Waiting- Rhaenyra

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 I sat on the steps of the sept, waiting for Rhaenyra. I watched the carriages and people of King's Landing walk past holding loafs of bread and small trinkets. It was an eventful day at the market today. Thanks to the King's Heir Tourney, so many people had come to King's Landing, and that meant more vendors.

I had been waiting for Rhaenyra for over an hour, but I didn't mind. I liked to observe the common folk. And see the everyday things that they lived through. They weren't that much different than us, only they had less money.

I was watching a woman walk with her small child, holding her hand as they explored the carts, when I heard footsteps behind me.

"My lady, it seems that she won't be coming." I pursed my lips, and groaned internally.

"Yes, it seems so." I stood and smiled. I climbed down the steps of the sept and got in the carriage. I pulled my furs over my legs, and closed my eyes. I could feel the carriage rocking as we made our way to the Palace.

I had known Rhae for over six years, and she almost never bailed on our plans. I hoped that she was okay, she most likely forgot we were meeting today, or perhaps the tourney was still going on for today.

I spent the rest of my night looking for Rhae in every corner of the palace. I had looked in her chambers, the kitchens, I even asked to be escorted to the dragon pit to see if Syrax was gone. When I got there, I went down in there. Syrax was there, and Rhaenyra was not. I petted Syrax before I left, who gave me a soft growl. I smiled to myself as I left the pit.

I had been looking for her for hours, I was beginning to worry that she was gone. That she had disappeared without a word to anyone, that she had left and she was never coming back. I sat down on the steps of the carriage, and put my chin on my knees. I stared at the entrance to the dragon pit, hoping I would see her walk out with Syrax in tow. The only times I rode Syrax were with Rhae. Since I wasn't a Targaryen, I couldn't fly a dragon.

I closed my eyes, and took a deep breath. I could hear Alicent's voice in my head, she was fine, nothing could happen to her. She's fine, nothing to worry about, you know how Rhaenyra is. I let out a long breath, and wrapped my arms around my legs. I was starting to get cold. I wanted to sit here for as long as possible, in case she came to Syrax for a ride.

I squished my face into my legs, trying to keep my cheeks warm. I heard a horse galloping in the distance, and hugged my legs tighter. It was a lone rider, from the sound of the hoofbeats, and they were riding fast.

It was probably a knight from the castle, sent to fetch me for dinner. I got up, clinging to my furs as I watched the rider get closer.

Their blonde hair was immediately identifiable, and I let out a sharp sigh of relief.

"I heard you were looking for me all afternoon." She hopped off her horse, and ran right into my arms.

"Where have you been?"

"The tourney today went a little longer than expected."

"Of course it did. Men do love to fight. I'm sure you'd rather watch them than be around me."

"I would never miss a chance to enjoy your company. And I don't enjoy these tourneys." I grinned at her as I pulled my furs even tighter.

"Are you cold?" I nodded and shivered.

"I've been waiting here for a long time." She pulled me closer to her as we both got in the carriage.

"Once the sun sets, it'll get even colder." I cuddled closer to her, and she wrapped us both in furs.

"I hope you can keep us both warm." She smiled to herself as she kissed my forehead. I could feel the warmth of her lips on my skin after she rested her head against mine.

When we arrived back at the palace, we both sat in each other's embrace. I ran my fingers through her blonde locks as she ran her fingers across mine. The warmth of her body had defrosted me so I had decided to unwrap the furs.

"If you ever make me wait in the cold for you again, I might freeze to death."

"I'll never make you wait again, and I like warming you up." I wrapped my fingers around hers, holding her hand.

"I think I'd like that." She smiled and inched closer to me.

"I think I'd like to do this, as well." I tilted my head, confused.

"Do what?" She leaned closer to me, and lightly pressed her lips to mine. She pulled away and gazed into my eyes.

"I'd like to do that again." I kissed her, my hand cupping her cheek. She wrapped her arms around my waist while I sat myself on her lap. I detached my lips from hers and giggled as she looked up at me. Both of our cheeks were flushed pink. I rested my forehead against hers. I played with her hair while her fingers traced circles on my hips.

"I need to do this again, perhaps inside. In your chambers, maybe." I smiled at her, knowing what she was hinting at. I stepped off of her lap, and helped her up.

"Princess." I kissed her hand, bowing slightly.

"My lady." Rhae smiled as I turned and walked away. I couldn't wait until I saw her again. 

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