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"Secrets I have held in my heart, are harder to hide than I thought. Maybe I just wanna be yours, I wanna be yours, I wanna be yours."

. . .

"Do you have to go?" Roman asks, wrapping his arms around my waist from behind me.

I smile as I continue to pack my bag.

"Yes. You have classes to teach and I have classes to attend tomorrow. And I haven't properly seen my family in over a week now," I tell him and turn around in his arms.

I lean up and brush my lips over his, before turning back to my bag and zipping it up.

"You can stay a few more hours?" he suggests and presses a kiss right underneath my ear.

"Those few hours are going to change to me staying the night and not leaving."

"That's the point, baby."

I shake my head with a grin and take my bag in my hands. Roman follows me downstairs, looking like a lost puppy, and watches as I put my shoes on and take my coat.

"Don't make me feel bad," I chuckle, though I feel like shit deep down because I don't really want to leave, either.

"Is it working?" he asks, hope shining in his eyes.

I take his jaw between my fingers and bring his face down to mine, connecting our lips in a kiss.

"Yes," I whisper against his mouth, "So stop doing it and let me go home, otherwise I won't and you know I have to."

"You can tell your parents you're going to be gone for a few more days," he suggests, and I roll my eyes.

"You're not going to make a good impression as my boyfriend if they know you're the reason why I've disappeared for so long."

He leans back at that, a look of something I can't place in his eyes, and his lips turn up slightly.


I feel a blush rising to my cheeks and I shrug, trying to play it cool.

"We didn't really discuss labels," I begin and start to get nervous. "I just thought..."

"I like it," he says and pecks my lips. "I like it a lot."

My boyfriend.

The thought has never made me happier.

"Text me when you get home," he tells me, stealing a few kisses. His hands are both on the small of my back, pulling me closer to him.

"I will," I promise, and force myself to take a step back.

"Bye, girlfriend," he grins and waves at me from the front door when I start walking down the hallway.

"Bye, boyfriend," I call out and have a stupid smile on my face.

All the way home, the same smile remains on my face.

All that's going through my head are the memories with him and the little things he does that make me feel cared for and... loved.

When I enter my home, my blush is still staining my cheeks and I'm sure I have 'lovestruck' written all over my face.

As I walk into the living room, I have a straight view of mom pouring herself some tea and taking the mug in her hands.

She double-glances when she sees it's me.

"Honey," she calls out, probably to dad, "Our long-lost daughter has returned."

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