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"But you are not a picture, I can't cut you up and hide you. I'll get you out my mind, mhm, or try to. But I just want to stand and yell, I will never dare to tell."

. . .

The following day, I need to stop at home because I forgot my sketchbook over the weekend.

When I walk into the living room, I spot mom sitting at the table in the living room, together with her friends Laure and Chad.

I've known them my whole life, they're like an uncle and aunt to me. They're both very good friends of my mom.

I love them like they're my family.

And I've always known their children as well. Such as Katherine, Laure's daughter.

I wonder if Laure knows what kind of a bitch her daughter is because she herself is so sweet and thoughtful.

"Alyssa," Laure grins when she sees me, and stands up. She hugs me, and I turn to Chad, who stands up to hug me as well.

"Hey little girl," he says, but his smile is weak and his face is edged with exhaustion.

I suppose he's always looked tired and sad to me because that's how I've always known him.

Fourteen years ago, when his daughter was only four, she got kidnapped.

She was riding on a carousel at the carnival and the next thing he knew, she was gone.

Chad has spent the past fourteen years looking for his daughter, together with his wife.

The police were very involved at first, but after a few years, the case ran cold and remained an unsolved mystery.

Chad and his wife never gave up, and my parents helped as much as they could as well.

I don't remember much from Reina. All I can recall is that we sometimes played together, but that was it.

If it wasn't for Chad's son, Hunter, who is two years older than Reina, I think Chad would've killed himself a long time ago.

"Hi Chad," I grin softly and look at Laure. "How are you guys?"

"Oh, you know, the usual," Laure sighs. "But I'm well and healthy. And you?"

"I'm alright," I say with a tight smile, and turn my eyes to Chad, who only shrugs.

"As good as I can be," he mutters and gives my shoulder a squeeze.

I don't know what to say to that, so I just send him an understanding smile and take his hand in mine, squeezing right back.

I try not to let my sympathy show on my face because Chad always mistakes it for pity and he just shuts down.

There haven't been a lot of times where he'd let himself even crack a tiny smile, and I know he's driving himself crazy in his head.

But I'm relieved and glad to know he's got mom and Laure always supporting him and being there for him.

I know for a fact they check up on him daily and visit his home a few times a week. He's not alone, even though it might feel for him like he is.

"Well, I'll be grabbing my sketchbook since I forgot this weekend," I say, and quickly make my way to my room.

"Won't you stay for lunch?" mom asks when I walk back into the living room, sketchbook in hand.

I shake my head. "No, Dante and I agreed to meet up for lunch at the cafeteria," I tell her and plant a kiss on her cheek before heading out.

"See you on Friday," I call out, and then close the front door after me.

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