Chapter 19

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It was only an hour after Clint got off the phone with T'Challa that he had arrived on one of their jets with a team of vibranium equipped doctors. Including Shuri.
"Let's get her on the jet and to Wakanda now. And I'm sorry, but for now until we know what it is that's doing this, I cannot allow any guests. I promise to keep you all informed with any news." T'Challa said as his team of doctors picked up Dani and took her. I stood there next to where she had been. Frozen. I couldn't fathom the thought of losing her. Not now. Not when I haven't even had the chance to tell her I love her.
After a moment, in a fit of rage, I tossed the bed over and stormed out of the room. T'Challa was quick to get out of here. Hasn't even said goodbye. Just room her and left in a matter of seconds.
"Woah woah woah, Buck.. calm down. She's gonna be okay." Steve said, having heard me toss the bed in the med bay.
"Don't you dare, Steve. None of you know. Don't tell me she's going to be okay unless you actually know that she will be." I yelled, throwing an empty glass from the bar across the room.
"What makes you think she's not going to be okay?" Nat asked, standing from her chair.
"You didn't literally burn your hand just by barely touching her skin. There's something wrong. Something bad." I said and walked away. I went to my room and sat down on my bed. I ran my hands through my hair, trying to think of a way to help.
A knock on my door brought me back from my thoughts.
"Go away, Steve. I don't want to talk about it." I said, assuming it would be Steve.
"It's Clint, actually. Open up, would you?" Clint said and I got up, opening the door to let him in and closing it behind him.
"I uh... I think I know how we can help Dani. But it may take some time. And I'd like to give T'Challa at least a few days to see if he can figure out how to help her." He said, pacing my bedroom floor.
"What are you thinking, Clint?" I asked, looking up at him.
"I think we need to find Soldier Boy. And I know that's unlikely because no one has heard anything on the guy for years but I think he's our best shot at figuring out what's going on with Dani." He said and I stood up, stopping him from his pacing.
"Here's something you need to consider if you're going to do this cause I don't know if I want any part of that. You have to think... Will this Soldier Boy want her dead, or will he be stoked to know his daughter is alive?" I said and watched as his eyes changed.
"I know... god how I know.. but I can't just sit here and wait for T'Challa to call. I have to do whatever I can to help my sister. And I don't think I can do it alone. I need your help, man. I know how much you care about her and I know you don't want to do anything to hurt her... but what if he is the only thing that can help her?" He said desperately. And as much I wish finding him wasn't a logical way of finding Dani the help she needs... I know Clint is right.
"Alright, I'm in. But I swear to god if she hates me for this, I'm blaming you, Clint." I said and sat back down on my bed.

After Clint and I discussed our search for Soldier Boy for a good hour, maybe 2, he left and I was able to lay down and try getting some rest.
I tossed around all night, worrying about Dani. I wasn't able to get any sleep. Knowing she's not in the room next to mine or even asleep next to me. Knowing she needs me and I can't be there for her. It's killing me.

Around 4am I decided to get up. I made my way out to the bar and made myself a drink. I didn't care what time it was, I needed it.
"Hey Buck. What are you doing up this early?" Steve asked as he walked out from his room, Sam trailing behind him. Both of them wearing their usual exercise clothes.
"Drinking. That's what I'm doing." I said blankly.
"I see that. But why at 4 in the morning?" He said as he started doing stretches.
"Why not? The girl I love could possibly be seriously ill and there's not a damn thing I can do. Nor can I even be there with her. So... I'm drinking." I said and drank the remaining whiskey in my glass just to pour another for myself.
"Buck, she's gonna be okay. The world has put you through enough, to take away one of the 2 things you love most in this world now would be catatonic." He said as he opened the front door.
"Yeah well. Until I get word that she's awake and feeling alright, I will be drinking." I said and waved them off.
I kept drinking until about noon when I finally went back to my room and laid back down. I really hope Dani is okay. And I hope we know that she is very soon cause I really don't want to have to go looking for her father. I don't think he would be willing to help in the first place. He's the one that left his 10 year old daughter to fend for herself. Why would he come out of hiding just to help her? I just don't think it would be a smart move. I really don't. I've never seen what the guy can do, but I've seen that bomb in Dani's chest explode and it scared me. I can only imagine what he can do given he can control it.

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