"Guess your right?"

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"y/n, Pedri if you don't get down here soon you are both going to be late for school!" I hear my mom screaming downstairs, jeez this women won't give me time. 

I hear someone open the door, "y/n come on I don't feel like being late.". "Pedri I literally have to put on jewelry then i'll be done!". 

My little gold hoops will fit better with my outfit and i'm also wearing gold rings so it will match too. I grab my backpack and head downstairs. 

"Ok meu amor have a good day at school." she kisses my forehead, "Bye mom i'll see you later!". 

I head out the door and into Pedri's car, "Can we get Starbucks please!" usually he says yes but he's kind of crabby today. 

"Later.", I go on my phone to text João if he's at school already. 

"Are you texting your boyfriend?", I still don't know why Pedri thinks João and I are dating?

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"Are you texting your boyfriend?", I still don't know why Pedri thinks João and I are dating?

"He's not my boyfriend!", "Well you guys act like it.".

I give him the finger, he clearly got pissed because he smashed on the breaks making me almost fall out of my seat. 

"What the fuck Pedri!", "That's what you get for giving me the finger.". 

Bro thinks he's all that just because all the girls at school adore him. If they knew the Pedri I did he would pull no bitches. 

We finally make it to the school, "Can you drop me off before you park please!". 

"Fine." Pedri drives to the front and drops me off. I wave at him but he just drives off, ass. 

"y/n!" I look over to see João walking towards me. "Hey!!". 

He puts his arm around me as we walk into the school. "So did you do the chemistry homework?". 

Oh shit I forgot we had homework, and I usually give João the answers since he's too stupid to do it. 

"Umm I kinda forgot?", "y/n come on! You usually never forget.". 

"Hey it's not my fault you rely on me to do your homework, you should try it yourself sometime!". 

"Guess your right.", we walk to chemistry since it's our first and only class we have with each other besides lunch. 

"y/n, João did you guys do the homework?" our teacher says as we try to sneak past her. 

"Sorry miss. Ferreira we both didn't." I tell her as João sits down, he's always makes me get in trouble. 

"It's fine if you get it to me by tomorrow, i'll still give you guys full credit ok?". 

I nod and walk back to my seat, "João stop making me always explain things!" I whisper yell to him.

"Sorry!", I sit down and open up my notebook since we always take notes in this boring ass class. 

*45 minutes later* 

I was finishing up my notes and then the bell rang, I quickly put my stuff in my bag and follow João out of the classroom. 

"Ok so Maria is over there and since we have geometry together i'm gonna try to talk to her!". 

"Alright! I'll see you at lunch!". 

As I watch João talk to Maria I can't help but feel jealous? That's weird, i'm just gonna ignore it. 

I head to class, i'm glad I have Sab in this class. I can talk to that girl about literally anything. 

"Sab!", I walk to the back and sit at the art table with her. "Hey girlie, sorry you didn't see me this morning I woke up late!". 

"It's ok no hard feelings.", "Ok class today we are going to finish are oil paintings! So get to work, if you don't finish by the end of the period that's points taken off.". 

I hate our art teacher, she's so strict for what? Literally makes this class a living hell I swear. 

"y/n are you almost done with the painting?", "Yeah I just need to add a couple more things than i'm done!". 

"I'm surprised you got to class so early, did you not walk with João?". 

"I didn't he wanted to walk with Maria, the girl he is literally obsessed with it's embarrassing!". 

"Let him enjoy it, i've never seen him get so excited over a girl like this before.".

She's right. João has never got so excited over a girl like this before.   

I get back to finishing my painting, since i'm big on academic validation. 

My mom doesn't have a lot of money, and Pedri isn't going to college because of that reason. 

So that is why i'm trying my best to get straight A's to get full ride scholarships to literally any school. 

"y/n you looked stressed out what's up?" Shit I was probably showing that I was overthinking.

"I'm fine, I just want to get this done before the end of the period that's it.".

*Fast forward to lunch* 

Thank God it's lunch that means I have 2 more periods of school and I get to see João. I walk into the lunchroom trying to find João.

Thats weird he isn't in the usual spot? I hear laughing and I turn around to see João and Maria are sitting with each other. 

Oh dang looks like I have to sit by myself? I'm definitely gonna give him shit about this later. 

I sit down at the table and decide since I have no one to talk to i'm gonna study for my history test I have next week. 

"Hey nerd." I look up to see Pedri, "Dang your actually interacting with me during school?". 

"Shut up, anyways why aren't you sitting with João?". 

"He's over their sitting with Maria, the girl he really likes." I point to them and Pedri looks.   

"He likes her?", "Yup.". 

"He could do way better, with someone like you.". 

"Pedri like I keep telling you, João and I are just friends!". "Whatever you say, i'll see you later.".

He heads to his table with all the "cool kids" even though their all just assholes in my opinion. 




Hope you guys like the first chapter!! Guy's i'm in my Liv & Maddie era right now, i've been binging it all day. Also Let's hope João plays on the 29th 🙏🙏

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