Thunderstorm- Aemond

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I sat, staring at the fireplace. My thoughts on Aemond, and nothing else. My chaotic betrothed had decided to go dragon riding during a storm. The castle had been locked down the second a squire saw the waves. Almost as high as the palace walls. I blinked rapidly, and turned my head at the sound of the door opening.

Helaena walked in, and sat across from me. She began her normal routine, pulling out her sewing piece, and staring to stitch a spider. It was always a different type, but still a spider. I watched as her pace slowly increased as the needle became more familiar to her.

The thunder put me on edge, and with every flashing of light I could see the monstrous waves crashing on the shore. And with that came the heavy rain, a downpour so abundant you could only see with lightning.

I turned my eyes back to the fire, and let myself zone out. When the door opened again, I did not turn.

"Y/n." I turned and shot up from my seat.

"Aemond, thank the gods." He was soaked in rainwater, and I felt the cold drops on my skin as I hugged him.

"I'm sorry I worried you, my love. I had no idea it would turn." He pulled away, and cupped my cheek. He touched his forehead to mine, and gently kissed me. I gave into his warm touch, and wrapped my arms around his neck. He pulled away as a crash of thunder sounded and the sky was lit up once more. I chuckled a little.

"To think I was out there."

"I hope Vhagar wasn't spooked."

"She's an old dragon. I doubt anything scares her anymore."


"We should go to our rooms." Without a word he took my hand, and started out of the study. He rubbed little circles on the back of my hand. We could still hear the violent pitt patts of the rain when we got to our rooms. He kissed my hand, and I leaned up to kiss him softly.

"I do hope my father decides to marry us sooner." I smiled at his statement, and voiced my agreement.

"Sleep well, my love." He opened my door, and kissed my hand again.

"Can you stay with me? Just until I fall asleep."

"Of course." He followed me into my room, and shut the door behind us.

"Could you turn around?" He huffed softly, and turned around. I quickly changed from my evening clothes to my night clothes.

"You can turn back now." I was already pulling the sheets from their neat place. I rested my head next to his shoulder, with my arm draped across his chest. He pulled me closer to him, nuzzling his face in the crook of my neck. It only took a few minutes for me to fall asleep to the sound of his heartbeat.

First chapter for Aemond, our Daemon obsessed fangirl.

Vote and comment if you want to read more of him or any other Targaryen.

Until new chapter.

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