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Joyce and Hop decided, that El should move to Joyce, until Hoppers nightmares and flashbacks reached a level, which was harmless to others. Hopper helped El pack her stuff in boxes, so they could bring it over to the Byers. El sighed sadly to herself and Hop recognised it. „Hey kid" he ruffled with one hand through her hair „you know, this is just for a few weeks and we'll see us everyday. I promise. Everything else is too dangerous." „I know" she said with a soft smile. „I love Joyce. She became a mom to me somehow." El added. Hoppers heart skipped a beat at her words. He was so blessed and in awe at the thought of his girls together. There could be no other woman, he could imagine as mother to his daughter. „Ready?" he nearly whispered. „Ready!" the girl answered.

The drive to the Byers house was very silent. But it was a comfortable silence. Will opened the door for them, because he heared the truck pull in the driveway. „Hey sweety! You can take Johnathan's room. He said if there is anyone who should get his room, then it is you" Joyce beamed up at El. „Thank you, Joyce. For everything. I go to the room and bring my stuff over." El said in a tired voice. „Hey Chief, are you busy tonight, or wanna sit with me on the porch a while?" Joyce asked calmly. „Oh, there is nothing I'd reather do than that" he said with a big smile on his face and pulled her in a sweet kiss. Since they were officially dating, they couldn't keep their hands off of eachother.

Hopper sat down in the swing and pulled Joyce with him, so she sat on his lap. Both giggled and Joyce leaned into his soft touch. „So, what do you think about this? I mean, how do you feel about this. Leave your girl with crazy Joyce?" she teased. Hopper couldn't help but burst into laughter. „You know" he started with a wide grin on his face. „Crazy Joyce, the person who dropped down everything, went to the bank, traveled in a foreign country, crashed a plane, broke in a high security prison, just for the chance her former crush could be alive? I think, no i know, there isn't another single person I would trust enough to let my daughter live with. You're a badass, Joy. You are my knight in shiny.. whatever. You safed my life twice." he nearly whispered in her ear, what makes her shiver. „Oh Hop... wow.. I" she said with tears in her eyes. Joyce brushed over his cheek, looked him so deep in the eyes, he thought she could see right into his soul, and kissed him with all the love she had for him. And he felt it. „Should we move to the bedroom? Pls stay with me just a while" she said. „Sure, wanna be by your side" Hopper replied.

Joyce closed the beedroomdoor behind them. Hopper pulled her in a passionate kiss and hold her so close, she didn't know this was even possible. „Wanna do it right this time. You know, take my time with you." he barely breathed in her ear and kissed her neck underneath. Joyce started to unbbutton his flanell and opened his belt. „Oh impatient we are" he teased. Hopper pulled them on the bed hovering over her never break the kiss.

He moved his kisses down her neck, between her breasts. Then, he sneaked his fingers under her shirt and slowly up her belly untill his fingertips brushed against her bra, left her a shivering mess. „Lean back and enjoy the show" he panted up to her, pulled her shirt over her arms. He kissed all the way down to the hem of her jeans, to took it down in one move. Hopper gently brushed over her panties and pushed them down after, just put a haste kiss on her clit. He kissed the way down to her core. „So wet... Joyce your so hot" he whispered against her folds. Joyce started to moan loudly. She couldn't hold back. „Shhh honey, the kids." he shushed her. Hopper started sucking hard on her clit and drew circles with his toung everywhere down there. „Oh. God. Jim mhhhh." she panted. „You taste so good, Joy" he panted back. His sucking got faster and harder and so did her silent groaning. They kept eyecontact the whole time. He added two fingers and pushed them fast in and out. „Jim oh god yeah I'm so close" she whimpered. He felt her clenching around his fingers. „Thats it baby, cum for me" that was all she needed to put her over the edge. Joyce came and came with silent moans. Hopper helped her ride out her orgasm until she was a quivering mess.

„Wow Hop what was that omg." she said breathlessly. Joyce pulled him up to kiss him. The kiss grew rough and wanting. „Need you inside. Now." she commanded. Hopper shoved his pants and Jeans down with one move. He positioned him at her entrance and slid in slowly. At first his thrusts were slowly and gentle, then he went faster and harder. Both moaned in unision. Hopper slid out and flipped her on her stomache. Joyce got up on her knees, Hopper pulled his cock into her from behind rough and fast. With his arms wrapped around her, he drew fast circles against her throbbing clit. Joyce felt her climax build up very fast, so does Hop too. This time she couldn't be quiet. „Jim, oh oh oh my god, I I now, yaahh." She cried out loud. Hoppers thrusts got erratically and he followed her with a loud moan, spilling himself inside her.

After they came down together, he flipped her on top of him, so her whole body was pressed flush against his. Joyce nearly crawled inside his body and they cuddled and chatted there for a while. „How was your last meeting with owens? Joyce asked. „Well, he said we make progress and I think it's good. He answered. „Pls stay tonight Hop. I can't stand it, when I have to sleep without you. For weeks i wish you were here, sleeping by my side. That you stay and not leaving me after." she pleaded. „Joyce I know. You can't imagine, how much I want this. But I can't hurt you! If something happens, I could never forgive me." he said in pain. „Then stay untill i sleep, pls i need you so much" Joyce told him. A compromise he could deal with. She crawled up under his chin, pressed herself against him and played with his hair on his chest. Hopper stroked her hair lazily and kissed her head every now and then. Suddenly,  he fell asleep. They both slept the quietest sleep they've ever had.

Joyce woke up to the sunlight, shining aggressivly in her face. She was still snuggeld into Hopper and couldn't believe it. She was so happy. „Omg Jim you made it through the night!!" she screamed in his face, with the brightest smile. He woke up and was frightened to hell. He thought, That he hurted Joyce or something. But as she beamed up at him and kissed him hastly, he new it must have been alright.

As they went through the hallway, they smelled breakfast. All Kids sat at the table and were already eating. Jonathan came home for the weekend to visit. All eyes went to them, as they sat down at the table. „Hey Kids, Hopper slept here last night, and he had no episode! This is great, isn't it?" Joyce said with so much pleasure in her voice. „Yeah mom, we all heard how great it was yesterday, we heard it loud and clear" Jonathan said before everybody bursted into laughter.

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