"I was waiting for you to ask that."

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"I'm gonna miss you!" Sab says as she embraces me with a hug. "I know! I can't believe I won't see you all break.".

"Atleast you come back two days before, so then you can tell me everything that happened!".

"I will!" I give her one last hug before heading into Pedri's car.

"How was the sleepover?" he asks. I close the door, "It was good but I'm exhausted. We stayed up late.".

"You'll be fine, we don't leave till tomorrow anyway.".

"Shit I need to pack!" I cover my face with my hands as I groan.

Pedri laughs as he begins to drive home.

We make it home and I head upstairs to get my packing done. After what feels like forever I finish finally.

I lay down on my bed and decide to call João to see what he's doing.

The phone rings a couple times but he eventually answers.

"Hey!", "Hi beautiful what's up?".

"Nothing just wanted to see what you were up to.".

"Well I'm almost done packing...how about you?".

"I just finished but I'm exhausted. What time are you coming tomorrow since your driving with Pedri and I?".

"I don't know. Depends on what time I get up?".

"Why don't you just sleepover? My moms staying at your house since she's driving with your family so just come here?".

"I was waiting for you to ask that.".

Even though I can't see him. I can tell he's smirking right now, since how he responded.

"Ok I'm gonna go to sleep so just use the garage code to get in.".

"Got it." I hang up the phone and cover myself in blankets. After quite some time I finally doze off.

I wake up to someone wrapping there arms around me. "Hi João." I say still half asleep.

"Shh go back to sleep." he says while yawning. He must be exhausted too.

"Ok." I turn around to face him. I move in closer to him and eventually fall back asleep.

It's the next morning. I get up of bed leaving João alone since he's still asleep.

I do my regular morning routine but no makeup since we're just driving there. I put on a hoodie and sweatpants and head downstairs to help Pedri load the car.

"Morning!" I say. "Hey, what time do you want to get João?".

"Oh he slept over last night, he's upstairs.".

Pedri nods and starts bringing bags out to the car, I grab my suitcase along with João's and head to the car.

Pedri and I sort the back and head back inside to wait for João to wake up.

"Do you want me to make a snack bag for the car?" I ask Pedri. "Sure why not.".

"Ok." I grab a big beach bag and start putting random snacks and water bottles inside.

Pedri hands me a couple things to put in the bag as well, I put some of João's favorites in there also.

"Morning Lopez siblings." João says while rubbing his eyes.

"Finally your up." Pedri says to him. "Sorry I was exhausted." he responds back.

"You guys ready?" I ask.

They both nod. We all head out into the car, João and I sit in the back while Pedri sits in the front.

I get everything situated as Pedri begins to drive to the highway.

"Did anyone text mom or any of the parents to make sure there all good?" I ask.

"I called mom earlier. She said everything is good" Pedri exclaims.

I put in one of my AirPods, I hand the other one to João and let him pick out a song first.

I grab one of the blankets and lay down with my body between João's legs.

He begins to play with my hair while looking at his phone. I'm guessing he's watching the man utd vs man city game.

"João what's the score?" Pedri asks. "Still zero to zero, but I'm guessing man utd is gonna win.".

"ehh I don't know. I have my bets on man city.".

"Speaking of football..when does training start for Barca?" João asks while playing with my hair still.

"I think I start in June since I'm still in high school. I wanted to finish my senior year and they were ok with it.".

"That's nice!" João says smiling. "I know right?".

I listen as they continue to talk about football, and Pedri's upcoming carrier.

I'm nervous for him to be moving to a different country. But I know this is gonna be great for him.

I'm glad he's doing what he loves. Football has always been important to him since that's the last thing he ever talked with our Dad about.

"y/n are you ok?" João asks.

I must've been giving a weird face since I was thinking about my dad.

"Yup!" I smile softly. I lay my head on João's chest and begin to fall asleep as he keeps playing with my hair.


Guys..are you ready for the match between Messi and Ronaldo tomorrow?? I'm so ready and if you don't know wear to watch it I've heard you can on YouTube I'm pretty sure or maybe kooralive? Ok goodnight guys 😴

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