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"You, you love it how I move you, you love it how I touch you. My one, when all is said and done, you'll believe god is a woman."

. . .

On Christmas, I'm sitting downstairs together with my family, about to unpack some gifts. Uncle Nicholas and Fallon are sitting on the couch with their children, Amara and Tristan running around the place while playing hide and seek. Hayden is cuddled up with his mother, not wanting to leave her side.

Aunt Elena and Ares are sitting on the couch opposite them, with Violet having joined me and Dante. Alessandro is sitting alone by the fireplace, watching everyone open their presents and awe over them.

"You get me a Cartier necklace every year, Grandpa," I chuckle when I open the box and find another one.

It's equally as beautiful as all the ones he's gifted me already, and I'll always love them.

"You love it," Grandpa Vince argues. "Don't tell me you don't. I see you wearing them in all the pictures your mother sends me."

"Because they're beautiful," I grin and walk over to give him a hug. "Thank you, so much."

"Well, I took a look at your wish list, and there you go, sweetheart," Grandma says, and hands me her gift. When I open it, I see it's the Montblanc sketchbook I wanted for a while.

"There was a wish list?" I hear Grandpa ask in the background while I'm busy squealing.

I thank Grandma and give her a hug as well.

Mom gifted me another expensive set of pencils and a fountain pen.

We go through all the gifts and soon enough, mom says that it's time for food, so dad is starting up the food and Grandpa is bothering him in the kitchen, watching with a frown and commenting on his cooking skills.

Grandpa barks out insults in Italian at dad and shakes his head in disbelief, adding some seasoning whenever dad's not looking.

"Vince, let them do their thing," Grandma chuckles and goes to stand by his side, resting her hand on his shoulder.

"I can't just watch, Athena," he mutters and shakes his head.

"There's absolutely no way you got your dick pierced," I overhear Ares say to uncle Nicholas.

"Ew," I exclaim, turning around in my seat and eyeing them. "I didn't need to know that."

"Sorry, Alyssa," Nicholas chuckles and turns his eyes back at Ares. "It satisfies the shit out of her."

"Should've thought of that," Ares mutters, in deep thought.

"What are you two talking about?" Elena asks as she approaches the men with Fallon by her side.

Fallon immediately walks over to Nicholas and takes a seat on his lap, looking at him with so much love in her eyes that he mirrors.

And the same goes for Ares and aunt Elena.

"Butterfly, I was thinking..." Ares begins, and I completely tune out before I overhear anything else.

Instead, I take a seat where Violet is on one of the couches.

"Your dad is disgusting," I let her know, and look at Hayden, Amara, and Tristan. "So is yours."

"I'm going to tell him!" Tristan exclaims and runs to the dining room.

Amara her hair is up in two pretty buns, and she's dressed in a princess gown which I'm sure was Fallon's idea.

"I don't want to know why you just said that," Vi chuckles.

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