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"Don't wanna wait on it, tonight I wanna get nasty."

. . .

I don't remember my walk back to my dorm. I don't remember going to sleep and waking up again.

All that I do remember, however, is Roman's groans as his dick entered my mouth and touched the back of my throat.

"Your next orgasm is mine."

My mind has been replaying those words over and over again, and it seems as if I'm unable to get those words out of my head.

I'm glad that Zainab was out for her classes and came home when I was already in my room. I don't think I would've been ready to tell her everything yet, not when I need to process this myself.

I'm halfway across campus when a figure takes my attention away from my path, and I see Roman exiting one of the buildings.

Like a magnet, his eyes are pulled toward me and we look at each other for a good few seconds. It's like time around us slows a bit, and all the images from yesterday come flooding back.


'You're going to suck my cock, aren't you, princesa?'

'Can you take it?'

I need to get my head straight again before the memories take me away again. I'm having trouble concentrating enough as it is.

But it's like Roman can read my thoughts, because a lazy smirk spreads across his face and he takes out his phone.

Not much later, my phone pings with a message.

Roman: I expect you at my office in 5.

My breath hitches in my throat, a giddy and excited feeling takes over me.

My next class is in an hour, I can make it work.

Without wasting any time, I take off and head toward his office that's in the same building where he teaches his classes.

The only sound heard in the hallway is my footsteps, as my eyes are focused on the doors and the names on them.

Soon enough, I find the name of the professor Roman is substituting for and halt outside of it.

Inhaling softly, I ball my hand into a fist and let it land twice on the wooden door, waiting patiently for him to tell me to come in.

A few seconds go by, until I feel a presence at my back.

Goosebumps erupt on my skin when I feel warm breathing coming down on my neck, and my hair is being swept away.

"You're early," a pair of hot lips whisper near my ear, and I feel a soft kiss on the skin there.

I swallow thickly and shuffle in my spot, keeping in a soft moan. His arm appears in front of me and he puts the key in the door, twisting it before the door opens with a click.

I feel a warm hand being placed on my waist, and he leads me into his office. Before I can process anything, I'm being pushed against the door and I feel a pair of lips land on mine.

All the tension leaves my body and I instantly relax against him, kissing him back with equal fervor.

His tongue swipes over my lower lip, asking for permission which I gladly give.

His arms wrap around my body, and I've never felt so good about anything than being in his arms.

I wrap my hands around his neck on my turn and try to kiss him as best as possible.

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