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"Baby I can make that pussy rain, often. Often, often, girl I do this often. Make that pussy poppin', do I how I want it."

. . .

I'm awakened from my deep slumber by movement coming from behind me. I'm lying on my stomach, my arm wrapped around a pillow while the other one is lying above my head.

A warm presence envelops me from behind, and then I hear some heavy breathing.

It's still dark out, the only light in the room coming from the moon. The sheets are wrinkled around us, gathered at my waist while my naked upper body is exposed.

"Alyssa," Roman's deep voice rasps out, seeming to be awake for a few seconds as well.

"Hmm?" I ask, and then become a bit more aware of everything.

Roman has his arm wrapped around me and is pulling me closer to his body, and I become aware of his hard cock between my ass-cheeks and the throbbing between my legs.

"I need you," he whispers, his voice throaty and raspy from sleep.

"Have me," I bring out and whimper when his hand slides down and slides through my wet folds.

From behind me, I can feel him gripping his cock and sinking inside of me in one smooth movement.

His hips start grinding against me and Roman props himself up above me, one hand holding up his weight beside my head.

He fucks me into the mattress, his hips bumping into me from behind. Wet sounds echo around us and neither of us says a thing, only breathing heavily.

I'm still a bit groggy from sleep, but heat is pooling in my stomach and my pussy is clenching around Roman's cock like a vice-grip.

I don't mind being woken up for this in the future.

My fingers sink into the pillow, clenching the material between them with each thrust and I burrow my face into the fabric to silence my moans.

"I'm in constant need of you, all the time," Roman pants above me and then he starts peppering kisses all over my shoulder and swipes my curls to the side to have access to my neck.

I tilt my head to the side and rub my thighs together at the feeling of his stubble against my skin.

"Roman," I sigh in bliss when he starts to lick and suck, probably leaving behind a hickey.

I reach my hand behind me and find his curls, holding his head close.

A hum leaves him, vibrating through his body and his hips start going faster. I move my hips in sync with his, fucking him back.

His other hand moves to my hip, his hold bruising and unrelenting with every thrust of his.

The pace is fast and each stab of his hips is hard. He only withdraws a few inches before slamming back inside, each time rubbing against the sensitive spot inside of me that has me seeing stars.

Roman's whole body descends over mine and I feel his entire weight resting on me. He's taken his hand away from beside my head and has buried it in my curls.

He continues to fuck me; our bodies now slick with sweat together and writhing with pleasure on his bed.

His hand that was bruising my hip slides upwards and underneath my chest, grabbing a firm hold of my breast and squeezing it rhythmically.

With a few more thrusts that stimulate my inside nonstop, I come around his cock and nearly pass out from the pleasure combined with my sleepiness.

I slump on his bed, taking his cock inside of me that's still caressing my now oversensitive insides until he unloads as well.

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