Chapter 39

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—1 year later/Bucky's POV—

"How are you feeling? I know it's been a difficult adjustment since Steve passed away... You hanging in there?" Sam asked me as we sit in the living room while Dani is feeding our daughter in the nursery.
"You know, I'm okay. I'm happy he got the life he wanted, just wish he would have informed us before he did it. He was supposed to just be returning the stones, but ended up staying back in time to be with Peggy and while I'm happy he did that for himself, I'm angry that he didn't think to tell us. Especially for Dani... her and Steve had become really close friends during her pregnancy and the day she gives birth happened to be the day he returned the stones and passed away that same night. She was a wreck. She thought of his as a brother, like she does with a lot of you guys." I said and set my glass down on the coffee table.

"I understand, man. And for him to hand off his shield to me? Dude, that shield doesn't belong to me. Just holding it doesn't feel right." He said and glanced over at the round shaped bag holding the shield.
"I'm sure that'll just take time to get used to. He chose you for a reason, Sam. He believed in you." I said and smiled at him. I'm happy for Sam but there's a part of me that's selfish and wishes Steve had given it to me instead.
"Hey guys, what are we talking about?" Dani asked as she walked into the living room.
"Sam doesn't know if he'll take up the shield. He says it doesn't feel right." I said, only partially lying about the early half of our conversation when Steve was brought up.
"Sam, you have to. Steve chose you. He believed in you. And not just him, I believe in you. While I must admit, I truly would've thought Steve would give the shield to Buck, he didn't. And that's okay, but Sam... either you start training to be the new Captain America or you need to give the shield to someone who will. The world needs Captain America. The title alone brings people around the world security. It's a honor to be Captain America." She said sat in the edge of the coffee table.
"I don't know. It's a lot to take in and some pretty big shoes to fill. I don't know if I'm ready for that." He said and leaned back against the couch.
"Sam... I want my daughter to grow up in a world with Captain America in it. I can't imagine a world without one." She said and got up from the table, making her way into the kitchen.

After awhile, Sam took the shield and left to go visit his sister and nephews in Louisiana. Dani and I sit in the living room with our daughter playing on a playmat on the floor.

"I'm worried Sam isn't going to take up the shield, Buck. And if he decides to give it away to that damn museum, I swear to god I'll hurt him." Dani said as she leaned into my side. I put my arm around her and kissed the top of her head.
"I don't know what he's going to do, love. But I hope he figured it out soon. I've got a feeling something bad is going to happen soon and we're going to need Captain America to help fix it." I said and watched our little girl start rattling a toy.
We sat there quietly for awhile just watching our daughter play with her toys. I still can't believe that I'm a father now. Me, James Bucky Barnes, a father. Who would have thought this would happen? I know I didn't. I am so incredibly blessed to have not just a daughter now, but also to have Dani by my side. Not once in our entire relationship has she given up on me or been disappointed. She's supported everything I do and makes the winter soldier part of me seem so distant now. Like it's just a faded memory.

"Hey... she's asleep. I'll get her in her crib, you head to bed and I'll meet you in there." Dani said quietly. I sat up and looked down at our sleeping baby on the floor. I had been so caught up in my own head that I didn't notice it until now. I nodded and stood up, checking the doors to be sure they were locked before I headed to our bedroom to get ready for bed.

Not long after I laid down, Dani came in and changed into her usual clothes for bed. My shirt and just her underwear. She pulled her hair up into a pony tail and got in bed beside me, draping a leg over one of mine along with an arm over my chest and her head on my shoulder.
"I love you so much, James Bucky Barnes." She said and placed a kiss to my cheek. I smiled and leaned my head against hers.
"I love you so much more, Daniella Cassius Barton." I said back and kissed the top of her head.
"I'm gonna call Clint tomorrow and invite him over to come meet little Natasha, is that okay with you?" She asked, propping herself up against my chest to look at me.
"Of course, doll. You know I would never keep you from seeing your brother. I also know he's been dying to meet her, he's been so jealous if Sam since he lives here and gets to see her all the time." I said and smiled.
"I know, he calls almost every day just to vent about how we haven't let anyone be around her that doesn't live in our home, that he should be an exception to that rule we made. It hilarious. I do send him pictures all the time though of her." She said and grabbed her phone from the night stand to show we their text thread. I scrolled through and read the messages shared between the two, laughing at the things Clint has said.
"Yeah we'll get him over here tomorrow so he can finally meet her. Now that Nat is 3 months, going on 4 months old, I think it'll be okay to allow a few people to come meet her. I do still think we should do it one person at a time until she's closer to 6 months though. With her having issues with her immune system since birth, I'd rather be safe than sorry." I said and handed her back her phone.
"Oh, no, I agree. We need to be careful with the amount of people we bring in the house. At least until she's older and hopefully her immune system corrects itself." She said and set her phone down on the nightstand again.
"Alright, enough chit chat. We should get some sleep before Nat wakes up for her middle of the night bottle." I said and pulled her back to her original position. She smiled and let out a content sigh.

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