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It was Hoppers first day back at the police station as Chief. The trauma coping work with Owens went very well. Since the experience in the water tank, his nightmares receded to a point, they weren't dangerous for others anymore. It was a good day. He felt it. As he entered the station, Flo greeted him with such joy in her voice „good to have you back, Hop" she said, while taking the cigarette out of his mouth. „Good to be back" Hopper smiled down at Flo. There was a lot of paperwork to do, so he was busy the whole morning. After his lunchbreak, he needed to get out, so he decided to go on patrol, driving around. In the car, it hit him. They still haven't been on their date at Enzo's, because something came up all the time. Yes, they loved each other so much and he had, finally, a stable relationship with Joyce. But there was an awesome woman out there, who deserved this date more than ever.

He pulled in the parking lot at Melvald's. The bell rang, as he entered the store. „Be there in a minute!" Joyce shouted. She didn't recognize who it was. Hopper sneaked between the shelfes untill he found her by the cleaning supplies, stocking up the top of the shelf. Joyce stood on a ladder with her back towards him. He sneaked very silent over to her, grabbed her by the waist and lifted her down in his arms. joyce let out a very loud scream. „ Shit, Jim... you scared the hell out of me." she scolded and punched him on the shoulder. „Sry Baby, I couldn't resist. He whispered before he kissed her gently. „I.missed.you.so.much." Hopper growled between kisses. They parted away for air and he let her down on her feet. „Awww I missed you too, Chief" Joyce answered. „Wanna have dinner tonight? Thinking about Enzo's, 8 o'clock?" he asked. „Oh my boyfriend likes to watch Miami Vice on fridays, so I can't be out late." she teased him. Hopper bursted into laughter before he asked again: „ ok, what about 7 then? I pick you up?" „oh i would love that, Chief." she answered. Joyce pulled him down by his shirt and kissed him rough, parting his lips. „Oh impatient we are.even before we had our first date. Ts ts ts Miss Byers. See you at 7 then" He said, before heading back to his truck.

After her shift, Joyce drove home as fast as possible. She ran into the house. „Will, honey! Are you there?" she shouted, while running to her bedroom. „Hey mom! Somethings wrong?" he asked. „No, I am late. I go out with Hopper tonight. Is that ok?" she asked. „Sure Mom. El called me. She told me already. She stays here tonight and we watch a movie. You two deserve some alone time." he explaned. „oh you are so sweet. But now I have to get ready." she said. Joyce rushed to her closet and looked through all her dresses. „Oh shit, where is it" she mumbled to herself. Finally she found, what she was searching for. A beautiful short black dress with wide necks. She put it on and looked at her in the mirror. It fitted her so well, flattered her curves so much. She put on light make up and a deep red lipstick. Joyce curled her hair in light waves, it fell perfectly on her shoulders and framed her face. She slipped in her black stilettos.

She was right in time, because Hopper and El knocked on the door already. Will opened it and let them in. Joyce went outside her bedroom to the three of them. All eyes went on her. „Wow Mom. I've never seen you so beautiful before." Will said. „Thank you, honey" Joyce respondet. „Hey Joyce! You look so beautiful! Really! Dad is so lucky." Eleven beamed to Joyce. „Thank you sweety!" Joyce said to El and hugged her tight. The kids went to Wills room, searching for a movie they wanted to watch. Hopper was speechless. He gazed at Joyce from head to toe with sparkles in his eyes. „Joyce... you look... I ... „ Hopper stammered. „Hey Hop. You don't look so bad yourself. You cleaned up well" Joyce smiled up to him. He wore blue Jeans and a black shirt. Hopper trimmed his beard and did his hair. He pulled her towards him and kissed her. They went to his truck and he opened the door for her, helping her in before he got to the driver seat and drove out of the driveway.

„What the hell Joyce. You took my breath away. I think. No. I know, you are the most beautiful woman in this world. I love you." Hopper raved and put his hand on Joyce's lap. „Oh god Hopper. Stop this. You embarrass me. I love you so much." Joyce said. The last of the drive was silent. But it was a comfortable silence. Finally, they arrived at Enzo's. Hopper insisted, that she stay put. He opened the door for her and helped her out of the car. She took his Hand and they went inside. The waiter led Joyce and Hopper to their table. Hopper pushed the chair out for her. „Chief, you're such a gentleman. Joyce teased.

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