saddle and looking in a little bag I noticed on the side of it. It seemed to be custom made out of a few leaves, it looked nice.

"How about we just have some fun, no pressure about hunting or our family's and surviving." He paused turning to look at me once again "Räya lets live" he finished the emotion on his face showing pure excitement it took me no time at all to mirror the emotion."Let's go" I said.


I hope you enjoyed the first part of "A promise" hopefully the second and final part of "a promise" will be out in a weeks time.

Until then please consider Voting for my story so I know if you like this chapter or a comment sharing your thoughts.

As always thank you for reading and see you in the next chapter!!!

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