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"Promise I'ma give it to you like you never had it, I do it so good, it's gon' be hard to break the habit."

. . .

Alyssa is still panting in front of me, having been freshly fucked.

"We should probably head back," I tell her and help her get off the counter. I suppress an amused smirk when she's a bit wobbly and needs something to hold on to for a few seconds.

I tell myself I rearranged her insides pretty well.

"Y-yeah, we should," she replies and straightens herself up. She casts herself another look in the mirror and licks her swollen lips, which were moaning in pleasure just a few minutes ago.

Taking a step back, I tell her to go out first and that I'll wait a few minutes before heading out myself, which is exactly what happens.

No one suspects a thing.

The rest of the dinner goes by quickly, and it's midnight when the last of the guests have gone home.

"Can you believe," my mother starts, "they brought us vegan taquitos? Qué ridículo."

"I'll take the leftovers home," Milena offers, and packs the rest of it in to leave.

To my utter rage and annoyance, Matteo and Alyssa leave after a few minutes, together.

My eyes are on her ass when she walks out of the door, with a slight sway to her hips.

Satisfaction takes over me when I notice a limp in her step, which tells me I know I fucked her just right.

Matteo better just drop her off at her home, and not try anything else. My blood starts boiling at the thought of them doing anything together, I don't care what.

My jealousy surprises me, and I don't like it one bit.

I tell myself it's just morals. She shouldn't be fucking two brothers at the same time, it's wrong. That's why I don't want them together.

Because for now, Alyssa's pussy is mine.

And yet, when I wave my family goodbye, I find myself recalling the way she smells.

The next day, when I'm headed to my office, I mentally count all the freckles she has on her nose.

And I think about the way her curls bounce when she walks and how her shoulders are straightened and her posture is dripping with assurance and confidence.

I sit at my desk, thinking of her, when it should be my work I should be focused on. But she captivates my thoughts.

Has been since the moment I laid eyes on her.

Has been since the moment I found out she had to be my brother's girlfriend. Especially then, she didn't leave my mind.

It kept on plaguing me with images of her. Of her curls, smile, and her alluring eyes.

She's like a succubus, luring you in and sinking her claws in you. The thing is, I don't want her to let go.

It's only just started. It's too soon to let go.

I've only had my cock inside her once, and I need more. Need more of her. Her moans, the way she clenches around me, her scent, and the feel of her body.


It's as if my cock knows it should stay flaccid because it perks up as soon as I catch sight of Alyssa entering my classroom.

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