"But as of right now were over."

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"y/n?" I must've spaced out, "yes?" I say trying to hold in my emotions.

"What are you going to do?", "I don't know. I never thought this would happen." I admit as a tear falls down my cheek.

"I'm gonna fake sick so I can go home." I say grabbing my things. "Ok please text me.".

I nod as I head to my teachers desk, "I don't feel so good may I go to the nurses office?".

"Sure. We have no homework tonight.", "Ok thanks.".

I head out into the hallway, I look around to see no one near me so I start to tear trying to not make any noise.

"y/n?", I turn around to see João heading towards me.


"What's wrong?" He puts his arms out to hug me but I immediately step back.

"y/n?..", "I saw the video João." I say as more tears slip out. "What video?".

"The one of you and Maria!", "Wait what..?".

I quickly grab my phone and show him. His eyes widen as the video starts to play.

"y/n you have to trust me, that video was from when we were dating I promise!".

"Stop lying João your literally wearing the same outfit right now!" tears start streaming down my face.

"y/n I have worn this outfit many times! You need to trust me that video is old!" Tears start forming in his eyes.

"I don't know what to believe.", "believe me!" he basically begs.

"I can't João, if you find some sort of proof then maybe. But as of right now we're over." I wipe the tears off my face and start heading to the nurses office.

João's pov:

No fucking way Maria sent her a video from awhile ago. There's got to be proof somewhere that it was old.

I cant loose her. She's everything I need.

I rush my hands through my hair. "João I cannot fucking believe you!" I turn around to Sab.

"Wait! I swear that video was from months ago! I just need to find proof.".

"How do I know your not lying?" She crosses her arms. "Because if you look in the video that's my old haircut! And look at my hair now!".

Sab grabs her phone, she watches the video and looks back at me a couple times before she finally realizes I was right.

"Holy shit. You weren't lying.", "See! I told you I would never fucking do that to y/n.".

"How are we gonna find proof then?", "Well I need to think of who else was at her house that night.".

We stand in silence for a couple seconds as I begin to think of who else could've possibly been there.

"Wait..I know who else was there!", "Who?" she asks.

"Pedri!", "Like her brother?". "Yes her brother!".

y/n's pov:

I don't even know what to do. I've been sitting in my car at the school parking lot for 20 minutes.

I can't believe João would do that to me? I thought he really loved me.

But I guess I would fooled by another guy. Yet again.

I finally turn on my car and start to head home. As soon as my music starts to play all my emotions come out.

I basically begin to sob, tears start streaming down my face along with my mascara running down my cheeks.

I loved him so much. He was my best friend I trusted him with literally everything.

And he just broke my heart like it was a piece of fucking paper.

I mean I told him about everything. He knew about my dad. My literally fucking dad that only certain people know.

Then he just goes on and ruins our relationship for fucking Maria? Even though he knew how much she hurt me.

"Why are men so fucking stupid!" more tears stream down my face.

I finally make it home. But I need to fix my face before I head inside just incase anyone is home.

I go through my backpack and pull out my bag of makeup wipes. I pull out a couple I begin to wipe it all over my face.

I check the mirror to see everything came off. I turn off my car and begin to head inside.

I put my bag on the table and immediately fall on the couch. I feel more tears slipping down my face.

I turn on my favorite show to try and calm me down. After a while I start to close my eyes as they begin to get heavy.

After what seemed like forever I finally drift off to sleep.


😱😱 how's João gonna prove his innocence?? Who wants to smack that bitch Maria with me 🤗, I'll try to post more this week!! Love you guys sorry for the shorter chapter-


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