2. Shady Plots

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Nikolas threw the nearest thing to him across his office, and it broke in half after making a loud thud. Jason's new assistant came rushing in, asking what happened.

Cecelia Robertson was a fresh fish from college, eager to impress and adaptable. Although she had the qualities that are needed for the job description, she lacked the smile that was needlessly reassuring- not to forget the dents that appeared along with it, and the annoyingly cheerful personality. She didn't have her own opinions, nor the courage to try to change his mind about a decision- but in vain, of course.

"It slipped."

For moment, she eyed the shattered stationery, and then her boss. With a single nod, she made her way to it.

"Leave it, Ms Robertson." His tone came out sterner than he had intended, and with that, he dismissed her.


Emily wasn't too surprised by her sister knowing about shady underground clubs-- nay, exclusive parties, as Seattle was once her playground of unending recklessness and fun.

She and Jenna owned the dance floor until an incident ended their reign. Jenna had to go home to her kids, but she insisted that Emily stayed. "Have fun. You need this more I do."

After going at it all night, Emily retired to the bar and drowned her sorrows. Lawd knows she deserved a little fun after the rough weeks she'd experienced, and so approached a guy who had been eyeing her.

Emily introduced herself to the man, and sat herself on his lap. She was confident, thanks to Nik, and the drunkenness was a cherry on top.

Conversation with the guy-- then known as Colin, effortlessly flowed as they spoke about nothing important. He flattered her, and she enjoyed it.

The mood changed when Colin unintentionally reminded her of her inside jokes with her ex, which triggered buried sorrow.

"I'm sorry, I... I can't do this."

She grabbed her purse from the barman, Nate, and headed out. Colin followed behind her, asking what he had done wrong even though she reassured him countless times that it had nothing to do with him.

The place was shady indeed, with a creepy alley, weird noises and a random cat pouncing about. Spring chill reminded her how underdressed she was.

Colin eventually caught up to her power walking, and grabbed her arm. He tried to persuade her to go home with him, but she wouldn't agree.

"Let go of me!"

Fear had strong grips on Emily, and it desired to destroy her when she realized her situation. The look on his face was familiar, but from a stranger, it brought discomfort and unease.

"C'mon, babe. I know you w-"

"Hey, the lady clearly said no."

Emily spotted a dark silhouette from afar to which the voice belonged.

The man came closer when Colin wouldn't listen. She hadn't recognized his face like she thought she would. Todd couldn't possibly be that brave anyway. The best he could do would be to call the cops, she reckoned.

The good Samaritan grabbed Colin, and had him down and out cold with a single punch. He fixed his suit thereafter, and attended the damsel in distress.

"Ma'am, are you okay?"

"He tried to... he is sick," she pointed at him. She then made her way to him, "you are sick!" Emily shouted at his unconscious body. She gave him one good kick in the gut, and shouted; "you sick bastard."


"What kind of person does that, huh?" She asked, directing the question at the good Samaritan. "What makes a man suddenly decide that he can control women, and do whatever he likes? To use a woman, and discard them like yesterday's paper?"

"Are you still referring to him?"

"You are cowards who are too scared to say that you love someone, and you are too messed up to admit that you're scared," she ranted out to the good Samaritan who stood still, watching her.

"Let it all out."

"Oh, my gosh. I've turned into those kinda women, and I'm taking it out on you... I'm so sorry," she said.

"It's no problem, ma'am, just doing my job."

"Listening to hysterical women criticize your gender, just after you saved them?"

"Keeping you safe," he removed his jacket, and Emily immediately noticed the gun in his holster. He placed the jacket on her shoulders.

"Serve and protect?"

"Something like that, ma'am," he offered his hand to make an aqcuiantance. "Trevor McIntyre. Diplomatic security service."

"A pleasure to meet, Trevor. I'm Emily Harris," she gratefully took his hand, and presented a warm smile.

There was something about him that had her feeling like she'd known him, that she could trust him to not take an advantage of her. And she gladly accepted a ride home from him.

"If you don't mind, I don't want to press charges."

"That is all up to you, ma'am."

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