And a Hoppy New Year

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Everything happened very fast. Hoppers Commander pressed his hands on Hoppers bleeding stomache. „Ok, Hopper. Stay with me! You did a very good job. All of these assholes are dead. Mostly because of you. So pull yourself together and survive this shit. I'm afraid, your woman will tear me to pieces, if I don't bring you back to her and the kids." He pleaded.

Two days later, Agent Stinson said something to the other Agents, before she walked over to Joyce with a concerned look in her eyes. „Where is he? No!! What is wrong? Bring me to him! Where is he!!" Joyce screamed with tears in her eyes. The way Agent Stinson looked, Joyce knew, there was something wrong with Hopper. „I can't tell you anything so far. Except, that the mission was a complete success. All russians are gone. Mrs Byers, we have to go now." Agent Stinson said and brought Joyce to the car. „Where are we going? Can you please tell me at least, when I can see my kids again?" Joyce was frustrated. She was so sick of all the things, that happen to her family all the time. As soon as everything was fine, it started all over again. „We bring you to the military station, where you can discuss these things with Dr. Owens. Your Kids join you in three days then, I think. We really have to make sure, that all Russians are gone, and you are no longer a person of interest for the KGB." The driver replied.

It was a two days drive. They brought her across the country. When Joyce got out of the car, she went past Dr. Owens, straight through the door of the station. „Where is he!" She hissed. All she could feel was anger and fury. Yeah, she was so angry, that Hopper always had to be the god damn hero. She could've ripped Owens head off, for always bringing Hopper in danger. She was so angry, because she would've burst into tears without the anger. „Joyce.. Joyce, please calm down a little bit. I want to explain everything to you. But you have to listen to me. I know, this is all scary and you just want to be with the kids, but it's not that simple. We just want to help you. We are on your side" Owens tried to calm her down a little bit. „You! You know nothing" she pointed with her index finger right on his chest. „When this is over, I take the kids and Jim with me and I never ever want you to ask Hopper again to do your work. You can't tell me you don't have enough other men, you can put into danger." She said with tears in her eyes. „Joyce, I'm so sorry for everything that happened. I understand you. I really do. But for now, you have to stay here, until we made sure, they are all gone and this is over. Jim took down the most of the Russians. A couple of days Joyce. Then it is over. I promise. After that, we bring your kids to you. They are all fine." Dr. Owens explained to her. „Is Hopper ok? Where is he?" Now she was just sad and tired. All she wanted was burry herself into him. „Well, he is here. He is at the infirmary. When he freed Murray, the last living commie bastard shot him in the stomache. Our best surgeons operated the whole night. He is stable, but needs to wake up first, so we can be sure, he is ok. But you can see him." Owens led Joyce to the infirmary.

She closed the door to Hoppers room behind her. At the sight of him, connected to all the cables, bruises all over his face and the large bandage on his stomache, she just broke down. She slid down on the floor and cried her heart out. How much more does this man have to endure. Minutes went by, until she got herself together and stood up. She went to his side, tears still streaming down her face, took his hand into hers, intertwined their fingers and sat down on the bed beside him. „Hey.. Bun Bun... I need you to wake up. Do you hear me? I can't live without you! Just got you back" she whispered, caressing his hair with her free hand. „I heard you were the Russian Slayer." Joyce said and climbed into bed, carefully snuggled up to him. Fast she fell asleep from sheer exhaustion. They both slid into the new year, without knowing it.

When he woke up, at first, all he felt was pain. He opened his eyes and looked around. Joyce was still snuggled up to his side. Then it hit him. This russian guard shot him in the stomache. Suddenly a nurse came silently into the room and to his side. „Mr. Hopper, we're so glad you are back. You are at the infirmary from the military station in Texas. You got a clean shot through your kidney. The surgeons could fix it. You were very lucky. But you will be in pain at least for the next week. I hook you up new painkillers. They go straight into your vein and should help within minutes." She whispered. „Is she ok?" he asked the nurse and pointed his head in Joyce's direction. „Physically? yeah she is ok. But she was so worried about you. There was a moment, I thought, we have to call a doctor to give her something. And she's a badass. She scolded Dr. Owens for putting you in danger like he was a little boy. Oh and by the way, Happy new year. It's 2 am already." She replied before leaving the room. Thankfully, the painkillers worked within minutes. Hopper looked down at Joyce, stroking gently over her hair. Joyce was a force, so brave and strong.

Suddenly, she stirred awake. When she remembered where she were, she widened her eyes. „oh my god Hopper, are you ok? Do you need anything? I call a doctor" „Hey baby.. the nurse was already here and gave me painkillers. It's ok. Everything will be ok now, it's over." he said while caressing her back. „Hop.. you can't do this to me. If you want this relationship to work, then you can't hide anything from me anymore. And please for the sake of my nerves, stop beeing the god damn hero all the time. I can't do this anymore. I need you Hop... If something happen to you, I... I can't handle it." she was crying while saying this. „I am so sorry Joy. I mean it. And as I was saying in my letter, I hope you give me the chance to make it up to you. I swear I do. And yes I promise, no more hero stuff and no more Russian slaying. I am done with this shit. I love you so much, all I wanna do is spend the rest of my life with you." He mumbled into her hair. „What? You heard the Russian slayer thing I said?" she giggled. „Yeah, bun bun is always all ears. The last time I heard this, was in high scool, when you always teased me for beeing Jim Hopper the bunny. Seriously, what kind of bunny is called Hopper?" He kissed her gently with all his love. For a brief moment, they broke away. „Hey Joy.. Happy new Year! I love you." He said, their foreheads pressed together. „Happy new year. I love you so much. Never scare me that much again, you hear me?" Joyce said. For a few minutes, they kissed with so much love, before falling asleep wrapped tight around each other.

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