Welcome back, Chief

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Four months later, finally everything started to feel good again. Good. Normal. Joyce was covered in blankets on the swing on their porch, at a mild april night. Sleep was something, Joyce never found easy. She thought about all the stuff they've been through, over the last years. Their whole life could've been right out of a movie. It haunted her to the bone. Most of her dreams were full of fear, full of pain, but she would get better in time. This was part of the coping. Like Owens said „It will gets worse, before it gets better."

Everyone of her family had nightmares now and then. Some had more, others had less, but all in all, they worked through it very well and seemed to finally move on. Hoppers physical wounds were all healed, the mental wounds would never fully heal. They were part of him now, but he finally reached a point, where this didn't bother him much. „Hey Baby! Are you ok? Wanna talk about it?" Hopper sat down beside her, pulled her tight into his body and pressed a kiss to her temple. He lit a cigarette for both of them, took a long drag and handed it to Joyce.

„Mhm. You know me. I'm a worrier. That's just what I do. But it's not that bad. Are you ready for your welcome back party tomorrow?" Hopper decided to work as chief again, so the station organized a party for him. „Yeah. So excited to show my beautiful girlfriend around" He said while kissing a path up her neck to her earlobe. „You're freezing Joy. Let's get back to bed."

„Have you seen my necklace, El? The one with the heart and the red little shamrock?" Joyce was almost finished for the party. She wore her beautiful black dress, which she wore for their date at Enzo's for the first time and light make up, a burgundy lipstick and mascara. Her hair was neatly curled and fell like a waterfall down her shoulders. „Oh Joyce I'm sorry. I forgot to put it back. Here. Wow! You are so pretty! Enjoy the party tonight" El smiled down at Joyce. „Thanks sweetie. Don't stay up to late. I love you" Joyce kissed El on the cheek and took the necklace on, while watching herself in the mirror.

Hopper came up behind her and put his hands on her lower belly. „Do you think it's too much?" Joyce worried. „Oh it's perfect. You're so beautiful. Can't wait to see Callahan, how his tounge fall to the ground, when he sees you. You're such a sight Joyce, look at you" He nodded to the mirror. His hands traveled higher up her belly, to the side of her breasts and back down again to her waist, which caused her to moan. „We should go. Now." he breathed against her neck, leaving a single kiss there.

They went down the stairs in the hallway, saying their goodbyes to the kids, before leaving. Hopper opened the passenger door from the truck for her and helped her in. He pulled out of the driveway and sped off the road. Hopper put a hand on her tigh and squeezed it tight. „What's up with you tonight, Hop?" Joyce giggled. „You know, can't help it you look so sexy Joyce." Hopper growled. The rest of the drive was silent. Short after, they went into the station, getting a loud welcome from Callahan, Powel, Flo and all the other guests. It felt like the whole town was there. „Hop, I hope this is the last time, we have to have a welcome back party for you." Flo smiled at both. „Nice to see you, honey. You look amazing." the older woman said to Joyce, while squeezing her arm. „Nah, don't think I'll come back another time." Hopper chuckled.

The night went by and everyone had a great time. Joyce grabbed her wine and went into Hoppers office. She needed a few minutes on her own, thinking about how scared she was the last two years. How she almost lost him twice and that she couldn't take it another time. Her hand brushed across his desk and she wondered, how many hours he sat there and did his duty. Suddenly she heard the door beeing closed. The only noise was the lock click shut. She froze and looked down on the desk. Hopper came up behind her. She felt his body flush against her back. He put his hands around her, caressing her belly. „Everything ok with you?" He whispered in her ear, leaving a kiss below her earlobe.

„Yeah, Jim. I really hope, things go better for us now and your most exciting Job is old Mrs. Harrington and her missing garden gnomes." Joyce said with a smirk, leaning into him. Hoppers hands wandered down to her tighs, shoving the hem of her dress a little higher. „Lemme take care of you, baby. You driving me wild all night." He cupped her pussy over her panties, only moving his middle finger up and down her clit. „Mhmm.. Chief, so needy? I can feel you on my back. So good." Joyce whimpered in his neck. His stroking got wilder and faster and she started to rock into his touch, moaning his name. It was her variations of „Hop", only she could say this way, that drove him wild everytime.

He slid her panties off and shoved her dress up above her hips. Joyce heard his belt click open and the zipper of his Jeans. Hopper put them down to his knees and freed his erection from his boxers. He slid the tip of his cock through her wet folds, both gasped at the feeling. „So wet for me already. Can you be a good girl and stay quiet?" He whispered in her ear and bending her gently down on his desk. „We don't have much time and you have to be really silent." He said again. She was so turned on by his orders. This was a new side of him, she didn't know he had it in him. „Of course I can, please, Chief, take care of me."

The mention of his title drove him crazy. It was all he needed, before he gave her one single thrust, so he was buried to the hilt inside of her. She let out a surprised cry. „Shhh you have to be quiet. You can only cum if you behave, Joyce. Do you understand?" he ordered her. „Uh huh, please, I need you, Chief!" she teased. There it was again. Chief.. It was music to his ears. He gave her one gentle thrust, bevor he lost himself and drove wild into her. The sight of her, bent down on his desk, the beautiful goddess she was in his eyes, would've been enough for him to explode right then and there. He had one hand on her shoulder, to hold her in place and the other one wrapped around her body, to draw fast circles on her clit, while he thrusted hard into her over and over again. The room was filled with silent moans of both of their names and their bodies slapping onto eachother.

„Oh Hop, Uh huh, yes I'm so close" she let out as a breath, he barely heard. „Yes baby, cum for me. Wanna feel you" he growled. A few more thrusts later she fell apart and clenched tight around him, as her orgasm washed over her body like a wave. The feeling of her and her silent whimpers brought him over the edge, spilling hot warm spurts deep inside her. He pulled out of her and cleaned her gently up with the tissues he had on his desk. Both dressed immediately. Hopper brought her in a tight hug and kissed her on her temple. Joyce wrapped her arms around him and squeezed him tight. „I love you so much, Joyce. You're everything to me. Believe me, when I say, I'll do everything from now on, to stay with you. I'm not going anywhere. You're stuck with me you know?" he said while caressing her back. „I love you, too, Hop." She kissed him with all her love. „Now let's have a nice evening together. Would be a shame if I am the only one who get to see your beauty. Besides, have you seen the dessert? God I wanna try those sweet little cakes. All of them." He said, while stroking a strand of her curles behind her ear. „Can't refuse you a favor, Chief." Joyce chuckled loudly.

They enjoyed the rest of the night at the station, before heading home. This night was the first in many months for Joyce, in which she slept tight. Her last thought was, that maybe, just maybe they could have their happily ever after.

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