Another wave lapped against my feet as I watched the twins ride their dragons. Vhagar is so much larger then Seasmoke, but the younger is much more agile, easily giving Laenor any win of a race. For now, they were just cruising the sky, drawing circles around Driftmark. Since I wasn't a Targaryen, I couldn't claim or ride a dragon. Even if I could, flying that high would terrify me.
It had only been a couple of months since Laena claimed Vhagar, and they were both already extremely bonded. I had met the twins twelve years ago, finally arriving on Driftmark to stay from my travels to the free cities. As the youngest sister of Vaemond and Corlys, I had little responsibilities. So I left Driftmark to see them. No one cared who you loved over there. I was free to be who I was. In Westeros, the very idea is looked down upon. The only family member who knows is Laenor, who is also gay.
He also knows of my slight crush on Laena. I mean, she's gorgeous, strong willed, can ride a fucking dragon, charismatic, of valyrian descent.
A hard gust of wind cut my train of thought. I stumbled as Laenor landed Seasmoke a couple hundred feet from me. I walked towards the descending Laenor, shouting, "She did her fire thing, didn't she?" He huffed as he embraced me.
"She always does it."
"Do the same thing. She won't be expecting that." Before I could say anything else, another strong gust of wind came down on us. We grabbed onto each other for balance as Laena landed Vhagar feet from us.
"Are you content on the ground, aunt?"
"Very, Laena. I couldn't even imagine riding a dragon."
"I would be with you." Laena climbed down Vhagar, and was fixing her dress.
"A generous offer, my lady." I paused in thought, I could decline but Laena would think I didn't want to spend time with her, and if I accepted I would have to fly a dragon with a girl I liked.
Laenor nudged me, and a yes spilled from my lips.
"I would love to go dragon riding with you, Laena." I smiled at her, and started back towards the castle. Laenor followed me, and Laena went to go find the dragon keepers.
Laena came around the corner as I finished lacing up my knee high boots.
"Are you ready?"
"As ready as I can be. Is there room for us both in the saddle?"
"Should be." I nodded and walked alongside her to where Vhagar was kept.
"It won't rain, will it?"
"It's been clear all day, so no." We finally reached Vhagar, and I craned my head to look up at her.
"How long will it take to get up there?"
"Ten minutes, I'll be right behind you." I reached my hand up, and grabbed a hold of the squared ladder rope. I squeezed my eyes shut, and started climbing. The only thought in my head was don't look down on repeat.
Ten minutes later, I was sitting on the saddle, waiting for Laena to finish climbing.
"How's the view?" I looked around; I could see the castle, and all the way to the ocean.
"I guess, you'll have to go dragon riding more often. For the view." I grabbed her hand as she offered it to me. She settled in front of me, grabbing the reins.
"You can wrap your arms around me if you want." With that, she said the Valyrian word for fly, and Vhagar took off the ground.
I immediately wrapped my arms around her as we soared above Driftmark. The longer we flew, the more comfortable I felt. My blood was still coursing with adrenaline, but I felt safe with Laena within my grip.
"Wanna go above water?" Laena shouted. I shifted closer to her, and voiced my answer.
Laena lowered Vhagar above the water, and skimmed her wings, sending a light spray of water into the air. I laughed lightly, feeling little drops of salt water on my skin.
Vhagar rose higher, and Laena circled her back to Driftmark.
"I'm going to land us now, so hold on." I clasped my hands in front of her, and was jolted to the side as Vhagar landed.
"Did you have fun, y/n?"
"I did." I grinned at her, and grabbed the rope, climbing down to the ground. We had landed near the caves on the south side of the island. Once Laena was on the ground, she started walking towards a white blanket on the sand.
"A little corner in the world, just for us." She grabbed my hand as she walked.
"I had this planned before the ride. A selection of your favorite fruits, cheeses and crackers from Pentos. You did love your time in the free cities, right?"
"Thank you so much Laena. I did love Pentos most of all."
"Great. Let's talk, and eat too."
"Lord Bradbury is glad to be alive."
"It's not his fault his sons are complete asses."
"At least he won't have to deal with them anymore. I heard they're being shipped off to the wall, to live out the rest of their days is service."
"Good." Laena popped a grape into her mouth.
"I love Pentosi grapes." I grabbed a grape from the same stem, and popped it into my mouth.
"These are fantastic. I wish Westeros had better frickin grapes." We both burst out laughing, holding onto our stomachs as we stared up at the sunset. We had been talking for so long, it was getting darker by the minute.
"I have a query for you, Laena." She looked at me, her eyes sparkling in the dim light.
"What is it?"
"Why did you do all this for me?" I shifted closer to her, my eyes darting between her eyes.
"Because I care about you and I want you to know that." Her eyes were darting between my eyes and my lips. I reached up my hand, lightly caressing up her forearm. She leaned forward and lightly brushed her lips against mine. My other hand flew up to her cheek, pulling her closer to me.
Her lips tasted like fresh fruit and sea water. I craved the taste the longer we were linked. She was the one who pulled away, catching a breath.
"Have I ever told you I love you, cause I do. A lot."
"You have no idea how happy those words make me and how long I've waited to hear them."
I kissed her again, with both my hands on her cheeks.
"Let's go to dinner, they might be waiting for us." We picked up the corners of the blanket and tied it.
"Do you want to go dragon riding with me again?"
"If it ends like this, yes."

Targaryen Imagines
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