Remember the first time?

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Hoppers nightmares still appeared now and then. Everytime, when he slept alone, which was more often lately, because of his anxiety to hurt Joyce, they hit him in the middle of the night. He woke up, sweat all over his body and shivering. The night was over at 3:45 . When this happened, he couldn't go back to sleep, so he lit a cigarette and thought of sharing it with Joyce. This little gesture meant the world to him. It was so powerful and just that alone made him feel safe.

The memories he made with Joyce were everything to him. Hopper had a meeting that day with Owens. They had to discuss the next steps. He made progress and there was not much Owens could do for him. The episodes won't ever fully go away, but he nearly reached a level, which he and everybody else could live with. When he entered Owens office, he was greeted by the whole Team. „Hey Jim! Are you ready for your last journey in trauma work with us? We have to discuss a few things and then I want to start right away. Is this ok for you?" Owens asked Hopper. „Yeah. Let's do it. I can't wait to heal as good as I can be. Wanna have my daughter back around and don't have to be anxious, when i spend the night with Joyce." Hopper answered.

„Good, Jim. We work on a projekt, where we use former good memories of the patients to heal their minds as much as possible. We tested it on a bunch of veterans and it worked everytime so far. You have to go in a water tank with salt water, remember the most beautiful memory you have, where you feel safe. We do the rest. It will be for you, as you are reliving everything. So you'll be there and you are your younger version. Do you understand everything? Any questions?" Owens introduced the plan to him.

„Ok. Wow. Don't know if I want to know how this works out, but.. can you see, what I'm thinking of?" Hopper asked. „Yes we do. But it is important, that you choose your best memory. No matter how embarrassing or weird you might think it is. I promise you, we give you privacy. We just make sure, that you are ok the whole time. Besides no one is allowed to talk about anything with anyone." Owens replied. „Ok let's do it." Hopper said.

They went downstairs in a lab. Hopper saw the water tank and was nervous. But he wanted to try. He had to. For Joyce and El. The laboratory workers put much kabels on his head and his chest. They watched his pulse and heart rate. Then he climbed into the tank and floated on the surface. „You have your memory?" Owens shouted down to him from above the tank. „Yeah, I'm ready." Hopper said very calm. „Great. Just start to think of it and you will be in it. You can not hear us, but if something goes wrong, we can bring you back. Enjoy."

Hopper thought of the loud corridor in Hawkins High back in 1957, where he bumped into a 16 year old, upset Joyce Horowitz. „Omg Hop! Watch out! Do you have tomatoes on your eyes or something?" Joyce hissed between her teeth. „Oh Joyce, I'm so sorry. Hey! Is everything ok?" he asked in a concerned voice. „Nothing what should bother you." she threw on his head. Joyce stormed out of the school to her hiding spot under the stairs from the grandstand. When Hopper found her, she cursed like crazy, because her last cigarette fell in the mudd.

„Wanna quit smoking, Horowitz?" Hopper teased her. „Oh pls Hop, shut up" Joyce barked back and started laughing. „Here, take mine" he said, while he lit his cigarette before he gave it to her. She took a long drag and exhaled in relief. „You can tell me, Joy. I mean it. Whats going on?" Hopper said and put his arm around her shoulder. Suddenly they heard an annoying voice scream „Hey you little assholes, are you smoking out there? Come over, NOW!!" „shit ! Joyce ! Mr. Cooper ! Come on!" Hopper shouted to Joyce. He took her hand and they ran away to the parking lots. As fast as they could, they got in Hoppers steal blue GTO and he drove away with Joyce Horowitz beside him.

They couldn't stop laughing the whole time, untill they found themselves parking at a hidden spot by lake Jordan. He looked her deep in the eyes and the laughter got quiet. Joyce slid closer to him and took his hand in hers, her eyes on his. Hopper gathered all his courage and leaned in to kiss her. It was so sweet, so soft, so innocent. Joyce kissed him back and they deepened the kiss. Suddenly it got feisty and hot. Joyce moved her leg above his lap to straddle him. „Joyce... you sure you want this?" He whispered between kisses. „I've never been so sure about anything in my life" she revealed.

They moved to the back seats and he was hovering over her. They started to undress each other between hot open mouth kisses. Fast he was just in his shorts and Joyce had only her panties on. They shared a passionate look. Fire in her eyes sparkling. „Hop.. I've never.. I ... this is my first time.." she stammered. „What? Oh.. Hey Joyce, it's ok. We don't have to if you don't want it. It's ok. I thought you already..." - „I want it! I really do. I just don't know what to do" her voice broke and she hid her face under her hands.

„Hey" he shove her hands away from her face, intertwined their fingers and said as calm as possible: „don't be so embarrased. You are stunningly beautiful Joyce, i mean it! Don't worry about anything I can guide you. May I?" For a last time he asked for permission, before he slowly slid her panties down. After that he also fully undressed himself. At the sight of his size, she shrugged away. So he sat back and with one move he hoistered her up in his lap, so she straddled him. „What are you doing? I .. I don't know how... I ..." was all Joyce got out nervously. „Don't worry Joyce. We do this together.

I think at this position you can adjust yourself and you have control about everything. We stop immediately, if you don't want anymore." he said while he stroked her hair. This was all she needed. She felt so safe, so right where she was. Joyce raised her hips and positioned him at her entrance. Never breaking the eye contact, she slid down on him, inch by inch until he was all inside her. They remained a little while before Hopper took his hands to her hips and helped her rocking back and forth in a slowly, but steady pace.

He let her took the lead and watched in awe, how she rose up and down his cock. Hopper slid his hands up on her back and pulled her in for a emotional kiss. Joyces moves gotten faster and wilder. „Is this ok for you? I don't know if this is good for you" Joyce worried. „God Joyce this is so good. You are so good. So hot" Hopper replied to her. They continued and kissed the hole time. He brought his fingers to her clit and rubbed it in a steady motion. This was it and he felt, she was close. So was he. Together they chased their climax untill Joyce bursted into lust and came around his cock. He watched her face in reverence. Joyce rocked onto him just a few more times, untill he slid out of her and came over her belly. He pulled her into him and held her so close.

„I've got you Joy, I've got you." he whispered in her ear. They cuddled for a while before they got dressed again. „Are you alright Joyce? Everything ok?" Hopper asked her, while stroking her hair. Joyce leaned over to him, gave him a kiss and said: „yeah, Hop. This was the best day in a while. Thank you." he drove her home and kissed her again, before he watched her walking over to her house, smiling back at him. He was a lucky bastard he thought. A lucky bastard who couldn't stop smiling, while driving home.

Hopper came back from his memory, couldn't believe, this perfect day happened to him again. He was in thoughts, floating in the tank untill Owens voice brought him back to reality. „ Hey Jim, how are you feeling?" „ ah good. Great actually I think" Hopper answered. They helped him out and he went upstairs to dress again and waited in Owens office.
„So, Jim, this is it. Now we did all we could do. You See how it goes and write a trauma diary pls. We see us again in three weeks and then we discuss our next steps." with these words Owens said his goodbye to Hopper. Jim drove home, couldn't stop his wide grin and thought, what a lucky bastard he was. He loved her then, back in April 1957 and he loved her now. She was his anchor, his Knight in shiny whatever. His Joyce. He loved her so much, there existed no word for that. This night he was dreaming about Joyce, his light of his life.

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