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The last night, Hopper didn't get much sleep. For the first time in two years, he slept alone in his cabin. He knew, this was for a good reason and god, the next time he would see Joyce, it would be overwhelming.

He wondered, what she would look like, what her dress would look like and if she slept as bad as he did without a warm body comforting, pressed against each other. He heard someone clumsily turn on the old couch in the living room.

Hopper got up and went outside, tearing the old curtain open with much force. He clapped his hands  a few times. „Time to get up, Bauman. There is a wedding waiting for us." he shouted in Murray's direction. „oh god Jim.. what the hell is wrong with you. You look like shit by the way." Murray's voice was still full of sleep.

The two men got ready for the big day. Hopper had freshly trimmed his beard and hair. He put on a white shirt underneath a timeless black tuxedo, which fitted him like a glove. As shoes he chose black Cape Toe Oxfords for the day and a black tie rounded off the whole outfit.

Joyce tossed and turned the last night a lot in their bed. Without Hopper, she found not much sleep either. She already missed him. His scent, his strong arms, wrapped around her. Even his light snoring. It was crazy. The fact, that she slept alone for years and it didn't even bother her, but now, one night without him and she couldn't really fall asleep. It was just ridiculous. She gave up, when the first rays of sun shone through their window, so she just stood up and went to the kitchen, drinking her coffee. Joyce was grateful for a moment in silence.

An aggressive pounding on their door stirred her from her thoughts. Nancy let herself and Karen in. „Good morning, Joyce! I hope you slept well last night. let's get you ready." An excited Karen said. „Hey girls. yeah. let's get ready" Joyce got up from her chair. They went upstairs to the bedroom and started immediately with Joyce's make up and hair.

Nancy decided on a light make up for Joyce. she should look like herself on her big day. She added mascara and a shiny red lipstick. Karen did Joyce's hair. Neatly curled locks danced around her shoulders with every movement she made.

Finally, she slipped on her wedding dress. The column shaped dress was made for her, a dream in white satin, with thick straps flowed into a V-line, that flattered her curves. „My god Joyce... I think Jim might faint at the sight of you." Karen raved. Nancy and Karen watched her in awe from head to toe. Joyce beamed at them, the brightest smile on her face. She couldn't stop a few tears from running down her cheeks. „It's finally happening, after all we've been through. Oh god." She sobbed. „Joyce.. oh honey, don't cry. You'll ruin your make up. Save them for later." Karen carefully wiped Joyce's tears away.

The kids had all a sleepover at the Wheeler's to give Joyce some space. El was the first one up, because she was so excited. She loved her long dress in light lavender. Frantically, they got ready together, after everyone were finally awake. Jonathan went up to Will. „Hey bud. Are you ready? should we pick up Mom?" he asked his brother. „Do you think she's crying already?" Both giggled at Will's presumption. „Maybe. let's go." The boys went to Jonathan's car and drove off.

Joyce and Hopper decided on a small wedding, because the fancy, big wedding didn't do the trick for both of them. It just felt right, to keep it simple. For the ceremony, they chose the Hawkins High sports field, where everything began, 26 years ago. They set up the location the day before. Joyce and Hopper would stand on the field with Murray and the kids and the guests should sit on the steps. The steps which were so full of memories.

Murray and Hopper were the first to arrive at the school parking lot. Gradually, the other guests trundled in. Only Joyce and her boys weren't there at that moment yet. El ran over to her father and Murray, who were already on the field and ready to start. „Dad! you look so handsome! Are you excited?" The girl threw herself in Hoppers arms. „Hey kid! Huh.. yeah.. kind of nervous. Wow, you're so pretty." He tucked a strand of locks behind her ear. „Don't worry, you can do this! Joyce will be here in any minute." El assured him. Hoppers palms were already sweaty and he paced back and forth. All the guests sat on their places, waiting for Joyce to arrive.

For god's sake, finally the gym doors swung open and Will waved to Murray, so he knew, they could start and Joyce was about to come out. „Hm..Hm.. I ask you all to stand up, because our bride finally decided to show up." He drew attention to him and the guests did as they were told. When Jonathan led Joyce out of the building and Hopper got a first glimpse of her, his heart started to pound fast in his chest. For a moment, time stood still for him and he forgot about everything around him. All he could see, was his beautiful bride, walking in her sons arm towards him. Tears started to well in his eyes and he couldn't breathe.

Joyce's grip on the flower bouquet got tighter. With all eyes on her, her nervousness kicked in ten-fold. She was glad, Jonathan held her, because she was sure, without him, she wouldn't make it. When she locked eyes with Hopper, a few tears slipped down her cheeks, as she saw him silently crying, all the shared emotions in one look were too much.

At the end of their walk, Jonathan presented Joyce to Hopper and kissed his mother on her cheek, before standing next to Will. Joyce handed the bouquet over to El, who squeezed Joyce's hand and smiled at her. Hopper took Joyce's hands in his and beamed down on her. „Hi.." he shook his head. „You're breathtakingly beautiful.." Joyce wept away his tears with her thumb. „Hi..You're not so bad yourself, Hop!"

The guests sat down and the wedding began. „We are gathered here today to witness this woman and man to join together in matrimony, which I ahaha never thought I'd live to see." Murray started the ceremony and caused a few guests to giggle.
„Jim, I hope you have prepared a speech, because it's your turn." He nodded to Hopper.

„Yeah sure." Hopper rummaged in his jacket pocket and put out a folded piece of paper, which he unfolded with slightly shaking hands.

„Joyce.. There are so many things I love about you. Like the way you look so good in my old Hawkins PD Shirt." The crowd started to laugh. „Or the fact, that you are my guardian angle, my miracle. You not only saved my life twice, literally, you save me every day anew." He already had Joyce in tears. „I love the way you scrunch your nose, when you laugh. I love your unbelievable strength, you are a force, Joyce. And I absolutely love the hundred different ways you say my name. When I bumped into you, 26 years ago, at the hallway of Hawkins High, you stole my heart. You are the love of my life and my best friend. I can promise you, that I'll love you on your best days. I'll love you even harder on your worst days. And I'll love you all the days in between. I promise you I'll do my damndest to love you, like you've never been loved before until I die."

Murray needed a few seconds to collect himself. „Wow, Jim. didn't knew you had it in you. Joyce, your turn. „I don't think I can keep up with that." Joyce's voice was still shaking from crying.

„Hop.. When no one believed me, you did. Even the most unimaginable things. With you I feel safe, because you protect the ones that you love at all costs. You are my rock, my safe harbor when everything seems to fall apart." Hopper always thought, he was a man who could control his emotions. But Joyce proved him wrong and he started to cry. „I love the way you hold me wether in sadness or joy. I love the way you look at me, when you think I don't notice. I promise you, that whenever you need a friend, I want to be your best friend, because you're already mine. I admire you and look up to you for all the good you bring to this world. Your core is one of a kind, and I'm the richest women to get to marry you."

„Oh lovebirds, you two are something special. what a hell of a speech." Murray raved.

They exchanged their rings and took a short time to just admire each other and let the words of the other sink in. „since it's impossible, that anyone has an objection, I now pronounce you with the power invested in me by the state of Indiana, man and wife. kiss the bride, Jimbo."

Hopper cupped Joyce's face with his hands and bent down to kiss her. A sweet little lingering kiss, full of love for each other. Everyone rose to their feet and cheered for them, but they didn't notice. Their full attention rested on each other.

„May I introduce, for the first time, Mr. and Mrs. James Hopper." with Murray's introduction, Joyce and Hopper went to the cars and got in Jonathan's, ready to celebrate their first day of marriage.

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